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Narrative Essay Outline

1. Title
<Then, Where We Should Go?>

2. Topic Sentence
The day before Chuseok, We had very hard and tired adventure.

3. Body
3-1. Support : When finding a way, I tend to depend on my intuition and my
brother does that searching a way with his smartphone. We were very different in
this aspect, so it began to go wrong when we came out from the house of my
mothers parents at 3 p.m.
3-1-1. Detail : First I tried to remember the landscapes my parents told me when
we drove in the car, though, I cant remember where the exact direction was. I chose
the way that seems as we passed with the car, then we began to walk.
3-1-2. Detail : My brother wondered whether we were going to the right direction,
and he searched the way with his smartphone. We realized we were going to the
wrong direction, so we went back right and tried to find the way again.

3-2. Support : Yet, we couldnt find where is the subway station. My brother
searched the way again. The most ridiculous thing was that we went totally opposite
direction even we checked the way.
3-2-1. Detail : My brother suggested that we should get a bus, because it would
take almost 30 minutes to 1 hour to walk back to the nearest subway station. I
couldnt believe my brothers opinion so I turned on my smartphone and tried to find
where we were, and it was clear that my brother was right.
3-2-2. Detail : We waited and got a bus, and finally we successfully arrived at the
subway station. When we arrived it was 4:30 p.m. We spent almost 1 and half hour
just to find the one subway station!
3-3-3. Detail (or it can be support 4 and details, it is because detail 1~3 is too
short.): When we arrived at the Dong-jack station in line No.4, there was very long

stairs. It seems almost three times higher than me, and the escalator was beside it. I
expected that maybe we got escalator because we were so tired at that time, but my
brother suddenly ran to the stairs and begun to go up it very fast! I was desperate
and I followed my brother. When I arrived at the top of the stairs I was completely

3-3. Support : When we arrived at arcade there was too many people, so we
could not play games as much as we like. That was not all. We had another trouble
when we tried to come back to the home.
3-3-1. Detail : There were two gates on both sides, goes to Noryang-jin and Heuksuk, and on the left side the subway just arrived when we found the platform. My
brother dashed into the door immediately but I called him to come back here
because I thought we should go to Heuk-suk, not Noryang-jin.
3-3-2. Detail : After the subway gone, we realized belatedly that the subway we let
to leave was an express, and even it stops where we should get off. I and my brother
were very embarrassed about that, but we decided to get express anyway. It was
because the ordinary subway was too slow, and we also thought it will be not takes
so much time waiting the next express.
3-3-3. Detail : The subway station was very near from the house! We were
extremely happy that we easily arrived at home.
4. Conclusion
Finally we could come back from the backbreaking journey. Even it was very
ridiculous event, with that experience I learned that in Seoul there is an express
subway station, and when I trying to find the way it will be better with the exact
information, not only my intuition.

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