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Series: Faith at Work

Sermon Title: Sacred Work
Date: May 11, 2014
1. Stimulating opening For a long period of time, work has been
dividedly categorized as sacred and secular. Sacred work was
considered as vocation, while secular work was described as
profession. People, then, thought that those who are into vocation
are closer to God compare to those who are into profession.
2. Surfaced Need God-honoring work does not only refer to sacred
work. Since all descent work comes from the Lord our God, believers
of Christ should stop struggling that their secular job is less
significant and less God-honoring. Instead, they should consider
their work a vocation from God to fulfill His will of glorifying Him.
3. Scripture Apostle Paul has instructed the Colossian church
(Colossians 3:23, 24) by saying (read the verse), 23 In all the work
you are doing, work the best you can. Work as if you were doing it
for the Lord, not for people. 24 Remember that you will receive your
reward from the Lord, which he promised to his people. You are
serving the Lord Christ. NCV
4. Starting of the Big Idea (Sermons single-point) Let me go
straight by declaring that God-honoring work is a sacred
5. Summary Today, we will learn WHEN OUR WORKS BECOME
SACRED. There are three situations to look into. Let us pray!
Body of the Sermon
1. The first situation is when our work becomes an avenue to
apply our faith in God.

A. Our work really is not about us. Paul spells this out in
Ephesians 1:1112 11 In him we were also chosen, having
been predestined according to the plan of him who works out
everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, 12 in
order that we, who were the first to put our hope (faith) in
Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. NIV
B. For the Christian, life and work is not primarily about the self
self-wealth, self-achievement, or self-accolades.
C. A Christian labor is, foremost, about working in a way that
expresses faith in God and worship to God.
D. It is in the way we conduct our work and the substance of our
work that provides us with a means to proclaim Gods
2. The second situation is when our work becomes a place to
display the love of God.
A. As Christians, we are called to love our neighbor, and God has
given us the work where He intends for this to happen.
B. Luke 10:27 says, Love the Lord your God with all your heart,
all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind. Also, Love
your neighbor as you love yourself. NIV
C. In this setting, encouraging a co-worker, helping a customer,
or serving our manager by submitting an update and honest
report is glorifying to God.
D. When we accomplish tasks - even the most ordinary tasks with a heart of serving and loving our neighbors at work, we
are instruments of Gods kindness to them.
3. The third situation is when our work becomes a platform to
reconcile people to God.
A. We love our neighbors best when we bring the good news to
B. Like Paul, we must see ourselves as ambassadors, bearing the
message of reconciliation to an unbelieving world.
C. 2 Corinthians 5:20 declares, So we have been sent to speak
for Christ. It is as if God is calling to you through us. We speak
for Christ when we beg you to be at peace with God. NIV
D. Our work is an opportunity to glorify God by representing the
Lord Jesus to our colleagues.


E. God has been sovereignly guiding us to our work. Our line of

work is no accident. God called us there to reconcile people to

1. Stress the Big Idea (Sermons single-point) Bear in our mind;
God-honoring work is a sacred work.
2. Shove toward obedience Whatever descent work a believer is
involved with, he has to consider it sacred and therefore commit to
honor God in and through it. We seriously consider our work sacred
when we make it an avenue of our faith in God, when we make it a
place to display the love of God, and when we make it a platform to
reconcile people to God. So, let us envision our work sacred and
make it as an opportunity to honor and glorify our God.
3. Straight initial response If you felt your work is less significant

and less God-honoring compare to the sacred work in the ministry,

God is renewing your mind. Your work is also sacred and it has to be
considered as your ministry in the Lord. So, if you want to commit
your work as your vocation from God, say this in your prayer: Lord,
I consider my work sacred and commit it as my ministry to you.
Enable me with the power of the Holy Spirit to live in faith and love,
and lead people to Jesus. Teach me to always trust you in fulfilling
your will of honoring and glorifying you in and through my work. In
the Name of Jesus, Amen.


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