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Ren Doo

HESP 120
Dr. Wyant
Standard 1 Artifact Reflection
Standard 1: Scientific and Theoretical Knowledge
I chose my Health Station 1 lesson plan as the artifact for Standard 1. This lesson plan
focused on health and especially cardiovascular health and endurance. I had the students run
around a group of cones for about 20 second increments. After they ran I had them stop and I
chose a student to lead a dance portion of the lesson in which all the students and myself
performed that dance move for about 10 seconds before beginning to run again. I was attempting
to teach the importance of cardiovascular health and wellness while still allowing the students to
control a portion of the lesson. This way the students would still be engaged and would probably
not notice all the running they were doing. If the students can correlate dance with a healthy
lifestyle, then I feel they would be more likely to live a physically educated life.

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