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Name: Maria Luisa Pereira

Class Schedule: MWF- 5:30-6:30pm

1.What did the cedula represent in the movie Supremo?
*Cedula during the Spanish colonial period, was an identification card and residence
tax certificate that had to be carried at all times. A person who could not present his or
her cedula could be arrested and imprisoned by the Guardia Civil. Cedula also
symbolize of the peoples subjugation to Spanish rule.
2. Are there heroes left in current day Philippine society who can be likened to gat
Andres Bonifacio?
*Yes, and this are the people who sacrifices their lives to save our country. And
continue to serve and protect the people.
3. Who the death of Andres Bonifacio? What class in Filipino society did they mostly
come from?
*Emilio Aguinaldo ordered to arrest Andres Bonifio because of all the allegations to
him. The next day, Bonzon and Paua attacked Bonifacio's camp. Bonifacio was
surprised and refused to fight against "fellow Tagalogs", ordering his men to hold their
fire, but shots were nevertheless exchanged. Bonifacio was shot in the arm by Bonzn
and Paua stabbed him in the neck but was prevented from striking further by one of
Bonifacio's men, who offered to be killed instead. Bonifacio was shot in the arm by
Bonzn and Paua stabbed him in the neck but was prevented from striking further by
one of Bonifacio's men, who offered to be killed instead.
4. Why was Andres Bonicio killed?
*Because of the Capital Punishment. Bonifacio received a letter alleging that
Bonifacio had burned down a village and ordered the burning of the church
of Indang after towns people refused to give him provisions. Many of the principal
men of Indang, among them Severino de las Alas, presented to Emilio Aguinaldo
several complaints against Bonifacio that the Supremos men stole carabaos and other
work animals by force and killed them for food.
5. Where was Andres Bonifacio captured by soldiers from the rival Cavite faction?
*Andres Bonifacio captured by soldiers in Magdiwang. Leaders of both factions
came from the upper class, in contrast to Bonifacio, who came from the lower middle
6. What where the names of the two factions who were feuding in cavite?
*The Magdiwang was a chapter of the katipunan, a Philippine revolutionary
organization founded by the Filipino rebels in Manila.
* The Magdalo faction of the katipunan has a chapter in cavite, mostly led by
illustrados of the province during the Philippine revolution.

7. Which faction took the side of Andres Bonifacio and whick took the side of Emilio
*Magdiwang faction took the side of Andres Bonifacio(which recognized as a
supreme leader, being the head of the katipunan.)
*Magdalo faction took the side of Emilio Aguinaldo(which agitated for the
movements head.)
8. What was the work of Andres Bonifacio before he became immersed in the
Philippines revolution?
*Bonifacio became a clerk messenger of fleeming and company, a business firm
dealing with rattan, tar and other articles of trade. Because of his industry he was
promoted as agent.
9. Were the oppressive and unjust structures that permeated Filipino society at the
time of Andres Bonifacio finally dismantled after the Philippine revolution?
10. What can we do as students to honor the life and death of Gat Andres Bonifacio?
*As a students we should give importance on what Andres Bonifacio did in our
country. We should not forget all the sacrifices that he did. We should be thankful that
we have a hero like them that willing to serve and protect our country. And we can
also share this to others on how hed love our nation. How strong he is. How he.

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