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MTH 222-01 & -02 Fall 2015

Name: Stephanie Witherspoon

Tutoring - Lesson Plan III

Mathematical Topic Being Explored:
Student Mathematical Learning Goal:
(One specific, narrowly-focused goal is needed. The goal needs to come from the Student Learning
Goals for Tutoring handouts and include the following: mathematical content area, specific type of word
problems or problem situations that will be explored (ex: measurement division), the size of the
numbers involved in the problems and activities, and the type(s) of strategy the child will be encouraged
to use.)

I can represent and solve division word problems with physical materials or pictures (not
arrays) to show that groups of equal quantities are being formed when the problems are
partitive division word problems corresponding to x (2-5) = (6-9) & remainder (1-9)
CCSSM Content Standards Addressed by the Learning Goal:
(List one specific mathematical content standard by its identification number and write the complete
standard in words.)

3.OA.2. Interpret whole-number quotients of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 56 8 as the

number of objects in each share when 56 objects are partitioned equally into 8 shares, or as
a number of shares when 56 objects are partitioned into equal shares of 8 objects each. For
example, describe a context in which a number of shares or a number of groups can be
expressed as 568.
Justification for Learning Goal:
What specifically did the child say or do during the previous session that suggests this is
an appropriate goal for her/him at this time? (A thoughtful, detailed, 3-4 sentence explanation
that talks about specific things from the previous session is expected here.)

This learning goal is appropriate for the student. The size of the numbers has not proved
challenging for the student in any of our sessions so far. The Student struggled previously
with paying close attention to what the problem is actually asking for (number of groups or
amount per group), he was able to start to form an awareness of how to solve the problem,
especially when he was drawing a pictorial representation. For this session, I wanted to
introduce the idea of remainders. At our interview session, when a problem involved a
remainder he responded that it was impossible to find because for example from number six
from the tutor interview questions nothing goes with five to make twelve This goal will help
him understand that there are times that when you are creating equal groups there is
sometimes left overs.

Materials Needed:
Revised 9-23-15 (NKM)

MTH 222-01 & -02 Fall 2015

Tutoring - Lesson Plan III

(List all materials you will need for the activities in the lesson.)

Activity 1:

These materials are found in activity two and three

Activity 2:

Game board


Paper to draw or write

Game piece for each player

Activity 3:

Handmade Dominos

Four Blank Dominos for student to create

(All activities need to focus on helping the child develop and/or extend her/his conceptual understanding
of the mathematical topic by engaging the child in reasoning and problem solving. Activities may not
involve numeric equations for multiplication or division.)

Activity 1 Writing Activity

Writing Activity
(This activity needs to engage the child in writing something in words and drawing
supporting pictures to show how s/he has grown in understanding the mathematical concept
or in making connections between different forms of representations related to the concept.
If the child is asked to write word problems, s/he must not be asked to write more than two

Writing will be performed by the student in both activities two and three. During
activity two, the student will be using writing when they are answering the questions
to move ahead on the board game. They will be writing word phrases when they land
on pictorial representations. The writing in activity three will be done before the
activity begins. The tutor will show examples of domino pieces and then the student
will write their own word phrases on the domino pieces to be included into the game.

Activity 1 Modifications & Extensions

(Other than changing the size of the numbers, describe one specific way you plan to modify
the writing activity if it appears to be too challenging and advanced for the child at this time.)

If the activities are too challenging or advanced for the student, a modification can be
made to still complete the activity. If the child is not able to form the word phrases
based on the examples from the other dominos or game board then the tutor can
make a template where the student fills in the blank so the student knows how many
words and what kind of words are necessary. For example, if the the word phrase is
fifteen items divided into two equal groups the template could say _____
_____divided _____ _____ equal ____. Depending on the students level, difference
things could be included or not included.

Revised 9-23-15 (NKM)

MTH 222-01 & -02 Fall 2015

Tutoring - Lesson Plan III

(Other than changing the size of the numbers, describe one specific way you plan to extend
the writing activity if the child needs something more challenging at this time.)

For activities two and three, the student will be writing word phrases. If this is needs
to be more challenging for the student. Then the student can be asked to develop
word problems with the numbers they used about their favorite topic.
Activity 2 Activity of Choice

Title of Activity
(This activity needs to focus on helping the child deepen her/his understanding of what the
mathematical concept means or on helping the child make or strengthen connections
between word phrases, contextual situations, and pictorial representations for the concept.
This activity may be a game or other hands-on activity.)

Division Race (adapted from K-5 Math Teaching Resources website)

Activity Description
(Describe the activity in enough detail so another teacher could replicate it as intended.)

Both players start at the start position on the game board with their game piece.
Players will roll a die to see who goes first. The first player will roll the die and move
their game piece the rolled number of spaces. The space will either have a word
phrase or a pictorial representation of a word phrase, the player will either draw the
pictorial representation corresponding with the given word phrase or they will write
the word phrase corresponding with the given pictorial representation. If the player is
correct they are able to stay on that space. If the player gets the answer wrong, then
they have to move back to where they started from. This will continue until one player
reaches the End box.

Activity 2 Modifications & Extensions

(Other than changing the size of the numbers, describe one specific way you plan to modify
the activity if it appears to be too challenging and advanced for the child at this time.)

If the activity appears too be too challenging for the student there are modifications
that can be made. The game board can be adapted to have only the pictorial
representations or only the word phrases so the student can focus solely on one
aspect instead of having to go back and forth.
(Other than changing the size of the numbers, describe one specific way you plan to extend
the activity if the child needs it to be more challenging at this time.)

If the activity appears to need to be more challenging for the student a possible
extension would be too put that student in charge of making sure all players answers
are correct (the tutor will purposively get an answer wrong to see if the student
catches on) and is able to explain why the answer is not correct.

Revised 9-23-15 (NKM)

MTH 222-01 & -02 Fall 2015

Tutoring - Lesson Plan III

Activity 3 Activity of Choice

Title of Activity
(This activity needs to focus on helping the child deepen her/his understanding of what the
mathematical concept means or on helping the child make or strengthen connections
between word phrases, contextual situations, and pictorial representations for the concept.
This activity may be a game or other hands-on activity.)

Domino Division

Activity Description
(Describe the activity in enough detail so another teacher could replicate it as intended.)

All of the dominos (one half has a word phrase and the other half has pictorial
representations- the halfs do not match) will be turned face down on the table. Each
player will draw three dominos. The student will turn over a domino and decide if he
has a match to either the word problem or the pictorial representation. If he does not
have a match he will draw another domino. If he does have a match he will play the
domino so the pictorial representation is touching the word phrase or vice versa.
Then it is the next players turn. Players alternate back and forth; the game is over
when a player runs out of dominos or there are no more dominos left in the pile.

Justification for Activity:

What specifically is it about the activity that will help the child achieve the learning goal?
(A thoughtful and detailed 3-4 sentence explanation is expected here.)

When I asked The Student what hes liked best so far in the tutoring lessons, he
replied with playing Go Fish. I also asked him what he would like to do for the last
tutoring session, he replied with playing games. This activity is a game, which is what
he asked for and is very similar to the matching game we played during the first
tutoring lesson as far as the word phrases and pictorial representations. This fits the
learning goal because the numbers of the learning goal are shown. For example,
fifteen items divided into two equal groups is seven with a remainder of one.

Activity 3 Modifications & Extensions

(Other than changing the size of the numbers, describe one specific way you plan to modify
the activity if it appears to be too challenging and advanced for the child at this time.)

If this activity is too challenging or advanced for the child a way to modify the activity
would be to take the rules of dominos out of it. The dominos could be torn in half and
then matched up with their pair. All cards would be facing up so you can see all of the
(Other than changing the size of the numbers, describe one specific way you plan to extend
the activity if the child needs it to be more challenging at this time.)

If the activity needs to be more challenging for the student, then an extension can be
made. There could be another set of domino pieces. There would be several extra

Revised 9-23-15 (NKM)

MTH 222-01 & -02 Fall 2015

Tutoring - Lesson Plan III

dominos sets and to play off the first domino played the student would have to draw
the corresponding word phrase or pictorial representation in order to play a domino.

Revised 9-23-15 (NKM)

MTH 222-01 & -02 Fall 2015

Tutoring - Lesson Plan III

(Attach copies of any needed materials, such as handouts, hand-drawn sketch of game cards,
game board, etc. Be sure to attach needed materials for modifications and extensions.)

Activity 2 is based of this activity found on K-5 Math Teaching Resources

Revised 9-23-15 (NKM)

MTH 222-01 & -02 Fall 2015

Tutoring - Lesson Plan III

Revised 9-23-15 (NKM)

MTH 222-01 & -02 Fall 2015

Tutoring - Lesson Plan III

Revised 9-23-15 (NKM)

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