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FLUIDS/SOLIDS HANDLING Design Two-Phase Separators Within the Right Limits iguid/vapor separators are one of the most common types of process equipment. Many technical papers have been written on separator design and vast amounts of information are also available in corporate process engineering design guidelines. The basic equations used for sizing are widely known; however, subjectivity exists dur ing the selection of the parameters used in these equations. This article attempts to address the basies of two-phase separator design and provide step-by-step proce- dures and examples for two-phase vvaporiliquid separator design. AS Here is a proven, step-by-step method, ‘Two-phase separator types and select Two-phase separators may be oriented either vertically or horizontally. In some ceases, it may be necessary to compare both designs to determine which is more economic. Separators may be designed with or without mist eliminator pads and ‘may also have inlet diverters. Some sepa- ators may have proprietary impingement or setting internals. The vendor should be contacted to design these types of vessels Vertical vapor/liquid separators are pre- ferred for separating liquid from mixtures with a high vapor/iguid ratio while hori- zontal separators are preferred for sepa rating vapor from mixtures with a low vaporliquid ratio, WY. Svtok, W.D. Monnery University of Calgary Background Vapor/liquid separation is usually ‘accomplished in three stages. The first stage, primary separation, uses an inlet diverter so that the momentum of the lig uid entrained in the vapor causes the largest droplets to impinge on the diverter and then drop by gravity. The next stage, secondary separation, is gravity separa- tion of smaller droplets as the vapor flows ‘through the disengagement area, The final stage is mist elimination where the small est droplets are coalesced so that larger Groplets are formed which will separate by gravity For secondary separation, the allow= able velocity must be calculated so that ‘disengagement area can be subsequently determined. Performing a force balance ‘on the liquid droplet setting out provides the necessary relationship. When the net gravity force, given by Eq. 1, M, Be o 1. balances the drag forge, given by Eq. 2, (#18) Cy DU py pe the heavier liquid droplets will setle at a constant terminal velocity, U. Equating Eqs. 1 and 2 results in, /4¢D(e.-pv) © 3Cpy Hence, as long as U, < Uy the liquid droplets will settle out. Typically, the allowable vertical velocity, Uy, is set Gay CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS * OcTOBER 850 © 53 FLUIDS/SOLIDS HANDLING between 0.75U, and Uy Eg. 3 can be rearranged as Eg 4, a Sauders-Brown type equation (1) up eny//Bsed where — where K= 4] 2 © Practically, very small droplets can- not be separated by gravity alone, ‘These droplets are coalesced to form larger droplets which will settle by ‘gravity, Coalescing devices in separa tors force the gas to follow a tortuous path and the momentum of the Groplets causes them to collide with other droplets or the coalescing device, forming larger droplets. The coalesced droplet diameter is not ade- ee When calculating U, for a horizontal separator, a “no mist eliminator K value” should be used. ‘quately predictable so the K values for mist eliminators are typically empirical. This is where subjectivity first enters separator desigh. There are several literature sources of K val- ues such as the Gas Processor's Supplier Association (GPSA) “Engineering Data Book” (2), numer- ous technical publications and ven- dor’s recommendations. The GPSA (2) and York Mist Eliminator (3) val- Pee en cs 54 © OcTOSER 1862 * CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS ues have been curve fitted and are given in Table 1 If there is no mist eliminator, itis recommended 0 use one half of the above values (2) or the “theoretical” value K can be calculated from Eq. 5 if the liquid droplet size is known. The drag coefficient, C, has been curve fit- ted and is given in Table 1 or can be obtained from Figure 7-3 in the GPSA. “Engineering Data Book” (2). ‘Before proceeding, itis worthwhile to clarify some definitions and criteria. Holdup is defined as the time it takes to reduce the liquid level from normal (NLL) to empty (LLL) while maintain- ing & normal outlet flow without feed makeup. Surge time is defined as the time it takes forthe liquid level to rise from normal (NLL) to maximum (HLL) while maintaining a normal feed without any outlet flow. Some guidelines base “surge” on the volume between low (LLL) and high (HLL) liguid levels. Holdup time is based on the reserve required to maintain good control and safe operation of down- stream facilities. Surge time is usually based on requirements to accumulate liquid as a result of upstream or down- stream variations or upsets, for exam ple, slugs, In the absence of specific requirements, surge time may be taken as one half of holdup time. Vertical separators. For vertical separators, the vapor disengagement areas the entire cross-sectional area of the vessel so that vapor disengagement diameter can be calculated from Eq, 6: mee © Technically, ths is the mist eliminator diameter and the inside diameter of the ‘vessel must be slightly larger so that the mist eliminator can be installed inside the vessel. Typically, the caleu- lated value is taken up to the next six in, This value is taken as the required diameter of the vessel, D, and the cor- responding cross-sectional area, A, is calculated using this diameter. ‘The next step in sizing a vertical separator is to determine the height. For a two-phase vertical separator, the total height can be broken into sec: tions, as shown in Figure 1. The sepa- rator height is then calculated by adding the heights of these sections, as per Eq. 7 Hy=Hy,+HytHe+Hyy +H, If a mist eliminator pad is used, additional height is added, as shown in Figure I. The calculations of diameter and height are detailed in the “Design Procedures” section, of this article Horizontal separators. For hori- zontal two-phase separators, the cross-section is occupied by both vapor and liquid, as shown in Figure 2. When sizing horizontal two-phase separators, usually a diameter is, assumed, LLL is selected or calculat- ed, NEL is set by liquid holdup, and HLL is set by liquid surge. The cross- sectional area between HLL and the top of the vessel is used for vapor disengagement, The length of the vessel is then calculated to accom- modate holdup and surge orto facli- tate vapor liquid separation. Hence, this approach to sizing horizontal separators, or variations of it, are iterative calculations. ‘The following will develop the basic equation used for calculating the size of a horizontal separator. For a horizontal separator cross section, a “volume balance” is writen, VtViEL AAA) 8) Holdup and surge volumes are caleu- lated from holdup and surge times which are selected according to guide- lines. The low liquid level area is a function ofthe low liquid level height, obtained from guidelines, and the ves- sel inside diameter. The minimum vapor disengagement area , Ay,, is typically specified as one to two ft or 20% of the vessel inside diameter, whichever is greater. The sizing ‘method in the “Design Procedures section ofthis article assumes this for Ayp and only increases itif the length win Vapor Whos | MistBlimentor Gilt Mit mint ieuid ulet Nowe W Figure I. Verical two-phase separator. required for vapor-liquid separation is ‘much greater than the length required for holdup and surge, for a given diameter. Equation 8 is then a func- tion of the inside diameter, D, and length, L. For horizontal separators, the liq- uid droplet to be separated from the gas has a horizontal drag force which {snot directly opposite to gravity as in the vertical case. Without detailed treatment of two-dimensional particle ‘motion, most literature sources recog- nize that the allowable horizontal velocity can be higher than the termi nal velocity (2, 5, 7). This can be cee RCTS Ifa mist eliminator pad is used, additional height is added. shown simply by equating the “resi ence times ofthe liquid droplet to be sted: Thats the time it takes fo travel the horizontal length between inlet and outet must be greater than the time it takes to sete the vertical distance to the liquid surface. ty elt © “Thiscan be rearranged in terms ofthe allowable horizontal velocity, 0) ‘The length, L, divided by the height of the vapor disengagement area, H, would always be greater than unity. ‘The allowable horizontal velocity is very subjective topic with several empirical approaches to modify the vertical “A” value available in the lit- ‘erature (2, 5, 7, 8) For horizontal sep- arator design, the subsequent design procedures use a “droplet settling approach” similar to the API proce- dure (6) which does not require ‘empirical modification of the “K" val- ue for vertical settlers, It should be noted that when calculating U;, for a horizontal separator, a “no mist elimi- nator K value” should be used. Design Procedures The following design procedures and heuristics are a result of a review of literature sources and accepted. industrial design guidelines. The hori- zontal design procedure incorporates ‘optimizing the diameter and length by ‘minimizing the weight of the shell and heads, To add a degree of conser- vatism to the design, the volume available in the heads is ignored. Vertical design procedure (See Figure D) 1. Calculate the vertical terminal ‘vapor velocity (ences) em a0 v Py Set U, = 0.75U, for a conservative design. Caleulate the K value from Table 1 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS * OCTOBER 1993 + 55 FLUIDS/SOLIDS HANDLING 4 ‘Ss vesel mail sep vale, psi ZT, =holdp tine, min Ty Shei thickness, in J Aspe hckoees. in Uy allowable orizontal velocity, ts Us terminal velocity, ls UU, Emixtreyelocity, fs UL = vapor etociy, 10s Vy holdup volume, #° Viz =LLL volume, 10 Vo urge volume, Vj tual volume (briana ese), «? W “evesiel waht, Groek Letters 2 = mine fgud traction ym vapor vscosy,

> Ly then increase Hand repeat from the step 9.IEL> Lyyys the design is acceptable for vapor/liquid separation. If L >> Lyyyo (Liquid holdup is controlling), L can only be decreased and Lyyy increased if H, is decreased. H, may only be decreased if it is greater than the minimum specified in the step 9. SCE ue cer (isc et} Pees eat Terr (Calculations would have to be repeated from the step 9 with reduced H,). Calculate L/D. If L/D > 6.0 then increase D and repeat calculations from the step 6. If L/D < 1.5, then decrease D and repeat calculations from the step 6. 15, Calculate the thickness of the shell and heads according to Table 7. 16, Calculate the surface area of the shell and heads according to Table 7. 17. Caleulate the approximate ves sel weight according to Table 7. 18. Increase and decrease the diameter by 6 in, increments and repeat the calculations until 2/D has ranged from 1.5 0 6.0. 19. With the optimum vessel size (minimum weight), calculate normal and high liquid levels: +f 29) With A,,,/A, obtain H,,, ftom Table 6 4, Iya =D-H, (0) Example: Size a horizontal sepa- rator with a mist eliminator pad to Wi Equation A, 46,100 16/h ~ [69 min) tt (com sesoys Equation B. 19.79 fels = 01/7 38, fils Equation C p= (oargaees25) =5.01 fils, use 5.0ft 7(0.6)(5.0) Equation D | Wath 197.90+98.95 994 av 2 FA, Aag = 19.63 = 73d ~ 2.16" 29-909 29-5 ft Equation 2.0 ft 9 = 920 fis 79908 sm PquationF ANN, Cc e holdup Volume . ; yy = (10 min.) (19.19 {04min} Size a horizontal ic, ne an , 7 ‘alculate the surge volume: separator with a mist y,~(s min) (19.79 R/min)=98 95 f° “6, Assume L/D = 5.0. Initially set eliminator pad. the diameter (Eq. D) nid (5.0 ft) = 19.63 i separate the following mixture. The "7, Calculate low liquid height: operating pressure is 975 psig and the H,, =(0.5)(5.0)+7 =9.5in., use 10 in holdup and surge are tobe 10 minand 8. Calculate the low liquid level, ‘5 min respectively. Use a design tem- area! perature of 650°F, See Table 8 H,,/D = 0.167 1. Calculate the vapor volumetric Using Table 6, A,,/AT= 0.110 flow rate (Eq. A). Ag = (0-110) (19.63 fe 2. Calculate the liquid volumetric flow rate (Eg. B) 3. Calculate the vertical terminal velocity (Eq. C): K=0.13 (GPSA val- "10, Calculate the length to accom: ue divided by two since “no mist modate holdup/surge (Eg. E). eliminator" value is used) 11. Calculate the liquid dropout U,=0.75U, =0.29 fs time (Eq. F) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS. « OCTOBER 183 © 59 FLUIDS/SOLIDS HANDLING 12, Calculate the actual vapor velocity (Ea. G). 13, Calculate Lyjy = (137 £5)(6.90 8) = 9.45 ft 14, L >> Lygy but H, is minimum and cannot be feduced so L. cannot be reduced. 1D=29.515.0=59 1S. Calculate the thickness of the shell and heads according to Table 7: + Table 9, use 2:1 elliptical heads + Assume E= 0.85 + Assume SA 516 70 Carbon Steel, Design Temp. = 650°F + From (9), S = 17,500 psi + Assume corrosion allowance = Yen +P =975x1, Eq.) use t,= 24% in, (See Ea. I) tse f, = 2-M in,, and use t= 2% in. 16, Calculate the surface area of the shell and heads according to Table 7: Ag= W(5.0 f) (29.5 M0) = 463.38 fe and Ay = (1.09) (5.0 98 = 27.25 ft 17. Catculate the approximate vessel weight (Eq. J): = 50,224 Ib. 18, Try D= 5.5 fvand repeat caleula- tions until minimum weight of shell and heads is obtained cr 1,072 psig (See Fore trea copy ofthis article, sendin the Reader Inquiry card inthis issue with the No, 156 circled, 60 + OCTOBER 1993 * CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS = 10.09 FES _ 1.37 fils Equation G. (4.072460) Le 17. S00K0:85)- (1.290072) * 16 = 29224" ME quation H. . 1072160) 1 a a4 in = YC17500)(0.85)- (0.2) 1073} * 16 = >240 Equation I 2.375 i We ( Alas fF +(2)027.28)_f) (12 inf) Equation J.

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