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Sedition Act and Hate Speech & Peculiarity of Malaysian Law

1. Definition
a. what is sedition?
2. History of the Sedition laws
a. Origin UK, implemented and enforced in common wealth countries
b. Why UK repealed the law
c. Why common wealth countries still maintain the archaic law
3. Development of sedition laws in our country?
a. Post Merdeka 1971
i. purpose
ii. effectiveness
b. Controversial issues
i. Selective prosecution trend analysis (anwar Ibrahim, fahmi
ii. Constitutionality ie Judicial Review (Azmi Sharoms case
iii. Yardstick in definition (Ramli Lah)
4. Possible reforms
a. Existing proposals & criticism
5. Definition
- what is hate speech?
- what constitute hate speech?
6. status quo in Malaysia
- Instances of hate speech
- legislation and enforcement on hate speech penal code
7. Comparision with UK and US
- Public Order Act UK (review and history)
- Absence in US
8. Proposals and opinions
9. Reconciliation with Foc
- Sedition & hate speech

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