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What were the cultural, economical, social and moral

conditions of the region Arabia (Arabian Peninsula) ,

before the birth of Muhammad (S.A.W)?
Before the birth of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Arabia was a mess. It was a disaster in every single
way. Before his birth, Arabia was stuck in the dark times. There was no sense of living. The
people did not believe in Allah nor did they believe in the afterlife or the day of judgement. Also
no responsibility was taken for any action.

Gambling was very common and the consummation of alcohol was as well. No respect
was shown towards elders. There was lots of adultery and men used to beat women up. If a
baby girl was born, they were buried alive. Fighting amongst others was very common and
people were killed for no proper reason.
There was no government in the land. This made Arabia very unstable since there was
no law and order. The Arabs were very poor before the birth of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Sons would marry their own mothers or stepmothers. The Arabs lived like animals.

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