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Project work

*How drugs affect human brain*

I would like to present you the results of my research
into a highly controvercial subject:drugs and human
brain.The science of addiction made an interesting
correlation between human brain and the toxic
substances responsible of euphoria,the tricky state of
wellnessWhy tricky?Your answer will be clarified in
the next 10 minutes.
Here I made a short summary which includes the
main ideas of debated topic.
SLIDE 3: (introducing the Human Brain)
First of all, I want to introduce you to the human brain and
its absolutelly impressionant capacities.
As we already know,the human brain is the most complex organ in
the body. This three-pound mass of gray and white matter sits at
the center of all human activities.

In brief, the brain regulates your bodys basic function,which

enables you to : interpret and respond to everything you
shapes your thoughts,emotions, and behavior.

SLIDE 4&5: (How do drugs work in the brain)

Before moving on to the mechanisms used by toxic
substances, to take control of our entire brain, till they
disorder the rest of the body, we need to know what drugs
mean.And here it is a short definition about them:
Drugs=chemicals that affect the brain by tapping into its
communication system and interfering with the way neurons
normally send, receive, and process information.
1.Some drugs, such as marijuana and heroin, can
activate neurons because their chemical structure mimics
that of a natural neurotransmitter.This similarity in
fools receptors and allows the drugs to attach onto and activate
the neurons.

2.Other drugs, such as amphetamine or cocaine, can

cause the neurons to release abnormally large amounts of
natural neurotransmitters or prevent the normal
recycling of these brain chemicals.

SLIDE 6: (How do drugs product pleasure in our
As far as the National Institute of Drug Abuse is
concerned, most drugs of abuse directly or
indirectly target the brains reward system by
flooding the circuit with dopamine.
Dopamine=neurotransmitter present in regions
of the brain that regulate:movement;emotion;
motivation;feelings of pleasure. When activated at
normal levels, this system rewards our natural

Image: chemical structure of dopamine

The next image is very representative.It helps us
to understand better how drugs of abuse target
the brains pleasure center.Normally,
dopamine increases in response to natural
rewards such as food.When cocaine is
taken,dopamine increases are exaggerated, and
dopamine receptors localized on the post sinaptic
membrane are overbusy.

Overstimulating the system with drugs,

however, produces euphoric effects, which strongly
reinforce the behavior of drug useteaching the
user to repeat it.

SLIDE 8 (3.How does stimulation of the brain's pleasure

circuit,teach us to keep taking drugs?)

Next, i would like to emphasize that:

Our brains are wired to ensure that we will repeat lifesustaining activities by associating those activities with
pleasure or reward.
Whenever this reward circuit is activated,

the brain notes that something important is happening

that needs to be remembered, and teaches us to do it again
and again without thinking about it.
Because drugs of abuse stimulate the same circuit, we
learn to abuse drugs in the same way.

SLIDE 9(4.How does long-term drug taking affect brain


We know that the same sort of mechanisms

involved in the development of tolerance, can
eventually lead to profound changes in brain
circuits, with the potential to severely compromise
the long-term health of the brain.
*For instance: When the optimal concentration of
glutamate(another neurotransmitter) is altered by
drug abuse, the brain attempts to compensate for
this change, which can cause impairment in
cognitive function.


This slide shows the dramatic effects of excessive

glutamate: -The cerebral vessel is obstructioned,and the
brain is deoxygenated.
-here it is an oxygen starved neuron which
eliberate a big amount of neurotransmitter
-result: the postsinaptic enzimes destroy the

membrane,beacuse of their hyperactivity.

Scans of drug addicts brains have also showed decreased activity in
the areas responsible for memory, learning, judgment, and impulse
control. Therefore, an out-of-control addict isnt taking drugs
because of a weak will, disregard for themselves and loved ones, or
poor character, but because their disease has altered their brain so
much that they lack the capability to stop by themselves.


However,scans of drug addicts brains have also

showed decreased activity in the areas responsible
for memory, learning, judgment, and impulse
control. Therefore, an out-of-control addict isnt
taking drugs because of a weak will, disregard for
themselves and loved ones, or poor character, but
because their disease has altered their brain so

much that they lack the capability to stop by

SLIDE 12:( 5.consequences of drug addiction)
Many studies have shown that drug addiction have
a lot of repercurssions both human brain and body:
People who suffer from addiction often have one or
more accompanying medical issues, which may include
lung or cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, and
mental disorders.
Here is a list of behavioral problems arised from drug
Addiction,Impaired Judgment
Impulsiveness,Loss of Self-Control

In conclusion,drugs have a major impact on our
mental and physical health, destroying in an
agressive way,every part of nervous
system.Medically speacking, drugs use lead to
compulsive craving,seeking and use,because
they have been shown to alter brain chemistry,
which interferes with an individual's ability to
make decisions .This then becomes a substance

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