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Tips to get rid of stress


What students say about...




Messenger Pigeon


DECEMBER 09th, 2016


(News Section) PAG2
Since we are in October, the
Month, the UTN get involved
and organized a gorgeous
campaign in Sede Central
yesterday. Continue on PAG2

Massages for everyone!!

Students of the Technical Massotherapy Program carried out their

practice of the Final Graduation Project. Continue on PAG2

Expert in Occupational English of The University of

California visited UTN
On October 11th, the Institutional Language Program for Work (PIT) and
the English major as a Foreign Language (ILE) program at Sede Central,
had the honor of having the visit of Barbara Franceschini, an expert in
Occupational English (English for Occupational Purposes, EOP) at the
University of California (UCLA). Continue on PAG2

News Section
By Kenia Dominguez

December 9th, 2016

Congratulations Guys!
Massages for everyone...
By Viviana Salas
A total of 16 students of the Technical Superior in Massotherapy
Program performed the practice of public attention during the

Since we are in October, the Breast Cancer

months of January and February, all this as part of its final

Awareness Month, the UTN get involved

graduation project.

and organized a gorgeous campaign in

People who were benefited from the activity expressed having

Sede Central yesterday.

experienced improvements in their ailments. People rated students

The activity started with a small walked,

as massagists with a high professional ethic, and


compare the different techniques offered by students.




they could

administrative staff had to wear nice pink

The Licda. Jennifer Gomez professor of the program, informed that

t-shirts with positive messages.

the students also had to make a report where they had to classify the

In addition, a huge pink ribbon was placed

patients according to ailments.

on the main entrance of UTN.

Among those who participated are: UTN workers, relatives of the

However, the most important part of the

students, UTN students, as well as people from the community;

celebration was an informative talk run by

additionally, the most recurrent treated ailments were: work stress,

doctors from San Rafael Hospital. They

sciatica, arterial hypertension and herniated disk; for a total of 720

talked about causes, prevention, diagnosis,

people attended.

treatment and cure of the disease.

There is no doubt that these youngsters will leave the name of the

Expert in Occupational English of The

University of California visited UTN

UTN very high whenever they improve the health of someone.

Many successes, boys!

By Clara Avila
On October 11th, the Institutional Language Program for Work (PIT) and the English major as a Foreign
Language (ILE) program at Sede Central, had the honor of having the visit of Barbara Franceschini, an expert in
Occupational English (English for Occupational Purposes, EOP) at the University of California (UCLA).
Mrs. Franceschini visited a PIT English class where she had the opportunity to share with the students and the
Professor Yeinner Arias Picado. This was to know more about the educational work of the PIT, for example: the
methodology and learning strategies.
That same day in the afternoon, the PIT teachers, ILE students and Mrs. Franceschini exchanged ideas about the
English courses taught by the UTN in these programs, as well as to project improvements in the near future,
based on a diagnosis of needs at the socio-productive level and supported by experts in the area of English for
The ILE students made proposals for improvement and showed great interest in learning and improving their

level of English since they are aware that being bilingual is a competitive advantage in the labor market.
What important news for ILE students!

Opinion Section

December 9th, 2016

The Utn Voice

What UTN says
U.S Presidential Election 2016
Natalia Rodriguez
ILE student

Eduardo Castro Miranda

UTN Professor
"US elections caught the eye from millions of people all around the
world, regardless to the fact the economy of some countries could be
affected as well as Trumps public controversial proposals on
immigration and his overwhelmed campaign style.
It was a pretty challenging opportunity for both candidates since they
had to find out how to launch a new solid economy in order to be able
to create programs which guarantee to the US population the back of the
strong economical power they used to have in the past. Nevertheless,
voters were afraid and deprived of a real and formal presidential
elections. It was a kind of circus and it was considered entertainment
not politics. We could never expect from a potential country like USA
that faded political campaign.
I firmly believe it is going to affect our country due to the fact Trump
has an aggressive campaign again all Latin people and minorities. As a
consequence, we are going to face a lot of regulations for the
exportation of products; moreover, for those who are interested in
getting the visa or just transiting there when we fly to other countries.
The free trade agreement could be affected because he blames if for job
losses; so, we may no longer have trades.
Dark shadows seem to appear; however, we must give him the
opportunity to show us that things could be different."

"I think people were tired of

the same party, so they
decided to risk it all by voting
for Trump. Also, he promised many
things to everyone, and
people bought that since he's
a great business man.
Let's just hope for the best
because that decision can
affect us tremendously.
A heavy load is in his shoulders now".

Andres Bejarano
UTN Teacher
"Actually it was very disappointing
to see that neither of the candidates
was fit to be the president of the USA.
Both of them had more flaws than
virtues and I was sad to find out that
just because Americans were angry
with the system and the current
government, they decided to vote for
the worst of the two. All the world is
watching carefully to see what is
going to happen with them for the next
four years."

Health Section

December 9th, 2016


How many of you have been stressed out? Especially with midterms, oral presentations, final
projects, etc. Well, it is completely normal feel stress when students are under pressure, but
sometimes it can be difficult to handle it.
Here you can find some pieces of advice to live relaxed.

Play with puppies or pets.

Yes, play with your pet. Studies have showed that playing with pets can increase the level of
a hormone called Oxytocin, and decrease levels of stress hormone called Cortisol, so go
ahead! Your dog, cat, hamster or fish is waiting for you.
Work out.
The first excuse is the lack of time. Going out for a short walk, doing some yoga with a
relaxing music may help you refresh your body and mind.
Sleep well.
Sleep well, around 7 or 8 hours and drink enough water. Getting a good nights sleep will
help you to reduce the stress and the blood pressure.
Stop procrastination.
There is a procrastination culture, especially in Costa Rica. If you are the student, who tend
to let homework, test or project until last minute, now it is time to change that habit into a
new study routine. Its better for your health and your grades.

Entertainment Section
Its time to get fun!


December 9th, 2016

Challenge your knowledge

and let's see how many
idioms you remember.


To owe money.
Not yet free from difficulties or problems.
To flatter someone.
When someone says a secret.
A rude way of telling someone to leave.
Be optimistic, even difficult times will lead to
better days.
To go on a date and each person pays half of the
The results of something
Dont do something too fast or you may not do it
To give up.

1. To try to do something that is too big or

difficult to do.
2. When something happens unexpectedly.
3. Experience something very unpleasant for a
long time.
4. The largest part of something.
5. Something that makes you upset, angry, or
embarrassed when somebody mention it.
6. An innocent lie to protect another persons
7. Dislike or hate one another.
8. When a couple is perfect.
9. Good-luck
10. To help someone to do something.

Ads Section

December 9th, 2016

If you are looking for rooms or
deparments for rent Here you have!

A room for renting

1 Bathroom
1 person

3 or 4 people
Near UTN

Cleaning service
Internet and
cable TV
Food option
To get more information
call to this number

It includes water,
electricity and
cable service.
1 person
110.000 colones


Since tomorrow at cafeteria.

Just show your student card.

Read More!

December 9th, 2016

Did you know that UTN already has its own clinic?
Finally and after several economic efforts, the new clinic for all students of Sede Central was inaugurated
yesterday. That dream was possible thank to the generous contribution of Mutual Alajuela, who sponsored
building construction.
Our clinic has permits of Ministerio de Salud and the City hall of Alajuela. This helps to give the best
service to students and take care of their health. Doctors are prepared to attend every sort of emergency, or
just give an aspirin if you have headache.
Well, now that you already know about the clinic, if you feel bad, do not hesitate and come immediately.
The Clinic is located in module 3 next to the bathrooms, and the schedule is from 7 at morning to 10 at

First job interview? No problem!

Many students are starting to get encouraged to do job interviews. Here are some tips to make it a success!
Dress the part: Even if the job you are
applying for involves wearing a uniform or
working behind the scenes, the way you
dress for an interview tells your employer
that you take the job seriously.
Appear confident. Look your potential
employer in the eye and shake his or her
hand. Good manners go a long way to
helping you land a job. Be friendly and do
not make jokes.
Be prepared. Find out what all you can
about the position or company in advance
and show your knowledge during the
interview. Researching the company

shows the interviewer that you are smart

and eager to learn.
Answer and ask questions. You will no
doubt be asked typical interview questions.
Prepare your answers before the interview
and ask questions. Questions don't make
you look stupid. Asking good questions
shows the interviewer you are thoughtful
and that you are not afraid to interact with
other people.
Follow up. Send the interviewer a brief
email or letter thanking him or her for
spending time with you. Check all your
spelling and grammar before you send
your note.

Tips to work and study at the same time

Working and studying at the same time is not easy, and if you are not responsible and tidy, probably you will feel
stressed out and will not do any of them well.
If you need money and you think you can work and study at the same time, take these tips into account:
1. Be organized: The key will be the order. Mark in your calendar the dates of tests and deadlines to deliver projects
or homework.
2. Design your calendar with some flexibility: There will be unforeseen events or crisis, so you should anticipate in
your calendar some flexibility beyond your duties and obligations.
3.Control the stress : Stress will be part of your life; however, you must learn to control it and live with it. Try to
exercise, listen to music or do yoga.
4.Be realistic: Do not forget how lucky you are to work and
7 earn money to live and pay for your studies. Besides, do
not blame yourself if at any time you cannot fulfill the stipulated.
5. Do not lose sight of the reasons that motivate you to work and study at the same time: Not all people would
dare to do it, and you should feel proud because somehow, you are facing a challenge.

Knowing the UTN

December 9th, 2016

at Manuel Francisco Carrillo School. Despite that,

she was a great student.
8. What about your high school?
Later, Marcela went to Maria Pacheco High
School in Canoas. Unfortunately, when she
finished 7th grade, she had to drop out of her
studies and start working. There were tough
moments because; she was just a13-year-old girl
who was forced to live an adults life. However,
this bitter experience taught her how to work, and
how to fight for her dreams.

As you know, in this section we like to know

about people related to UTN. This time, we chose
housekeeping staff, and we interviewed one of its
most hardworking members: Marcela Bonilla
Many of you have seen her cleaning and mopping
floors and classrooms, but lets take a look at her
life, battles, challenges, and dreams, because
everybody has a story to tell.

9. Who was the most influential person to you?

The most influential people to Marcela have been
her grandparents and mother. They have taught
her values such as sincerity, humility and
diligence. Thats why Marcela is a humble and
hardworking person.

1. When and where were you born? 2. Who are

your parents? 3. Where do you live?
Marcela was born on July 1st, 1981 in Alajuela.
Her parents are Rodolfo Bonilla Gonzalez and
Dora Hernandez Cuadra. She lives in Guadalupe,
Alajuela, and she is married.

10. What are some plans for you future?

Currently, Marcela works as a janitor in our
university, she feels very proud of her job,
because she does it with her heart. Her life is not
only work; she still has goals to accomplish like
finishing high school, getting her drivers license
and starting a career related to law or medicine.

4. Are you married? 5. Do you have kids?

Marcela has two kids: Jhon Solorzano Bonilla,
who is 15 years old, and Joseline Chacon Bonilla
who is 16 years old.

Finally, although Marcela went through hard

times, she always has been brave and never given
up. Consequently, she is a strong woman with
great desires for self-improvement and being a
better person.

6. What are your hobbies?

One of her hobbies is cooking, especially chicken.
However, she also enjoys helping other people
and being a supportive person for everyone who
needs her.

We want to thank her for allowing us to know her

life story.

7. Tell us about your childhood and elementary

schools season.
In her childhood, she was happy, but also she had
to face economical struggles, and her parentss
divorce when she was starting elementary school,

December 9th, 2016

Challenge your knowledge

and let's see how many
idioms you remember.

Its time to get fun!


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