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Chapter 1

Lisa Panther stood on a small hill overlooking a scene of moderate chaos. An asteroid
had fallen from space and landed on this alien planet. Obviously it wasn't alien to whatever
aliens lived on it, but to Lisa this was all new. She had just crashed on the planet. A strange new
world host to a new adventure.

The wind blew gently, lifting her straightened hair off of her shoulders and into a
picturesque weightlessness behind her. Her trusty sword "Cubstead" pointed down, gripped in
her left hand, lay ready for any action. In her right hand she held her recently acquired gun,
"Clementine." Clementine was new, but had seen some heavy use in her last few engagements.
The zombies fell to Clementine's commanding shout, and had also recently beat the rhythm of
the Far'goth Council's command. The Far'goth Council had always been an enemy of Lisa, but
when a greater threat arrived, she had to settle for an temporary truce to save the universe.

None of that mattered though. Here she was on a strange new world. It may have looked
like a world she once called home, but she knew in her heart it couldn't be. Every second spent
here was a reminder of what she had lost. All she needed was a means of transportation to get off
of this rock, and she could be back on her way towards revenge. Revenge for her people.
Revenge for her home. The Far'goth Council took all she ever knew away from her and she was
ready to make them pay. After years of not quite connecting with every vengeful blow she
swung at The Council, she her next opportunity was the one. She knew—

A knife flew past her right ear. Whoosh. In a mere instant she turned to face her attacker,
gun pointed and sword ready. "That was jusst to get your attention, Misssy. I wouldn't have
misssed if I didn't want to talk firsst," a figure hissed from the dark night in front of her. Lisa
couldn't quite make out the shape in front of her, but it looked like a hunched humanoid figure.

Lisa gestured Clementine threateningly. "Well you had best start talking before I start not

"Yesss," the figure said stepping forward. As the figure hunched closer Lisa began to
make out the details of this person. He had shoulder length white hair; this wasn't an older
person's type of white hair, but a pure blinding white. The hair was draped over the right side of
his face, swaying ever so slightly to tease what was behind it. Lisa couldn't tell for sure, but it
was no doubt something hideous. A toothy grin became visible as well, the teeth as white as the
hair. He wore a black suit which only made his pale skin and hair seem to glow in the star light.
In his left hand he had three throwing knives, poised for a strike if anything were to not go his
way. "You have come to thiss planet, and you want to leave--"

"You don't know anything about me!" Lisa yelled at him in a confusing anger.

"Shussh," he seemed to slither in a vaguely Russian accent. "We know what goes on in
our place, and you are most certainly in our place."

"Who is 'we'?" Lisa demanded of this hissy-hunched man.

"I don't believe you are in the position to ask the questions here, dear. Let's have an
understanding, please. I would rather not die, and if you'd like, you don't have to die either,
honey. So, let's say you put down your weapon. You see? If you strike me down at any point
during this converssation, the resst of my, let'ss call them family, will be on you before the ssun
rissess. We can work thiss out peacefully," at this point he threw his three knives into the ground
behind him. "I jusst need your cooperation."

"Okay," she said somewhat hesitantly while lowering Clementine slightly. "So, what--"

"NO QUESTIONS!" he yelled. "I am asking the questions here. True or False? You
crashed here and are looking for a way to get off this planet."

"True," answered Lisa. "But I don't see--"

"Of coursse you don't!" His anger was visible now. His white skin was now turning a red
color and his white hair was moving about with his rage and threatening to reveal the gross half
of his face. "You won't sshut up and you won't let me finissh. You think you're some protector of
the universse. Ssome ssort of guardian angel for all of itss inhabitantss. Well, let me tell you
ssomething. This world doessn't need you. We're doing just fine, and we'd rather you not
interfere, sso we want to get you on your merry little way. Doess that make enough ssense for
you now? Do you ssee now?"

Lisa let a single tear escape before quickly shutting her emotions out. She had not been
subject to cruelty like this since it all began. Her grip tightened on her weapons, ready for
anything. "Okay. I'll do it. I'll leave," she lied. She knew that she couldn't leave until she knew
for sure that everything was free of Far'goth contact. With this amount of anger there has to be
something he's hiding.

"She is lying," said a woman's voice from somewhere in the darkness.

Lisa immediately brought up her gun and sword. "Who--"


"It is fine Bill. Calm down little bear." Her voice also had an accent similar to Russian.
She stepped closer towards the duo and Lisa could see her more clearly now. She was a tall
slender figure with some massive firepower. The gun she carried didn't seem natural on her, but
she carried it with ease. The gun had a 3 foot long barrel and a scope mounted on the top. Lisa
figured it was some sort of sniping weapon. A good foot or so taller than him, she walked up to
Bill, bent over slightly, and gave him a kiss on the top of his white haired head. Her eyes may
have strayed from Lisa, but the tip of her gun never did. "I don't see why I had to hide Billy," she
said erecting herself. "I can kill the bitch just as well standing next to you as I can from far
His voice went down to a hissy whisper. "Katia, I didn't want you near me, becausse baby
what if sshe pullss out ssome ssort of explossive or ssomething? You heard the thingss. She'ss
capable of anything." Lisa tightened the grip on her gun.

BANG! BANG! Katia fired two shots on either side of Lisa's head. The bullets whizzed
closer than Bill's opening warning knife. "Drop your gun and your sword," Katia said not even
looking at Lisa. Lisa hesistated for a split second. "NOW!" Lisa dropped her precious weapons.
With accuracy and her seemingly premonition knowledge, Lisa couldn't risk holding onto them
any longer. "Good. Now we can have a nice little talk without those pesky distractions,"
concluded Katie even though she showed no sign of lowering her gun.

"Let's take her home. From there we can conssult with the otherss and get her off of our
planet," Bill said to Katia.

Katia inched towards Lisa with the gun still pointed at her head. Lisa stared straight into
the eyes of Katie. She couldn't tell the color in the dark, but in the long time it took for the barrel
to reach Lisa's forehead she never saw her blink. The barrel touched Lisa's head. The word
"Sakura" popped into her head, but since this made no since to her at this junction she put it out
her mind. The muzzle of the gun was warm on her face. Then the warmth was there no longer.
Katie lowered her gun and took another step forward. Then in a quick movement the gun swiped
back across Lisa's head. In a quick instant Lisa's world was filled with darkness.

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