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Sandee. euane An #008 FORM TP 2213 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ‘SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION ENGLISH A, Paper 02 - General Proficiency 2 Lhours AVI before starting to write. This 10-minute period isin addition to Candidates are allowed 10 minutes to rend through the paper the 2 P hours allowed forthe examination. Candidates MAY write during the time allowed for reading through the paper. : DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DOO. (Copyright © 2001 Caribbean Examinations Council. ‘lights reserved On012BANUAR YE 2 Candidates MUS answer questions fom ALL FOUR sections ofthis paper: ALL of Seton ONI SLL ot Secton TWO; ONE from Section THREE; and ONE from Section FOUR, SECTION ONE (Suggested time: 35 minutes) ‘You MUST answer the question inthis section. 1. Examine the information presented on this page bout Alphasoft, Writea SUMMARY to ‘Liniend about the featuces and uses of Alphaso?. Your response should aot be more than 150 words. ‘Youcansse be Werd Pro snort wre simple oe. ge memos or sop fee and ergy epor Whatever the documet ‘igh toole along ith ye ‘Word Processor to as Import ifort td eal impec Whats Alphasoft? Alphasoft isan integrated collection of software tos ‘designed forupeattome, a chool and inthe workpaee +The Word Processor. Use histooto waite leer fehool essays memos and Business proposes + The Spreadsheet with Charting, Use this oot 0 prepare analy2s and recent personal or business Fridgts. project oscestimates and mathematic oe ‘rion cslelations {The Database and Reporting. Use this wol co eganize aed prine mailing list. cerabership so tera. inventories. and schedules. ‘Communications. Use this ton! to connest 10 tnline Information services and to exchange infor. imation wi other computers Fi YoucincrnssSpeaieee [Alpbaoft is more than merely the sum of is separate | eaadachan beep eck Bale "Yousancechange information among tools for | fsales information, Ache Taser] Sample, vou can use names and aderesses ftom a [etdofeich mow, youcae Bemis | stupas ina form fete. spreadsheet caleuations in| 2H#he new aes igure) Unincenory datbsse.” You can look at rtermaion | 2Peatshest When se iB ore summary te frome ol tie sumesimeonsour teen. And = fey] seston oe rca an infermatn n wng,0 JYouleam about one took when you use anomer ESL. Hmepwwntensnnte Weed tnattionsste wok, Apache stale | Re aT Alphasot sso inclues several builtin tearing ses “The online ator, Leuming Alphasot is Vike a pee onal couch who yivesiesons inusiag Alphason Saline Help system proviges ore detailed step-by Srepossstncs. Youcan se acura lesson or Helpat ny time while you are using Alprasol (25 marks) G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 09019 2UANTEARY/F 2002 3 SECTION TWO, (Suggested time: 40 minutes) Answer ALL the question in this section, Read the extract below and then answer the questions that follow. ‘Truck pushers and eyelists were ou again onthe oad, The euth smelled stony of ‘te rain butthe human loodcould noche held back. Ito Hlowedritously again on he seeste She citcled ne King Koad and went behind the bank. past the publishing house snd se the outskins of the market. The market flowed with people and eed water” ‘The gute 5 separating the stalls were filed co the bm with Hlth and decay and what withthe heavy ‘ain. some ofthe dietand filth and decay surtounded he stall, the people andthe wares. But = people marched on shem. even barefooted as they were. I¢wae difficult tell what he filth cally was. the people tei stalls and wares or tbe decay. ll were sa thoroughly mixed. 50 completely parc of each other! ry ‘Adisa went pas the stalls stacked wid clothes. shoes. Then came the stalls stacked high with plates. cutlery, cookers and beverages. Adisa went past all these. She wos irmpelled forward bythe inereasing hunger within her She did't top antl she came othe stalls that displayed various items of food. Here. she bought ove bonga fish he milks of gam abunch of biter leaves and half a Bote of palm ol. Ste had some sl and pepper at 15 home. She looked round aw. Waateledidshe need? No. she neededeverything. Sh lopked round i see what le the money she hid could buy. There was nothin else All around het. people bargained in hard impersonal vices. Dolla bills changed hands, Numbers of coins were handed back There was Zo much that could have been bought and ver there was litle or ao monay. The majority ofthe people lee the maet. the 20, disappoiaumentcleay writen in their eyes The pices were sp and soaring From a novel bs F boast (2) To what doos the phraze the hummun Rood? ine 2 eter? (2 marks) (1 Give one word co describe the scene outside the mar. aack ) ot ‘What toes sks wer aagges ahem he sas the musket Nowed with people rd water’ line? (marks) Wd) According to the patsage, why wae it ificut co sll what he fh actually as dines 7-30 (marks > Quote she sentences which reflect he thoughts going oni Adisa's head 12 marks) (9) What does the sentence ‘There eas aothing eine (6 mea? comarks) (2) Why a “disappoinrmen clearly weitten inter ees line 2 Hemarkst ‘Total 13 marks ‘GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0001 9244STFARYI 2002 0 1s (001 927ANUARYIF 2 Read the passage below and then answer the questions set on it “The notion of royalty asa symbol of maxiowm leadership sticks in ny craw. Soitis swith degree of tepidation {reporethat Thave been hobobbiag with aking. Yes. real king txmin,seepre and ob foc all kaw, certainly a crown» well, now he'seiled. Yet when i {hy to Gnd words fo desrbe him, "humble" and "man ofthe people” come t mind, Henew nothing of his past when Imet King Simeon. we sailed down Euroge’s River [Ranube, participants in a shipboard symposium organised by the Orthodox Chueh bringing iginss cedars: slows and environmectllttogeherndevelng mara espanses nthe fives environmental problems ‘We'd both been swept up inthe remarkable ensissance inthe Danube where. despite ‘eyanide sis crise missies and politcal intzansigence. the unstoppabie force of ordinary people has becn released and demands the vers protection. ld foes, who used to glace at each other from opposite banks ofthe cver are now “wosking together to address the legacy of environmental damage from decades of destrctve oman activity. The King has become apunoficial ambassador forthe acivies:{‘m involved Inmaking «documentary fm about thet. ‘Adapted from ‘The King and I In BWA Caribbean Best (a) Quote one phrase which shows the welts tude w royal ewe | (6) Whatdoes the writer mean wen he says thathe was"hobaobbing with aking” line 21° (amarks) (©) _Explainthe comparison suggested by “yet (line 3) (mack) (8) What was the occasion forthe meating ofthe King andthe writer? mark} (fe) Waatdoes “sweptup” line 9) telus about the way in which the King andthe weiter had become involved inthe ensissance of the Danube” (Smacks) (® Whatexamples of environmental damage ae presented bythe writer? (3 marks) a) Why lee eensssance described as remarkable” ine 91° amar)” “Fotal 12 macks G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 5 SECTION THREE (Suggested time: 45 minutes) Answer ONE question ‘Your answer In this section shuld be approximately 400 to 480 words in length. You must write in Standard English However, dialect may be used in conversation, 4 ‘Write ator based the posure sb 6 “Towa mos ‘Write a tar whi ste the tesment shove 0001 92ANUARYF 22 smarts) 25 marks) ssi a Hh sas never the same person agai. (25 marks) GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE SECTION FOUR (Suggested time: 30 minutes) “Answer ONE question. ‘Your answer in his section should be approximately 250 to 300 words in length. ‘You mus write in Standard Engl 7%. Wwe rush roo quickly to nonour entertainers. wnule giving to Iie oF no recognition to owe teachers and ecient.” ‘Wrice an essay supporting er opposing this view Smacks) Richard Gore was arested. charged and sentence to two years in jail fr possession of tees ‘ounces of marijuana He leadedhisowneas. probably thinking thathisinnecence was obvious i to all. Nextdoor in the High Cour. Me Laddy,a wellknown broke, from whom bales of marijuana had been seized. walked out ofthe court scoc-ree after his lawyer made a noise sstmiesion on his Seal. ‘Weitean essay stating your views onthe statement above 25marks) END OF TEST

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