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Building a LAMP Server

by Bruce Timberlake
This document will walk you through the installation of what is known as a "LAMP"
system: Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. Depending on who you talk to, the P also
stands for Perl or Python, but in general, it is assumed to be PHP. I run CentOS on my
servers; these directions were written for CentOS/Red Hat/Fedora. I have had requests for
SuSE (another RPM-based distribution) as well as Debian-based systems, so I will work on
variants of these directions for those distributions in the future (donations might help speed
that process up!). The main difference between the distributions is in the paths to the startup
scripts. Red Hat systems used /etc/rc.d/init.d and SuSE uses /etc/init.d.
If you need an SSL-enabled server, I have a LAMP with SSL howto as well.
I designed this document so you can just copy/paste each line or block of commands into
your shell session and it will "just work" for you. This avoids tedious typing, and the
inevitable typos or missed steps that result. These commands work properly via
copy/paste. If you are having problems and you are not using copy/paste, please recheck your typing before sending me an email saying "It doesn't work."
Text in a "command" box like
this one is a literal Linux
commandline, and should be
typed or pasted exactly as

One note: many many people have followed these directions as written, and have not had
any problems.
If you are having a problem, chances are it's something you are doing (or not doing),
something different
about your computer, etc.
It is probably NOT this procedure. :)

Initial Steps
LAMP SERVER! You should
only be doing a source-based

installation if you need to

alter settings in one or more
components of the LAMP
stack (e.g., you need a
feature in PHP that isn't in
the default RPM). If you are
just getting started with
LAMP, use the binaries
provided by your distribution
- it is much simpler, and a lot
easier to upgrade later.
Most out-of-the-box Red Hat Linux installations will have one or more of the LAMP
components installed via RPM files. I personally believe in installing things like this from
source, so I get the most control over what's compiled in, what's left out, etc. But source
code installs can wreak havoc if overlaid on top of RPM installs, as the two most likely
won't share the same directories, etc.
If you have not yet installed your Linux OS, or just for future reference, do not choose to
install Apache, PHP, or MySQL during the system installation. Then you can immediately
proceed with the source-based install listed here.
Note: to install applications from source code, you will need a C++ compiler (gcc++)
installed. This is generally taken care of, but I've had enough queries about it that I've
added this note to avoid getting more! You can use your distribution's install CDs to get the
proper version of the compiler. Or, if you are using an RPM based distro, you can use a site
like to locate the correct RPM version for your system. (You will
obviously not be able to use/rebuild a source RPM to get the compiler installed, as you
need the compiler to build the final binary RPM!) On a Fedora system, you can do this
su - root
yum install gcc gcc-c++

Log in as root
Because we will be installing software to directories that "regular" users don't have write
access to, and also possibly uninstalling RPM versions of some applications, we'll log in
as root. The only steps that need root access are the actual installation steps, but by doing
the configure and make steps as root, the source code will also be inaccessible to
"regular" users.
If you do not have direct access (via keyboard) to the server, PLEASE use Secure Shell
(SSH) to access the server and not telnet!! Whenever you use telnet (or plain FTP for
that matter), you are transmitting your username, password, and all session information in
"plain text". This means that anyone who can access a machine someplace between your

PC and your server can snoop your session and get your info. Use encryption wherever
su - root

Remove RPM Versions of the Applications

Before we start with our source code install, we need to remove all the existing RPM files
for these products. To find out what RPMs are already installed, use the RPM query
rpm -qa

in conjunction with grep to filter your results:







The 'httpd' search is in case

you have Apache2 installed via

To remove the RPMs generated by these commands, do

rpm -e filename

for each RPM you found in the query. If you have any content in your MySQL database
already, the RPM removal step should not delete the database files. When you reinstall
MySQL, you should be able to move all those files to your new MySQL data directory and
have access to them all again.

Get the Source Code for all Applications

We want to put all our source code someplace central, so it's not getting mixed up in
someone's home directory, etc.
cd /usr/local/src

One way application source code is distributed is in what are known as "tarballs."
The tar command is usually associated with making tape backups - tar stands
for Tape ARchive. It's also a handy way to pack up multiple files for easy distribution. Use
the man tar command to learn more about how to use this very flexible tool.
At the time of updating this, the current versions of all the components we'll use are:

MySQL - 4.1.22
Apache - 1.3.37
PHP - 4.4.6

Please note: these are the only versions of these that I have set up myself, and verified these
steps against. If you use another version of any component, especially a newer version, this
HOWTO may not be accurate, and I won't be able to provide free support under those
circumstances. Paid support and assistance is always available however.

There may be an Apache mirror closer to you - check their mirror page for other sources.
Then insert the URL you get in place of the above for the wget command.
For MySQL, go to and choose an appropriate mirror to get the
newest MySQL version (v4.1.22).

Unpack the Source Code

tar zxf php-4.4.6.tar.gz
tar zxf apache_1.3.37.tar.gz
tar zxf mysql-4.1.22.tar.gz

This should leave you with the following directories:


Build and Install MySQL

First, we create the group and user that "owns" MySQL. For security purposes, we don't
want MySQL running as root on the system. To be able to easily identify MySQL
processes in top or a ps list, we'll make a user and group named mysql:
groupadd mysql
useradd -g mysql -c "MySQL
Server" mysql

If you get any messages about the group or user already existing, that's fine. The goal is just
to make sure we have them on the system.

What the useradd command is doing is creating a user mysql in the group mysql with the
"name" of MySQL Server. This way when it's showed in various user and process watching
apps, you'll be able to tell what it is right away.
Now we'll change to the "working" directory where the source code is, change the file
'ownership' for the source tree (this prevents build issues in reported in some cases where
the packager's username was included on the source and you aren't using the exact same
name to compile with!) and start building.
The configure command has many options you can specify. I have listed some fairly
common ones; if you'd like to see others, do:
./configure --help | less

to see them all. Read the documentation on the MySQL website for a more detailed
explanation of each option.
cd /usr/local/src/mysql-4.1.22
chown -R root.root *
make clean
./configure \
--prefix=/usr/local/mysql \
data \
--disable-maintainer-mode \
--with-mysqld-user=mysql \
--with-unix-socketpath=/tmp/mysql.sock \
--without-comment \
--without-debug \
18-Jul-2005: If you are
installing MySQL 4.0.x on
Fedora Core 4, there is a
problem with LinuxThreads that
prevents MySQL from compiling
properly. Installing on Fedora
Core 3 works fine though.
Thanks to Kevin Spencer for
bringing this to my attention.
There is a workaround listed
p?id=9497. Thanks to Collin
Campbell for that link. Another
solution can be found
p?id=2173. Thanks to Kaloyan
Raev for that one.

Now comes the long part, where the source code is actually compiled and then installed.
Plan to get some coffee or take a break while this step runs. It could be 10-15 minutes or
more, depending on your system's free memory, load average, etc.
make && make install

Configure MySQL
MySQL is "installed" but we have a few more steps until it's actually "done" and ready to
start. First run the script which actually sets up MySQL's internal database (named, oddly
enough, mysql).

Then we want to set the proper ownership for the MySQL directories and data files, so that
only MySQL (and root) can do anything with them.
chown -R root:mysql
chown -R mysql:mysql

Copy the default configuration file for the expected size of the database (small, medium,
large, huge)
cp support-files/mymedium.cnf /etc/my.cnf
chown root:sys /etc/my.cnf
chmod 644 /etc/my.cnf
If you get an error message
about the data directory not
existing, etc., something went
wrong in
the mysql_install_db step
above. Go back and review that;
make sure you didn't get some
sort of error message when you
ran it, etc.

Now we have to tell the system where to find some of the dynamic libraries that MySQL
will need to run. We use dynamic libraries instead of static to keep the memory usage of the
MySQL program itself to a minimum.
"/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql" >>

Now create a startup script, which enables MySQL auto-start each time your server is
cp ./support-files/mysql.server
chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql
/sbin/chkconfig --level 3 mysql

Then set up symlinks for all the MySQL binaries, so they can be run from anyplace without
having to include/specify long paths, etc.
cd /usr/local/mysql/bin
for file in *; do ln -s
/usr/bin/$file; done

MySQL Security Issues

First, we will assume that only applications on the same server will be allowed to access the
database (i.e., not a program running on a physically separate server). So we'll tell MySQL
not to even listen on port 3306 for TCP connections like it does by default.
Edit /etc/my.cnf and uncomment the

line (delete the leading #).

For more security info, check out this MySQL security tutorial.

Start MySQL
First, test the linked copy of the startup script in the normal server runlevel start directory,
to make sure the symlink was properly set up:
cd ~
/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S90mysql start

If you ever want to manually start or stop the MySQL server, use these commands:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop

Let's "test" the install to see what version of MySQL we're running now:
mysqladmin version

It should answer back with the version we've just installed...

Now we'll set a password for the MySQL root user (note that the MySQL root user
is not the same as the system root user, and definitely should not have the same password
as the system root user!).
mysqladmin -u root
password new-password
(obviously, insert your own
password in the above command
instead of the "new-password"

You're done! MySQL is now installed and running on your server. It is highly
recommended that you read about MySQL security and lock down your server as much as
possible. The MySQL site has info at

Test MySQL
To run a quick test, use the command line program mysql:
mysql -u root -p

and enter your new root user password when prompted. You will then see the MySQL

First, while we're in here, we'll take care of another security issue and delete the sample
database test and all default accounts except for the MySQL root user. Enter each of these
lines at the mysql> prompt:
drop database test;
use mysql;
delete from db;
delete from user where not
(host="localhost" and
flush privileges;

As another security measure, I like to change the MySQL administrator account name
from root to something harder to guess. This will make it that much harder for someone
who gains shell access to your server to take control of MySQL.


update user set user="sqladmin"
where user="root";
flush privileges;

Now, on with the "standard" testing... First, create a new database:

create database foo;

You should see the result:

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04

Delete the database:

drop database foo;

You should see the result:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06

To exit from mysql enter \q:


Build and Install Apache (with DSO support)

The advantage to building Apache with support for dynamically loaded modules is that in
the future, you can add functionality to your webserver by just compiling and installing
modules, and restarting the webserver. If the features were compiled into Apache, you
would need to rebuild Apache from scratch every time you wanted to add or update a
module (like PHP). Your Apache binary is also smaller, which means more efficient
memory usage.
The downside to dynamic modules is a slight performance hit compared to having the
modules compiled in.
cd /usr/local/src/apache_1.3.37
make clean

./configure \
--prefix=/usr/local/apache \
--enable-shared=max \
--enable-module=rewrite \
make && make install

Build and Install PHP

This section has only been tested with PHP v4.x. If you are trying to build PHP 5.x, I do not
have experience with this yet, and do not provide free support for you to get it working.
Please note that there are many options which can be selected when compiling PHP. Some
will have library dependencies, meaning certain software may need to be already installed
on your server before you start building PHP. You can use the command
./configure --help | less

once you change into the PHP source directory. This will show you a list of all possible
configuration switches. For more information on what these switches are, please check
the PHP website documentation.
cd /usr/local/src/php-4.4.6
./configure \
--disable-debug \
--enable-ftp \
--enable-inline-optimization \
--enable-magic-quotes \
--enable-mbstring \
--enable-mm=shared \
--enable-safe-mode \
--enable-track-vars \
--enable-trans-sid \
--enable-wddx=shared \
--enable-xml \
--with-dom \
--with-gd \
--with-gettext \
--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql \
--with-regex=system \
--with-xml \
make && make install
cp php.ini-dist

I like to keep my config files all together in /etc. I set up a symbolic link like this:

ln -s /usr/local/lib/php.ini

Then I can just open /etc/php.ini in my editor to make changes.

Recommended reading on securing your PHP installation is this
article at

Edit the Apache Configuration File (httpd.conf)

I like to keep all my configuration files together in /etc, so I set up a symbolic link from
the actual location to /etc:
ln -s
nf /etc/httpd.conf

Now open /etc/httpd.conf in your favorite text editor, and set all the basic Apache
options in accordance with the official Apache instructions (beyond the scope of this
Also recommended is the article on securing Apache.
To ensure your PHP files are properly interpreted, and not just downloaded as text files,
remove the # at the beginning of the lines which read:
#AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
#AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
If the AddType lines above don't exist, manually enter them (without the leading # of
course) after the line
AddType application/x-tar .tgz

or anyplace within the <IfModule mod_mime.c> section of httpd.conf.

If you wish to use other/additional extensions/filetypes for your PHP scripts instead of
just .php, add them to the AddType directive:
AddType application/x-httpd-php
.php .foo
AddType application/x-httpdphp-source .phps .phtmls

An example: if you wanted every single HTML page to be parsed and processed like a PHP
script, just add .htm and .html:

AddType application/x-httpd-php
.php .htm .html

There will be a bit of a performance loss if every single HTML page is being checked for
PHP code even if it doesn't contain any. But if you want to use PHP but be "stealthy" about
it, you can use this trick.
Add index.php to the list of valid Directory Index files so that your "default page" in a
directory can be named index.php.
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex index.php in
dex.htm index.html

You can add anything else you want here too. If you want foobar.baz to be a valid
directory index page, just add the .baz filetype to the AddType line, and add foobar.baz to
the DirectoryIndex line.

Start Apache
We want to set Apache up with a normal start/stop script in /etc/rc.d/init.d so it can be
auto-started and controlled like other system daemons. Set up a symbolic link for
the apachectl utility (installed automatically as part of Apache):
ln -s

Then set up auto-start for runlevel 3 (where the server will go by default):
ln -s

Then start the daemon:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/apache start

You can check that it's running properly by doing:

ps -ef

and look for the httpd processes.

A note from the author

I hope you find this guide, HOWTO, tutorial -- call it what you will -- useful. I also hope it
saves you some time. If you do find it useful, I would be grateful if you could make a
donation using the button below (and if it wasn't useful, mail me and tell me why not).
I receive a great deal of mail as a result of this HOWTO, much of it asking me to solve
various LAMP-related problems. Please bear in mind that the money that puts food on my
family's table comes from the consultancy work that I do. If you would like help with any
of the points discussed in this article, mail me and tell me what that help is worth to you.
Quote any amount you like, and if I'm able to help you out, you can make a PayPal
donation by way of thanks. Fair enough?

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