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in_data.appl_id = PrMr
PiPL version = 0x0008b600
PiPL out_flags = 0x02008021
PiPL out_flags2 = 0x00101409
PPro version = a0300
ColoristaRender RenderThread start
0x00000000694F7CD0GpuContext::CreateContext hostName = magicbullet_colorista
GpuContext GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation
GpuContext Vendor = NV
GpuContext GL_RENDERER: GeForce 930M/PCIe/SSE2
GpuContext GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: 1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
ColoristaRender GpuContext::CreateContext: 0
ColoristaRender threadInitResult: 0
NativeImageBuffer::CreateWithPngResource CurveDots PNG
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E77A0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E77A0
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E76E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E76E0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F80
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
NativeImageBuffer::CreateWithPngResource Looks3_icon_numericswitch-S PNG
NativeImageBuffer::CreateWithPngResource Looks3_icon_numericswitch-N PNG
NativeImageBuffer::CreateWithPngResource Looks3_icon_numericswitch-O PNG
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
output w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCC90080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D41F0080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E77A0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E77A0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E4810 out_data->s

equence_data = 00000000188E4810
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B24A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B04F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4170080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D78B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E4750 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E4750
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0750080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D78B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEFD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4070080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D78B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D3FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D78B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3E70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D78B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3C70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3BF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D78B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D78B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D39F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D38F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D78B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3870080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D37F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7B00 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7B00
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F50 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F50
ReadDIMouseData error 12
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E47E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E47E0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40

PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s

equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B24A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59C3C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7B00 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7B00
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 599 337
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCC90080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5D3720080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5D78B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7890 out_data->s
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5D36A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D35A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3520080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D34A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D32D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D31D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D30D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D2FD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D2F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D2ED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D2E50080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D2DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D2D50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2CD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2AD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E47E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E47E0
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F07D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E47E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E47E0
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D29D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D28D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E47E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E47E0
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
output w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E0D60 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E0D60
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCC90080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2800080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F50 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F50
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B24A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF59A410080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E0D60 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E0D60
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E76E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E76E0

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E77A0 out_data->s
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PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E70E0 out_data->s
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F50 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F50
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCC90080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D24B0080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E76E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E76E0

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337

PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E0D60 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E0D60
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D23B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B24A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF598460080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7C80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7C80
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

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output buf=00007FF5E20B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7A10 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7A10
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58FF90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF58DFE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E76E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E76E0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D23B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F80
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s

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render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B24A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF5CC7C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7C80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7C80
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7A10 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7A10
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58FF90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C7B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E47E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E47E0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s

equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D23B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDFE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F80
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7C80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7C80
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B24A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594270080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7A10 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7A10
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E47E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E47E0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
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equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D23B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F80
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7C80 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B24A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7A10 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7A10
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FAF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E47E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E47E0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D23B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

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output buf=00007FF5FAB80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F80
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F9EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7A10 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F6900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E47E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E47E0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E4750 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E4750
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5D2430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F80
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B24A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF5BFFB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E47E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E47E0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7FE0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7FE0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
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render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F0320080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E4750 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E4750
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F80
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E47E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E47E0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s

equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B24A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF5B6E80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7FE0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7FE0
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E4750 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E4750
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F02A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F80
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF5B4ED0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E47E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E47E0
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFB70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFAF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFB70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EECB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5D2600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7920 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7920
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B24A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFB70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5F0E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
output w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8E80080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFA40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFB70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0F10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F54C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAA30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F94D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB6A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
NativeImageBuffer::CreateWithPngResource Looks3_icon_numericswitch-S PNG
NativeImageBuffer::CreateWithPngResource Looks3_icon_numericswitch-N PNG
NativeImageBuffer::CreateWithPngResource Looks3_icon_numericswitch-O PNG
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5F80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E45B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D42C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D03D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEEF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D9FC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB210080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CAA20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5CA230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C7320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6B30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C55F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4E00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4610080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C32E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BD810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BCF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BC760080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B94A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B46E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B94A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D9360080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
output w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f

rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBFF0080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ABE60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E19E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2FB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2FB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9990080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2FB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2E30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2FB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E29F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2FB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E32B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2FB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3130080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2FB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E30B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E31B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2FB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E33B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2FB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5E34B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2FB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3A10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3A90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8B70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6F60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B94A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7EF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DECA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DFDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCA30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4FA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CFBE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3E20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFD00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF510080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AED20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA050080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF7C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5BEFD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE7E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AAE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AA690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF600080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A9EA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB470080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CBFD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6340080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B1CB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B14C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3A00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B0CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A96B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A81C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A79D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A71E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A69F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2F30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A6200080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5A10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4470080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2CA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A24B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1CC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A14D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0CE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A04F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDF80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CD790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CCFA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF59FD00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C93B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C8BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C83D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C7BE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59DB90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D3A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CBB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0320080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D23B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
output w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD470080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD320080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6E80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0320080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F02A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F02A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAB00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F02A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0320080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F02A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F02A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAB80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F02A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F02A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F02A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EECB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFAF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F02A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEAF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5FB720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAFA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF3C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B24A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6E80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BCF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BD810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BCF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4E00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC760080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BCF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F94D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
output w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F56C0080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F54F0080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4ED0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B24F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F05D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5F0550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6140080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E51B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3C40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E20B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1C20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DE550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3A90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3A10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DECA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7EF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DECA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B94A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DFDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DECA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5DCA30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4FA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4FA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF510080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CFBE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF510080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4FA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AED20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF510080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA050080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA050080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEFD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF7C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEFD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AAE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEFD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE7E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEFD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA050080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF600080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AA690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF600080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEFD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF600080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB470080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A9EA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB470080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CBFD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CBFD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB470080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B1CB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6340080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B1CB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CBFD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3A00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B14C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3A00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B1CB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A96B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B0CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A96B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3A00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A81C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A81C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A96B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A71E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A79D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A71E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A81C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2F30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A69F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2F30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A71E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6200080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFD00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6200080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2F30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5A10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A6200080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
output w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3DE0080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F56C0080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4ED0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF598E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E34B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E33B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E34B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E31B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E30B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E34B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3130080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E34B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E32B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E34B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E29F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E34B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2E30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E34B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9990080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E34B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E34B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E19E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E34B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5E4A90080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4A10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E34B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4990080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E34B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A04F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0CE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A04F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDF80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A04F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A14D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A04F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1CC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CCFA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CD790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CCFA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A04F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FD00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CCFA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3E20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
output w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2130080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3DE0080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4ED0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E34B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAA80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ABE60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4ED0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D71F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D9FD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6AD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D72F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4990080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4A10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3130080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E30B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3130080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E19E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E30B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E32B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9990080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E30B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4990080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2E30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E29F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E30B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E30B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4A90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2E30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E30B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E31B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E33B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E0660080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FF150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FF150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E33B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3130080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3130080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D9B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FF150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FF150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FF150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FF150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAD00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3130080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAD80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAB30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FF150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAC80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAB30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFAF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF100080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF100080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EBB10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF100080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF100080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB4B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EAC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EA4D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB750080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB4B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA060080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6140080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E51B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3C40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E20D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1C20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF5C7BF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB2D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CB450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CAD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CACC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5CAC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CABC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CAB40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CAAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CAA40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA9C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA6C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA5C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF5B6E80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C9D10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C7B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5C7AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C7760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C73D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C7040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C6F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6E40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6D40080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6CC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6C40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6BC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C69C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C68C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C67C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C66C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C67C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C65C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5C6540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C67C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C64C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C67C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C63C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C67C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B24F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5C60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5C60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C59E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C58E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C57E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C56E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5660080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C57E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C54E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C53E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C57E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5C52E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5260080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C51E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5160080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C57E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C50E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5060080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4F60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C57E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB4D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CBFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB6A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB7F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB2D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C57E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC1C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CC310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC1C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB6A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC1C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C7BF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D03D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CFBE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDF80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC1C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E33B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC1C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4ED0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC1C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
output w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD30080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAAE0080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CC5B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CC700080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5CF2B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1B80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1D20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1E70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D28F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7270080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DE550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1C20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6140080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA0E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E20D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3C40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E51B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5E8840080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA060080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB4B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CD790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CCFA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C46F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3F00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
ReadDIMouseData error 12
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F20 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F20
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CC1C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E0D60 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E0D60
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F80
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E70E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E70E0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E4720 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E4720
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F20 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F20
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0

output w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD30080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E0D60 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E0D60
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E4720 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E4720
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E4750 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E4750
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FC540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F20 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F20
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render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5CC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E0D60 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E0D60
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E70E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E70E0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF5AA0C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E62D0 out_data->s

equence_data = 00000000188E62D0
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
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equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EB750080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7CE0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7CE0
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F20 out_data->s

equence_data = 00000000188E7F20
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD30080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7A10 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A71F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF5A2CB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF5A0D00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E62D0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E62D0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7CE0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7CE0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D3B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF598F10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F20 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F20
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s

equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7A10 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7A10
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7CE0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7CE0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E4720 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E4720
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F20 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F20
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E4750 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E4750
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render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D3B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7590 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7590
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40

render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FD3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E4720 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E4720
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A71F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596F60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F20 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F20
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594FB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF593000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E4750 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E4750

PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s

equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7590 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7590
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F20 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F20

render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594FB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A71F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E4750 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E4750
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E70E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E70E0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7590 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7590
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D3B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF591050080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F20 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F20
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FACB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E4750 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E4750
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594FB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F0A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E70E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E70E0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_FLATTEN in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7D40
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7590 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7590
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F20 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F20
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E70E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E70E0
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0

output w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD30080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB7D0080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EBB10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EB650080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB5D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EAC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA2D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E99D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8660080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E8270080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E81F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5E4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E48D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3BC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7050 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7050
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E62D0 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E44B0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E44B0
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD30080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9BA0080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F60D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF000080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDFD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDBA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EDB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED5C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA4F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9F60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E98D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E96D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9650080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E93E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF860080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF080080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA8C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CCBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CCD20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA8C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA8C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF1B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA8C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA8C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA8C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA770080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA8C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA770080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF8C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA770080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFA10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA770080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA770080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5D2040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA770080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7920 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7920
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D22E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D72F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D72F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF770080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA770080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF770080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D71F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D9FD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D22E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF770080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB210080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E15A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB210080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D72F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB210080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E19E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF100080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3BC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CC070080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E19E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DB210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E48D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E81F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8270080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E81F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E81F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8490080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E81F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8660080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E81F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E81F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E81F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E99D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA2D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EAC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E81F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EBB10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EB5D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7B00 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7B00
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDE20080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7EF0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7EF0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E79B0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E79B0
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9650080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7F80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7F80
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF860080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E96D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E98D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9F60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA4F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EB430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED5C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ED640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDBA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF000080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F60D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF1B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEE90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E97D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEE10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E93E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9750080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7EC0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7EC0

PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7A10 out_data->s

equence_data = 00000000188E7A10
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CED10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA320080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5B8F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC3E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E93E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B2640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B2530080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA320080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B24B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC3E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B2430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E93E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B23B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B2330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC3E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3C40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E93E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E6140080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC3E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E93E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB4D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC3E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E93E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FACB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC3E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E93E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB650080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC3E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E93E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC3E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E93E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC3E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DE550080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E0ED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1C20080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E20D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DE550080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DE550080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEC10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BC3E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D1FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E93E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DE550080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDE20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D1FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DE550080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AA920080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5070080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB110080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A9930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8080080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7890080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A70A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A68B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A60C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4E60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2EA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A26B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1EC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A16D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0EE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A06F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FF00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF59DB90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C55B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5700080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C59A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C63C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C69B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C6B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C6C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C6DA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C7040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C74A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CB200080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CB7F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CBFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CC1F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CC700080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D1B80080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1D20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDFD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BD950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BDAA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BDFE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596F50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596760080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595F70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595780080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594F90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5947A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF593FB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5937C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF592FD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5927E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF591FF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB5D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EBB10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E81F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA2D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E99D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8660080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8270080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E48D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E19E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF591800080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF591010080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF590820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF590030080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F840080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F050080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C1770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C0F80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C0790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCA40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FEB40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FEB40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FEB40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE030080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBCB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB2D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9B20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F94D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5FD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0F10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0790080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F04E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEB40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB900080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EBA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8C00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8B80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8A80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8A00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5E6660080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E65E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E64E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E47D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4750080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E46D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4650080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E45D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3BC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E34D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E3080080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3000080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2F80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E21F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2170080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E15A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF5C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF290080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF310080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF310080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF5C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF090080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF090080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5DEE90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DEE10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD7B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DED10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD6B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD630080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD6B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DED10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC9C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DED10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD6B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC940080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC8C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DED10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC6C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC640080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC5C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC640080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C26B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FACB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB650080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5DC6C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF0B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF0B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEE10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF0B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BECC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8670 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8670
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8310 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8310
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F6900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E82E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E82E0
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F9450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F94D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9B20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB2D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBCB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE030080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C26B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2C40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC5C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DED10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DC8C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E77D0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E77D0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8070 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8070
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD6B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD730080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD7B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DEE10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD6B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DEE90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD730080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF090080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD6B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD730080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF5C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD630080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC9C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD6B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF290080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC9C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD6B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E15A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2170080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC9C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD6B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2F80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC9C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3000080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD6B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3080080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E34D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC9C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188DF180 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188DF180
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E76E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E76E0
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEC10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8220 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8220
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCA40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BC3E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0F10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F04E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8490 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8490
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8460 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8460
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E15A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8640 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8640
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E15A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF290080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD630080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF290080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF5C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF290080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF290080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF290080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF090080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

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output buf=00007FF5DEE90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF290080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5DF190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8250 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8250
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8610 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC940080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5DED10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8790 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8790
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC940080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5DC740080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC5C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2C40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC5C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C26B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC5C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EEDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC5C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FE8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8550 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8550
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E81C0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E81C0
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

rame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5F0F10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E85B0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E85B0
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCA40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BC3E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE030080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBCB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB3D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5FABD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F94D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5FD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEC10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7FE0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7FE0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7110 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7110
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EBA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EAC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BF0B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEA20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4A80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CCBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DEE90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E20D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BF200080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF090080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E0ED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF5C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD630080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF593C00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5932F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF58AD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58A560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF589D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF589580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF588D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8660080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6140080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E51B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E45B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1A00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD6B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DC9C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5DC4B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D71F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1B80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF0E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CED10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CD1F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CCC60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CC730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C7620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C7410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5885A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF587DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5875C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF586DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5865E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF585DF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF585600080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF584E10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF584620080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF583E30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF583640080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582E50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582660080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581E70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5C6510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C63C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C59A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5700080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C55B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5070080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4D20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C0050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEAF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE9A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BD950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BC9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B05D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57FEB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57F6C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57EED0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57E6E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57DEF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57D700080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57CF10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57C720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57BF30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57B740080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5943F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57AF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB7F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB770080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAFC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAEC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA470080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA2F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EFAF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDD20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDCA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB820080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9C30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAA30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9B30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9AB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9070080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7290080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6E30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E69C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E67A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E63A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6320080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E62A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C7410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C7620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CB9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6DB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CC730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5BC9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BD950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE9A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEAF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C0050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B05D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B3D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C55B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C59A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5C63C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C59A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FF150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C59A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=124124 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=125 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=125125 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=126 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=126126 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=127 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C59A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=128128 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=129 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF57AF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF57AF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57B740080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF57AF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57BF30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF57AF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57C720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF57AF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57EED0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF57AF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57CF10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF57AF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57D700080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF57AF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57DEF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF57AF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57E6E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF57AF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57F6C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF57AF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF57FEB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF57AF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF580E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF57AF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=128128 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=129 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8730 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8730
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E87F0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E87F0
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7640080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E82B0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E82B0
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B05D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C0050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEAF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE9A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BD950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BC9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5CC730080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6DB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C7620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C7410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E62A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6320080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E63A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E67A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E69C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6E30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7290080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9070080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E90F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9AB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A6E50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A6660080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5310080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4B20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3350080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2B60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C44B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2370080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9B30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAA30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9C30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB820080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDCA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDD20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFAF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F95A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F7070080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F60D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EEB90080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEB10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDBA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E96C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599640080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF598E50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF598660080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E45B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E29C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E0730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DE550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC4B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DB220080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D7200080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D2B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D1F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF0E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA7B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C9DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C9D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5C9CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597E70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5947F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6820080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5806A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C75A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C7520080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C74A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5140080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4160080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C31A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C26B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2090080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C26B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C0870080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB9C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C26B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C26B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD0E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD400080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C26B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BCF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5FED50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD380080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC1B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBCB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAAD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FA8B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9520080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F94A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0A30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0700080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB8C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB7A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8ED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E78C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8640080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7E50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5C60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E58E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5E57E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E56E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5660080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E52D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4C60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E43B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E42B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E43B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E41B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4130080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E43B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3E40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E3C40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E43B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2E40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E43B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2D40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2CC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E43B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2C40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2BC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E43B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2400080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2380080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E43B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2300080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2280080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E43B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC6B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E43B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DBAD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DA030080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7660080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6E70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DFDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D94E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8CF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8500080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7D10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D5A60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5270080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4410080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D03D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED2F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED060080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECFE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8160 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8160

render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EADD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EACD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAD50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA470080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EADD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAD50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EADD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAD50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E80D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EADD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAD50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7FD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EADD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E68C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAD50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EADD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAD50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E49E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EADD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E43B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAD50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E39D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EADD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEAD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAD50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EADD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAD50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CFBE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5E35E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3140080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3140080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3140080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DE5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3140080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DDC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DDB40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3140080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD9F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3140080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2790080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3140080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC260080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3140080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3140080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3140080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3140080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8AE0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8AE0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8370 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8AB0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8AB0
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

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output buf=00007FF5C5460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FABD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FF150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FF150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C63C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FF150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E94E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FEF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C6510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5C55B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E89F0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E89F0
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8A80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8A80
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F0E40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF400080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EF0B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

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output buf=00007FF5EEC10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E46A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DFA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF9E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF400080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC260080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DD9F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8B40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8B40
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F7070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F7070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F7070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F7070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0A30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F09B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0930080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0700080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFAA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF400080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EED80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EED00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEB90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEB10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE810080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE790080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDBF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDB70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8900 out_data->s

equence_data = 00000000188E8900
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8A50 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8A50
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E80D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E83D0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E83D0
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D9040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E80D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAD50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E80D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EADD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED2F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED060080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECFE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA470080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EACD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E7FD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDE00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D1F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D03D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF0E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CCC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CC730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CC070080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C7630080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8BA0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8BA0
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C65A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8930 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8930
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4160080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C65A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C31A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C0870080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4160080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C0050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C65A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BF8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BD970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B6EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4160080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B0F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C65A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B05D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5660080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AECD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A9A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E88A0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E88A0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8C60 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8C60
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C63C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8990 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8990
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF590DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5905C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FB620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FABD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5ED370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDB70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDBF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE790080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEB10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEB90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EED00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EED80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF400080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F0680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8820 out_data->s
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0A30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0A30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0A30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0A30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0A30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CCC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D03D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D1F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0A30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDE00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7FD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0A30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EACD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0A30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5C4FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5C5310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8BD0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8BD0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8C00 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5ED2F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E7950 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E7950
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5BF160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5ECD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EC030080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EBFB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAD90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA470080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E80D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E71F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5E6720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E45A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E40F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3A90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3140080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8F00 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8F00

PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8D80 out_data->s

equence_data = 00000000188E8D80
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DFA80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DE590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DDAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E68C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EACD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D03D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CCC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CC730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D03D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D03D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D03D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0700080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8E40 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8E40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8C90 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8C90
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2790080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF587920080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF587130080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF130080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8ED0 out_data->s

equence_data = 00000000188E8ED0
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8D50 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8D50
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8960 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8960
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F95A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7C90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4160080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B05D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AECD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A9A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B05D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D7C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F95A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0700080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DC3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC730080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CCC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F7070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC730080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C75A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F7070080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CC730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D1F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EACD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5DFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E84F0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E84F0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8DE0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8DE0
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render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5A60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8FF0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8FF0
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F9450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8E70 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8E70
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAC00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EACD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5C4FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E83A0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E83A0
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D1F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5CC730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F7070080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D1F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D1F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D1F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C75A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CCC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEAD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DA0E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DB980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC1B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E68C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E68C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DC3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0700080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E68C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F95A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E68C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A9A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AECD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4160080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8E10 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8E10
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8F90 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8F90
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E63D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5A60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E45A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E35E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E9080 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E9080
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8A20 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8A20
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3140080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E40F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2790080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C75A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D1F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C75A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CCC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C75A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DB980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DA0E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FEAD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E9110 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E9110
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EC510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5C75A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F7070080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4160080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5AECD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F95A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4160080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4160080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A9A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0700080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0700080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5D7C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0700080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0700080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0700080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4160080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC1B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC1B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DC3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC1B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CC730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EACD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC1B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDE20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B6EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9CC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EAC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAC00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAD90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAD90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

rame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8B70 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8B70
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E9200 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E9200
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E9170 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E9170
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5AD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5F5A90080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CCC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FA390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA310080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F54C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F7070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F7070080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5FEAD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DA0E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DB980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A9A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F95A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5AECD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C75A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E90B0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E90B0
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B6EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAC00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9CC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDE20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EC720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC1B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EACD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC730080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DC3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CC730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0700080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E9020 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E9020
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA310080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAF00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0F60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA310080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5F04B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA310080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDFB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FA310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8DB0 out_data->s

equence_data = 00000000188E8DB0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8C30 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8C30
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E40F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E9050 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E9050
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5AD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E40F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E40F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E40F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5DDEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E40F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5DC260080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5D5090080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E9260 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7200080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5D4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3590080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5D2B70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDE20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9CC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAC00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EACD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC1B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EAC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC410080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC890080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDFB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC410080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEF90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA310080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EC890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F04B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0F60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAF00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0700080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DC3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF1D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CC730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FEEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FEEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0FE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E63D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4160080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D7C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E35E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E63D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E49C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E80D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7B30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7BC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7D10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E80D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7BC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2790080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC470080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5B6EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=124124 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=125 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=125125 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=126 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=128128 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=129 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=130130 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=131 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=131131 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=132 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=133133 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=134 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=134134 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=135 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=136136 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=137 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=137137 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=138 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=139139 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=140 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=140140 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=141 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=142142 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=143 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=143143 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=144 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C75A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=145145 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=146 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=147147 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=148 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AECD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E8EA0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E8EA0
render in_data->current_time=148148 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=149 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A9A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=150150 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=151 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=151151 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=152 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F10B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=153153 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=154 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=155155 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=156 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=156156 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=157 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=158158 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=159 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=160160 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=161 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=161161 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=162 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E46A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=163163 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=164 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E45A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=133133 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=134 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5AD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=135135 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=136 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F95A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=126126 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=127 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC1B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=129129 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=130 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=132132 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAC00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5F95A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E45A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5AD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
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render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AA220080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CCB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=124124 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=125125 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=126126 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F10B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188EB960 out_data->s
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render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1DA0080 w=960 h=540 r=960 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5E1890080 w=960 h=540 r=960
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=960 height=540
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E98F0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E98F0
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render extent = 0 0 960 540
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DE270080 w=960 h=540 r=960 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5E1DA0080 w=960 h=540 r=960
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=960 height=540
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188E98F0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188E98F0
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render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 960 540
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2650080 w=960 h=540 r=960 if=3 of=3 f
rame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DE270080 w=960 h=540 r=960
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=960 height=540
render in_data->current_time=133133 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F10B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=134 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E46A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=138138 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F10B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=139 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=134134 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F10B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=135 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A9A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=135135 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E05E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=136 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188ECB50 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188ECB50
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render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5EE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188EC8E0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188EC8E0
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188EC770 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188EC770
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59C4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5AD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F04A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EB0B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E92A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8ED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E89F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E78C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E61B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E5230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E51B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4A20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4820080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E47A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E45A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3FD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F95A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188EBD80 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188EBD80
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E16C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DEB00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DE590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5E16C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DEB00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188EC530 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188EC530
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB320080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D9E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9DA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7270080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D36B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9DA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D33F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D16D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFA40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF9C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9DA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5CF2F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEE90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CE6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9DA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188EC320 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188EC320
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A9A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

rame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EF540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFB40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DDEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9DA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CCB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FADE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB6A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

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output buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188EC7A0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188EC7A0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188EBEA0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188EBEA0
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188EC560 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188EC8B0 out_data->s
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render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F5E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EC370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188EBFC0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188EBFC0
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

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output buf=00007FF5B6EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E46A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D36B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D36B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D7270080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D36B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CE6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEE90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EFB40080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8640080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB6A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FADE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CCB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CE210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D9FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188ED690 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188ED690
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8C30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C9420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188ED810 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188ED810
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8640080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C8440080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF593EC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5936D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7270080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEE90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188F1D90 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188F1D90
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBB60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA930080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7270080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C51C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E46A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CE210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CCB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CCB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CCB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FADE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB6A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CCB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FADE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEA20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5F0500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0740080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EDFB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000188F3260 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000188F3260
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

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output buf=00007FF5EB670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB520080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E98E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9270080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB520080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7C70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E78C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB520080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E56E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EBBE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5660080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF592EE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5926F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF591F00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A20D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001890EAF0 out_data->s
equence_data = 000000001890EAF0
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A6AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A31F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A92A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB220080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5AECF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5AED70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5AF380080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A31F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5AFFD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB220080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B3290080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5A19D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B3310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A31F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B57B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB220080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B5900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B5A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B5BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB220080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A3170080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B61A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B62F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8120080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A31F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5AB220080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B87A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A2540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B88F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B88F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B88F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B87A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B87A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B87A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B96D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5BAB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BC9E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B87A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BCA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BCCD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF587AD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
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output buf=00007FF583F00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B87A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5BB7A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BD850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE820080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BEC10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BB8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDEC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BF3C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFD80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BFE00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFD80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A4DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BD850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BDEC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C01F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C0550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C01F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BD850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFD80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5C0870080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C01F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BFD80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C05D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BFF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

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output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF587AD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581F50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001890E700 out_data->s
equence_data = 000000001890E700
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001890E7F0 out_data->s

equence_data = 000000001890E7F0
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5932A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5932A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF592AB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001890EA90 out_data->s
equence_data = 000000001890EA90
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

rame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8800080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001890E670 out_data->s
equence_data = 000000001890E670
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7C80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7310080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7310080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E78C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=124124 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=125 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=125125 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=126 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=126126 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=127 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=128128 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=129129 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=130 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF9A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=130130 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=131 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=131131 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=132132 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DDA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=133133 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DC0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=134134 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF0F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=135135 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=136136 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=137137 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DAEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DAE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DAEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DDA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BFF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C05D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFD80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C01F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFD80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFD80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0870080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B9580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0870080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0870080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BFD80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0550080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0550080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0550080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BDEC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFE00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5BF3C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFE00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BD850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFE00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C0550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEC10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEC10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C0870080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BFE00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEC10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE820080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B87A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BB8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A4DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BCCD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BCA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BA9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEC10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B96D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB7A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB7A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BC9E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB7A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BAB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5BB7A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B88F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB220080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A2540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E78C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF9A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF0F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5DC0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DAE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7C80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8800080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5F5AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BEC10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0860080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1790080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DAEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5D38B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D17F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C05D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BFF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DDA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BD850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF3C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BDEC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF3C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BD850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2900080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2900080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2900080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BF3C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0550080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C0550080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A2540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5AB220080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E78C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8800080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7C80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1790080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=126126 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=131131 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=132 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D38B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=136136 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=137 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=141141 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=146146 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=151151 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=156156 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BFF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=161161 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C05D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=166166 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=172172 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BD850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=177177 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5BDEC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=182182 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=183 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=187187 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=188 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D17F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=193193 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=194 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=198198 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=199 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB220080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=204204 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=205 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=210210 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=211 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=169169 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=170 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C0550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=174174 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=175 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=180180 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=186186 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=192192 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=193 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E78C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=197197 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=198 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=203203 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=215215 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=216 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=239239 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=240 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001890E640 out_data->s
equence_data = 000000001890E640
render in_data->current_time=233233 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=234 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=240240 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7C80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=241 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=241241 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8800080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=242242 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7C80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5BE580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C05D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BFF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D38B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C05D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF490080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D2DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BDEC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8800080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF490080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D2F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E1790080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BD850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BD850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BF3C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DAEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BD850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEC10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BEAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D17F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DAE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF0F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEC10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D17F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B88F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BB7A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BAB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5BC9E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5AB220080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8F50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B96D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF9A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A1D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BCCD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BCA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BB8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BA9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BFE00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE820080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C0870080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B87A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0550080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BFD80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C0550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5BCA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E78C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE820080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E22F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A4DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FEE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DE9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DDA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D7BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DEA30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4210080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D2C80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4210080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DE9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4210080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4210080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CE210080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA400080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C70F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C51D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C70F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C70F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CA380080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C70F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5C4E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2A20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B62F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B24A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B21B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B1E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B1D10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B1BC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B1A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B1920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B17D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B1600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B1580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B1600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B5E70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5B8A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D38B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BFF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D38B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C00A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5AB220080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BC9E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BAB20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BB7A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B88F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0870080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BFE00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0870080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BA9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0870080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BB8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BCCD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DCA00080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BCCD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BA7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BCA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C0550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FED90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DDA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DDA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DDA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DDA60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B9580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BE6D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DE9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BF510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF410080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE210080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2C80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2A20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2A20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2A20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2A20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8650080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2A20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2A20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2A20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C70F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2A20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDDB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDE30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B5E70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B1580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B17D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BFF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE970080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DE9B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B17D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B1580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4330080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4330080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B1580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B17D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BFF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B1580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5CEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B1580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B1580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B1580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B1580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0720080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D83D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7BE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEF30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BFF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E3F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ED7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ED620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFF50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7BE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D83D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5300080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E49D0080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001891F5B0 out_data->s
equence_data = 000000001891F5B0
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.500000 downY=0.500000
render extent = 0 0 960 540
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=960 h=540 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D76A0080 w=960 h=540 r=960 if=3 of=3 f
rame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7BD0080 w=960 h=540 r=960
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=960 height=540
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001891F640 out_data->s
equence_data = 000000001891F640
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.500000 downY=0.500000
render extent = 0 0 960 540
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=960 h=540 origin x=0 y=0
output w=960 h=540 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4FD0080 w=960 h=540 r=960 if=3 of=3 f
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D76A0080 w=960 h=540 r=960
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=960 height=540

PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001890F4B0 out_data->s

equence_data = 000000001890F4B0
render in_data->current_time=243243 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.500000 downY=0.500000
render extent = 0 0 960 540
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=960 h=540 origin x=0 y=0
output w=960 h=540 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7BD0080 w=960 h=540 r=960 if=3 of=3 f
rame=244 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D76A0080 w=960 h=540 r=960
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=960 height=540
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D83D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BCB90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BCB90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DFF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8980080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8980080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8980080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8980080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1C20080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D9E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7D50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEA20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E41F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D8920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BCB90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B46D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D9C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7750080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC800080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D76D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DE9F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DE9F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D17F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D17F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DE9F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D17F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7D50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D9E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7D50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1C20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BCB90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3EE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BCB90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF060080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7D50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF060080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D17F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D9E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1C20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D9E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DE9F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E41F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF060080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF060080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D76D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D76D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D76D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC800080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D76D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7750080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D9C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2510080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB360080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FEA20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FEA20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FEA20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DBBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2510080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8980080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEA20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E83D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEA30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7C90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4DA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2A00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E20D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E0B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF2C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E20D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5DC6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DBB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DBAD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DAE00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E20D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8830080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E20D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1770080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D1190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D1190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D1190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D1190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0BD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D08E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D0790080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D04F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0CD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEA80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDBA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CCFC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CCE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CCDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CC9A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB400080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB2B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CAF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA4D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF700080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF680080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E41F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DE9F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1C20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5D76D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3EE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FC800080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

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output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D7750080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F07C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DD760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF060080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D17F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7D50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5C8040080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C7EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3EE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DFF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B46D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C1770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C67A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5C60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6C60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C59C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C59C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C59C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C59C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C59C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7D50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D17F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2730080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2730080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D76D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D1770080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C7EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D17F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C7EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1C20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D04F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0790080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDBA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6C60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEA80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5C60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D04F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D04F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D04F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D17F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=124124 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D0790080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=135135 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D1110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=145145 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=146 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=157157 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDBA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=158 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=164164 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDBA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=165 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=182182 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDBA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=183 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=206206 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=207 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 0000000018920660 out_data->s
equence_data = 0000000018920660
render in_data->current_time=243243 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.500000 downY=0.500000
render extent = 0 0 960 540
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=960 h=540 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8800080 w=960 h=540 r=960 if=3 of=3 f
rame=244 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9B20080 w=960 h=540 r=960
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=960 height=540

render in_data->current_time=243243 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=244 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=240240 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=241 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=242242 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=243 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=241241 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=242 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDBA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=239239 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=240 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=238238 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=239 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=237237 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=238 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=236236 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=237 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=235235 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=236 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=234234 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=235 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D7D50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=233233 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=232232 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=233 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=231231 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=232 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5C4F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=230230 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=229229 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=230 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=226226 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C67A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=228228 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D0CD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=225225 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=226 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=239239 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=240 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B46D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC4D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC4D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC4D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC4D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB380080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7D50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5D0CD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D0C50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C67A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7D50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4EB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDBA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D1110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5D0790080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D17F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D04F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5C60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEA80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC4D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F95A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=124124 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9520080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=129129 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=130 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=131131 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=133133 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=134 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=135135 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=136 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=137137 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=138 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=139139 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=140 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=142142 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=143 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=144144 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=145 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=146146 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=147 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=149149 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=150 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F00E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=151151 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=152 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=154154 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=155 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=157157 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=160160 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=163163 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=166166 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=167 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=169169 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=173173 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=176176 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB400080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=179179 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=183183 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB380080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=186186 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EAC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=190190 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=194194 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=200200 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=206206 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

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output buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=209209 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=210 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=214214 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=215 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=220220 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=221 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=226226 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B46D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=227 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C1770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB380080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB400080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EAC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB550080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB400080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB380080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EAC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=228228 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=157157 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=229229 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=230 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EB380080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=230230 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB400080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=231 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=231231 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=232 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=232232 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=235235 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=236 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=236236 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB400080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=237 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=237237 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=238 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=241241 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=242 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=243243 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=244 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F00E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB380080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB550080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F00E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB400080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9520080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC4D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5F95A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5C60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D04F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D1110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D17F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEA80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5C60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEA80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D0790080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEA80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C6BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEA80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EADD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E55E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9650080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3170080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EC390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2990080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DFF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DBAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB6E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DA8B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D9B10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB400080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F00E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EAC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2990080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB550080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFCC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DB370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB380080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB380080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB6E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D48D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7230080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB6E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB380080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D14A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D14A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0C60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CED20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1770080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CE4B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC9A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f

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output buf=00007FF5C6B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5F10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ACC20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AAC70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D1890080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0810080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD0D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ED370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED2F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC030080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EBFB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB3B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAD00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E87D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2090080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DADB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5EE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2090080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE620080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CFD90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF5A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C37D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2FE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9BF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9BF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE100080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9BF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=124124 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=125 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F06E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=125125 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=126 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=126126 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=127 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=128128 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=129 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEFE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=129129 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=130 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEE90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=130130 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=131 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EED40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=131131 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=132 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE5B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=132132 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=133 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=133133 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=134 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=134134 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=135 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=135135 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=136 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=136136 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=137 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=137137 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=138 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=138138 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=139 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=139139 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=140 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=140140 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=141 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=141141 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=142 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=142142 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=143 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=143143 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=144 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=144144 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=145 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=145145 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=146 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=146146 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=147 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=147147 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=148 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E87E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=148148 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=149 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E84A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=149149 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=150 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5E52D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=150150 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=151 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9F10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2FE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF5A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CD7D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CCFE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF7B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E52D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E84A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E52D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E87E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 0000000018948940 out_data->s
equence_data = 0000000018948940
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8640080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B94A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 0000000018948C00 out_data->s
equence_data = 0000000018948C00
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7660080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7E50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E52D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E52D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E52D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000189475C0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000189475C0
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6E70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7660080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E52D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9F10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
output w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE6A0080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CA460080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
render in_data->current_time=124124 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=125 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E52D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=125125 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=126 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=126126 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=127 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=128128 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=129 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=129129 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=130 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=130130 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=131 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=131131 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=132 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=132132 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=133 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEE90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=133133 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EED40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=134 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EB5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=134134 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEFE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=135 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=135135 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=136 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F06E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=136136 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=137 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=137137 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=138 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EED40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=138138 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=139 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE100080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=139139 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=140 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=140140 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=141 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=141141 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEFE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=142 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE5B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=142142 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEFE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=143 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=143143 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=144 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=144144 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=145 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=145145 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=146 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=146146 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=147 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=147147 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=148 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEFE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=148148 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=149 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=149149 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=150 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=150150 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=151 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=151151 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=152 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=152152 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=153 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=153153 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2090080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=154 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=154154 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=155 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=155155 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=156 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=156156 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=157 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5E2090080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=157157 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=158 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=158158 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=159 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=159159 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=160 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=160160 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=161 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=161161 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=162 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=162162 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=163 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=163163 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=164 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=165165 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=166 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=166166 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=167 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4800080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=168168 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=169 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D18B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=169169 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=170 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=171171 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=172 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4780080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=173173 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=174 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD3F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=174174 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=175 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2990080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=176176 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=177 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=178178 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=179 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=180180 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=181 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=181181 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=182 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6E70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=183183 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=184 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D08A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=185185 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=186 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=186186 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DBAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=187 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=188188 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C82C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=189 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2770080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=190190 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C82C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=191 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=192192 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=193 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C23E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=193193 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=194 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB1B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=195195 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=196 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C82C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=197197 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=198 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=199199 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=200 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=200200 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=201 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=202202 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=203 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D03B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=204204 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=205 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0260080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=206206 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=207 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=207207 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=208 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CFFC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=209209 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=211211 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=213213 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFB40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=215215 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5CF9F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=216216 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=217 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DBAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=218218 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=219 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2460080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=220220 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=221 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FF150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=222222 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=223 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=224224 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=225 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0D10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=229229 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=230 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDCA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=238238 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=239 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=233233 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CD950080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CD800080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=235235 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=236 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEE90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=231231 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=232 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CD9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=191191 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6E70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=192 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7660080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=191191 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=192 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF970080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=194194 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=195 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=196196 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=197 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDAD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=198198 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=199 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CD950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=201201 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=202 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 0000000018948B40 out_data->s
equence_data = 0000000018948B40
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8640080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6E70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=203203 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=204 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=205205 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=206 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=208208 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=209 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=191191 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9F10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=192 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=192192 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=193 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=193193 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=194 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=194194 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=195 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=195195 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=196 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=196196 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=197 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=197197 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=198 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=198198 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=199 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=199199 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=200200 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=201201 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=202 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=202202 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEFE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=203203 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=207207 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=205205 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=206206 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=204204 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=208208 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE5B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=209209 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=210210 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE100080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=211211 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EED40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=213213 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=215215 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F06E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=216216 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2090080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=218218 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=220220 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=222222 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=224224 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=212212 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=214214 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=217217 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=218 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=229229 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=230 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9F10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=231231 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=232 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9020080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=219219 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=220 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=233233 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=221221 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=222 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=223223 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=224 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=235235 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=225225 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=226226 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=238238 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E84A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=228228 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF2B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=230230 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E87E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=240240 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D18B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=232232 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E84A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4800080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=234234 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF2B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=236236 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=242242 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C37C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=241241 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF2B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=239239 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E84A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C38C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=237237 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=243243 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=240240 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=241 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0260080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=243243 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D03B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=244 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CD950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=240240 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6E70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=241 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7660080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=172172 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D03B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5D0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=173173 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=174174 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=175175 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E52D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=176176 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=177177 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C38C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=178178 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=179 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=179179 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=180180 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDAD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=181181 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=182 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4800080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=182182 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=183 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=183183 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=184 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C37C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=184184 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C38C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=185 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDAD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=185185 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=186 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=186186 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=187 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=187187 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=188 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=188188 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=189189 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=190 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C38C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=190190 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D18B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E87E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=191191 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=192192 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9F10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=193193 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=194194 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D18B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=195195 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=196196 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=197197 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=198198 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=199199 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=200200 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=201201 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=203203 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=205205 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=208208 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=210210 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2090080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=212212 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F06E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=215215 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=217217 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=218 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EED40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=219219 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE100080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=221221 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=224224 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE5B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=226226 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=228228 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FCCE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=230230 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEFE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=231 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=232232 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=233 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9E90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=206206 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BEFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=207 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B94A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=206206 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=207 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=207207 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=208 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEFE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 0000000018949440 out_data->s

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7E50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BEFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=209209 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=210 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=211211 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=213213 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=214 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=214214 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=215 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 00000000189495C0 out_data->s
equence_data = 00000000189495C0
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6E70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8640080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=216216 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=217 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=218218 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=219 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=223223 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=224 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=220220 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5E9E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=206206 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF450080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=207 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=207207 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=208 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=206206 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C79E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=207 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C71F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=208208 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=209209 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D0500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=210210 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=211211 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFFC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=212212 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D03B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=213213 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=214214 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=215215 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=216216 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9BF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=217217 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=218218 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=219 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=219219 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=220 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=220220 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=221 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=221221 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=222 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=222222 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=223 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=223223 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=224 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF0B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=224224 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=225 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=226226 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=227 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=225225 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=226 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=228228 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=229 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF450080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=229229 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB6C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=230230 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=232232 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB6C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=233 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=231231 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=232 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=233233 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=234 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6180080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=234234 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB6C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=235 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=235235 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=236 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=236236 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=237 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4780080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=237237 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB6C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=238 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E36F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=238238 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=239 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2990080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=239239 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=240 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=240240 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB6C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=241 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5DD570080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=241241 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=242 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=242242 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=243 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=243243 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=244 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB6C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6A00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6210080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6A00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C55F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4E00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C42C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2EE0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C1770080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C0F80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C0790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BFFA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF7B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE700080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDF10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BCF50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BC760080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB2B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAAC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA2D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B5E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B56A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4EB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B46C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3ED0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B36E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B2EF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B2700080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B1F10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B1720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B0F30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=228228 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=229 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=229229 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=230 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DAF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=230230 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=231 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D54A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=231231 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=232232 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D08B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=233233 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=234 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CFF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=234234 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=235235 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=236236 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFB40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=237237 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDCA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=238238 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CD9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=239239 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CC010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=240240 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5CADC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=241241 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=242242 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=243243 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
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output buf=00007FF5C4D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=172172 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B1720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=173 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5B0740080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=206206 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=207 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=208208 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=209 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4140080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=207207 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=208 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=212212 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=213 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=209209 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=210 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=210210 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=211211 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=212 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=213213 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=214 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3C70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=214214 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=215 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3BF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=202202 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=203 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=215215 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=204204 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=205 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=216216 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=217 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=217217 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=218 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=218218 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=219219 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=220 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2C60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=220220 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=221 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=221221 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=222 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=222222 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=223223 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=224224 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB6C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=225225 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=226226 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CADC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CD9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDCA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CFC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB6C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CFC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CC010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D08B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D54A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CD9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CFB40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5C2AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DAF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFB40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2C60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2CE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3BF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3C70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3C70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ECDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3A40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3C70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4140080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4AA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3C70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3C70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2DE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5C4BB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3EC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3C70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D18B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D18B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E87E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C38C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3C70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D18B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3C70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDAD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4800080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D18B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9F10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E52D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C37C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E52D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDDD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5C3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAF20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9BF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5F80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAD10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F01D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6180080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4780080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E36F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2990080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DD570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DCEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D03B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D0260080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D0500080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2090080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CFFC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CFFC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D03B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C27A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2070080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C27A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C27A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFFC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C27A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BD850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2090080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C27A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5B7050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8F30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B7370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B6910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B7150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B65F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B6C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B6B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B61A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B6670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B5F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B5200080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B66F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B4F60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B4E10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B4CC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B4A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B50B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B4780080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5B4630080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B44E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B4390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B40F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4AF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B3FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DAF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DAF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DAF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CFC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DAF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CD9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D08B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFB40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DAF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB6C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3BF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB6C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3BF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4140080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2B60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3BF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CC010080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDAD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3C70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4800080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C38C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDAD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5F80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E87E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9BF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5FAF20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F01D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F01D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDDD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAD10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C37C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D0110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF640080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E52D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5C37C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDC20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D18B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E8860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D18B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9F10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D18B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDB50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ED840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4880080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4780080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0DF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DD570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E36F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2990080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6180080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E36F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DCEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0500080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B61A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B65F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B5F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6670080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7150080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B6910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B6D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B7150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B3FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B4390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B44E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B4630080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B4780080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B6050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFF40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5DAF80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFB40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CD9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CFC90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CD9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B40F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B50B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B50B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D08B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B50B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CD9D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC030080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CC010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3D70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3CF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD4C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2D60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDDF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B4240080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B50B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDBD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EBFB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDFF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6000080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2D10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2C90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2090080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D72C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D72C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D6110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5E70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDAD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5D72C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C38C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4800080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3C70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5350080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9BF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E87E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5F80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C38C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D7050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5D20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5F80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D45A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4520080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4FC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D44A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4040080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3B40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAD10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D18B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2990080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DD570080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3AC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F9480080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF7C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E36F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DCEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CC010080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4520080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D45A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4520080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4520080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4520080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4520080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D54A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAD10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E36F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DCEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E2D10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D4620080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D45A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAD10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D54A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E36F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E36F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6110080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E4AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB5F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D45A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D54A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E36F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDE10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5E4AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D45A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C41C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D45A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D54A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E36F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E36F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D45A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D45A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CDA50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDE10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB370080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4AE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAAB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EB370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAD20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAD20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3940080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE840080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAD20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAD20080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=124124 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=134134 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=142142 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=151151 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=160160 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=170170 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=180180 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=190190 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=200200 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=206206 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=212212 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=216216 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=218218 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=223223 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=224224 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB4A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=231231 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=159159 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=238238 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=239 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3840080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=162162 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAD20080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=164164 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=166166 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=168168 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=173173 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA990080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=176176 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=179179 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=182182 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9990080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=185185 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9910080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=188188 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FAE70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=193193 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9890080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=196196 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E92E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=199199 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=202202 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C39C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=205205 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=209209 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=211211 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=213213 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=214 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5420080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=215215 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=216 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E9260080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=217217 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=218 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=219219 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=220 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=221221 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6220080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=222 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E61A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=225225 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E62A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=226 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6220080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E62A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F00D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=229229 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E55C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=230230 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=232232 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=233 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=234234 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E62A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=235 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=236236 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=239239 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5790080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E29C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=241241 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=242 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=243243 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=233233 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D5190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=235235 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5020080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=237237 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E5790080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=240240 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=242242 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E5810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DC270080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DA5C0080 w=599 h=337 r=608

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
render in_data->current_time=159159 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FEE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEAF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=158158 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FEE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=160160 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FEE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=161161 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=162162 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FEE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=163163 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=164164 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=165165 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=166166 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=167167 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=168168 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=169 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=169169 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=170 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=170170 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=171 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=171171 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=172172 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=173 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=173173 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=174 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=174174 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=175 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=175175 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=176 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE8B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=176176 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=177 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=177177 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=178 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=178178 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=179 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F00E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=179179 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=180 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDC80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=180180 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=181 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=181181 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=182182 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=183183 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=184184 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E7B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=185185 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=186186 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=187187 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=188188 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E61F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=189189 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=190190 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6270080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=191191 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6170080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=192192 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E62F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=193193 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=194194 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E4D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=195195 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=196 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=197197 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E8B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=198 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6270080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=198198 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=200200 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=201 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=201201 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=203203 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4140080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=204204 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=205 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=206206 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E3F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=207 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E55C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=207207 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=208 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3CD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=209209 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=210210 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=212212 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=213 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=213213 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E29C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=215215 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=216216 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1C30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=218218 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E0950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=220220 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=221221 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DDEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=223223 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DB340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=224224 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=225 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=226226 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=227 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5DB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D54A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=229229 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D47C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=230 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D3200080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=230230 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=231 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3100080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=232232 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=233 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D18E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=233233 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5DB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=235235 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D47C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=236 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=237237 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=238 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=238238 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=239 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CADC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=240240 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5DB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=241 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C8D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=241241 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D47C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C8D10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=243243 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C8C90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=242242 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=196196 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D47C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=199199 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=200 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=202202 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=203 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5DB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=205205 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=206 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=208208 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=209 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D7B20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=211211 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8C90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=212 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C8D10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=229229 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=230 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CADC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=214214 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=215 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3200080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=217217 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=218 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C8C90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=219219 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=220 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=222222 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=223 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=225225 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=226 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CF430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=236236 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D18E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=237 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=228228 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=229 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEAF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=230230 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=231 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=231231 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C7290080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=232 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C37D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=232232 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D18E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=233 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2F90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=233233 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=234 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2E40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=234234 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=235 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=235235 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C7290080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=237237 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D18E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=238238 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=239239 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2070080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=240240 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C7290080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BD810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=241241 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D18E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B90D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=243243 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B9050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5D3100080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C7290080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B7610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B7590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B69B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5F80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B5F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B9050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B90D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B7690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BD810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5F80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2E40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C8D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2070080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B5F80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C37D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEAF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D18E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2070080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CF430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C26D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2F90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C8C90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CADC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C8D10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D54A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CADC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CF430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3200080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D7B20080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D54A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5DB340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DDEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DF8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DDEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CADC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D7B20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E0950080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D47C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1C30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D47C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CADC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2EA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E29C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3410080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E29C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5DB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D70D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D47C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4610080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E1D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C2DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E29C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4140080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DDEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D47C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3CD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E55C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D47C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6170080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D47C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E61F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D47C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E4A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E62F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6170080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D47C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE760080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E29C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E62F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6170080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F00E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D47C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E62F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDC80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDC80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE8B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3F90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5EE8B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4C80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4C00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB750080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E2A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E12C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EB850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1170080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E0F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E0120080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DFFD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DFE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF1F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D35E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D3490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D3340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D32C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C58A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C56D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5650080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C56D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5C90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C53B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5750080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C56D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4E70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B1300080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B0740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C56D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5AECC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4E70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5C10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A9BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A3580080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A33B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A3330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A31E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A33B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A2EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A29D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A27B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A2560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4F70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A2270080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A2120080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A1FD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A1C80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A19E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5A1960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A17E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A1A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A19E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A2660080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1860080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A25E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A12D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A1250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A12D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A18E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C7290080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3100080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C7290080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A1350080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C7290080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A12D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C7290080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A1860080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A0E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B8F40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C7290080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0E80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A0BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0A10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A0990080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0A10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2E40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0A10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2390080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BD810080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2310080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0A90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A0A10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0A90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B7710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0A90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5BD810080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5B90D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE880080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C26D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C2070080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B5F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDDE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D18E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B5F00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C37D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B5F80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3200080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C8300080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8D10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C8C90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2F90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEA70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D54A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEAF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3200080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C37D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8D10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CE010080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2F90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D7B20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D54A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DA8A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3200080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5CEEA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8D10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C8D90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2F90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B7690080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D54A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3200080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D4E00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C8D10080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5A0A90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C2F90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B69B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D54A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5B7590080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3200080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3180080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E87F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3CD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DDEB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4140080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE5E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E55C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E42E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6270080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E3FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E55C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA6F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E62F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FBD60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE760080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E9690080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E62F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE560080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E6170080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E29C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EA0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F00E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D47C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4A70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
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render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FB250080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EA670080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F00E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E4D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6440080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E8B00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E61F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E6440080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FEE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDC80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E6440080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD8D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA040080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5A60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EA670080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB600080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4C80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C3F90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4D00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E7B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB750080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4C00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E7B50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1410080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EE8B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5FE080080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DFFD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E0120080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E0F20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DFFD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E1170080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DFFD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DFFD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5BE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DFFD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EB7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3490080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D35E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D3490080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3730080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5DFE80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DF340080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5D3490080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5E12C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF1F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C58A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5E0FA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D32C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DF340080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E1020080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DFFD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C58A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E4920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C58A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5B90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C58A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DFFD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B0740080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C58A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B1300080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C4FF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5650080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C5750080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C53B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C58A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5C5750080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C58A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E43B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E40C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A31E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A33B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E43B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3330080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A9BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AECC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C56D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C58A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E3DA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2BA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3580080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

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output buf=00007FF5A2EF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AECC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5C90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C58A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E43B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E38F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4E70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C58A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AECC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C5430080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AECC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A29D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AECC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2A50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of

=15 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of

=15 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of

=15 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF590240080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5863D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5941A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58A330080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF588380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BA2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58C2E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=15 of
=15 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58E290080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001894FB20 out_data->s
equence_data = 000000001894FB20
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001894F640 out_data->s
equence_data = 000000001894F640
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001894F6D0 out_data->s
equence_data = 000000001894F6D0
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001894F910 out_data->s
equence_data = 000000001894F910
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595170080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5921D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596C60080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5931B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001894FAF0 out_data->s
equence_data = 000000001894FAF0
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 0000000018951DF0 out_data->s
equence_data = 0000000018951DF0
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5911F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595960080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5919E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594980080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF596150080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A2580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF587CA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5874B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582C20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5874B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582C20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580860080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5874B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580860080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582C20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5874B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2510080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFAB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5874B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580860080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFAB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2510080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5874B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFAB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2510080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582C20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580860080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582C20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2510080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFAB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582C20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFAB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582C20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580860080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFAB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2510080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582C20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2510080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFAB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFAB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D2510080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582C20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2510080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582C20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFAB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582C20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2510080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582C20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFAB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFAB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF597450080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5929C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582C20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D2510080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581250080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=125125 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=126 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=124124 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=125 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=126126 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=127 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=128128 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=129 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 0000000018951E20 out_data->s
equence_data = 0000000018951E20
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8630080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8630080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D8630080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8630080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF58F7A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8630080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D8630080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5939A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF581A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF2C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF582430080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF580070080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 000000001894F670 out_data->s
equence_data = 000000001894F670
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 0000000018950D40 out_data->s
equence_data = 0000000018950D40
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 0000000018950D10 out_data->s
equence_data = 0000000018950D10
PF_Cmd_SEQUENCE_RESETUP in_data->sequence_data = 0000000018951F10 out_data->s
equence_data = 0000000018951F10
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB080080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AA890080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AA890080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB080080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB080080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AA890080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB080080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB080080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AA890080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB080080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AA890080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5A20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB080080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB080080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB080080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB080080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB080080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB080080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BB790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5BC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7A40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB080080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AE3E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB870080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BF5B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDDB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C13B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DE790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DE790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6840080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6840080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DE790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DE790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6840080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DE790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DE790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D6840080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D6840080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C6400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C4820080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DE790080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5B40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD0B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B66E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4830080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5810080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59ACB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59ACB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59ACB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4040080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A6000080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5020080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59ACB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59ACB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5994E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF598CF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59ACB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5994E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF598CF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF598500080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59ACB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF598500080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF598CF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59ACB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5994E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5994E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59ACB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF598500080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5994E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF598500080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59ACB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF598500080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5994E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59ACB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A8230080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59ACB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59BC90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF598500080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59C690080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5DCE00080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5994E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5DD5F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59B4A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B2E30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B2E30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1E40080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B2E30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59CE80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B2E30080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC060080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D0BC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1650080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5981B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF599CD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B79E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B79E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B79E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B79E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC140080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC140080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B79E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B79E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC140080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC140080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B79E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC140080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF594320080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5971D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595AF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B79E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC140080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5962E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B79E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFC10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5979C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE720080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF594B10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE740080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7DA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE740080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7DA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B50A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE740080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7DA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE740080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7DA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE740080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7DA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE740080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7DA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7DA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE740080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BE740080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7DA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE740080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B7DA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B7DA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BE740080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5BA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D5BA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59D670080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5BA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5989A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5BA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59A4C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D5BA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C72A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B50A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC140080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC140080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B50A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B50A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B50A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC140080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B50A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC140080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC140080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B50A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC140080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B50A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B50A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5CB190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5CB190080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B50A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B50A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A6CA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6CA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A6CA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6CA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AC930080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A6CA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AB950080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B8160080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B75B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5D40F0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4D50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4D50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4D50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BAA10080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4D50080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B4400080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B9DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7490080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AF420080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5C3F20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3F20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3580080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3F20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5C3F20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5C3F20080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4560080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3D70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B6DC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=1001 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=2 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=2002 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=3 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=3003 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=4 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=4004 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=5 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=5005 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=6 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=6006 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=7 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=7007 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=8 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=8008 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=9 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=9009 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=10 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=10010 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=11 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=11011 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=12 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=12012 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=13 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=14014 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=15 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=13013 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=14 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=15015 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=16 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=17017 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=18 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=16016 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=17 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=18018 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=19 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=19019 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=20 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=20020 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=21 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=21021 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=22 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=22022 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=23 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=23023 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=24 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=24024 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=25 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=25025 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=26 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=26026 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=27 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=27027 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=28 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=28028 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=29 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=29029 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=30 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=30030 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=31 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=31031 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=32 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=32032 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=33 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=33033 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=34 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=34034 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=35 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=35035 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=36 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=36036 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=37 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=37037 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=38 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=38038 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=39 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=39039 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=40 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=41041 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=42 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=40040 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=41 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=42042 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=43 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=43043 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=44 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=44044 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=45 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=45045 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=46 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A5540080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=46046 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=47 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=47047 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=48 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=48048 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=49 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=49049 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=50 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=51051 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=52 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=50050 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=51 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=52052 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=53 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=53053 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=54 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=54054 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=55 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=55055 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=56 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=56056 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=57 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=57057 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=58 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=58058 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=59 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=59059 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=60 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=60060 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=61 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=61061 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=62 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=62062 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=63 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=63063 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=64 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=64064 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=65 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=65065 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=66 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=67067 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=68 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=66066 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=67 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=68068 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=69 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=69069 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=70 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=88 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=91 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=94 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=106106 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=107 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=107107 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=108 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=108108 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=109 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=109109 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=110 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=110110 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=111 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=111111 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=112 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=112112 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=113 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=113113 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=114 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=114114 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=115 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=115115 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=116 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=116116 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=117 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=117117 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=118 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=118118 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=119 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=119119 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=120 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=120120 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=121 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=121121 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=122 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=122122 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=123 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=124124 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=125 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=123123 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=124 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=125125 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=126 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=126126 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=127 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=127127 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=128 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=128128 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=129 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=129129 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=130 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=130130 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=131 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=132132 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=133 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=131131 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=132 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=133133 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=134 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A15C0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=134134 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=135 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=135135 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=136 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=136136 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=137 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=137137 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=138 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=139139 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=140 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=138138 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=139 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=140140 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=141 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=141141 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=142 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=142142 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=143 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=143143 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=144 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=144144 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=145 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=145145 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=146 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=146146 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=147 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=147147 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=148 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=148148 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=149 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=149149 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=150 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=150150 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=151 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=151151 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=152 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=152152 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=153 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=153153 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=154 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=154154 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=155 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=156156 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=157 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=155155 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=156 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=157157 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=158 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=158158 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=159 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=159159 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=160 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=160160 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=161 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=161161 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=162 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=162162 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=163 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=164164 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=165 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=163163 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=164 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=166166 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=167 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=165165 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=166 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=167167 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=168 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=169169 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=170 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=168168 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=169 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=170170 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=171 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=171171 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=172 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=172172 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=173 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=173173 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=174 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=174174 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=175 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=175175 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=176 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=176176 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=177 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=177177 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=178 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=178178 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=179 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=179179 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=180 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=180180 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=181 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=181181 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=182 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=182182 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=183 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=183183 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=184 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=184184 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=185 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=185185 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=186 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=186186 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=187 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=187187 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=188 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=188188 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=189 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=189189 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A05E0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=190 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=190190 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=191 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=191191 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=192 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=192192 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=193 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=193193 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=194 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=194194 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=195 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=195195 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=196 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=196196 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=197 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=197197 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=198 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=198198 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=199 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=199199 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=200 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=200200 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=201 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=201201 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=202 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=203203 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=204 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=202202 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=203 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=204204 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=205 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=205205 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=206 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=206206 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A64B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=207 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=207207 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=208 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=208208 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=209 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=209209 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=210 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=210210 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=211 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=211211 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=212 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=212212 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=213 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=213213 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=214 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AFF70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=214214 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=215 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=215215 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=216 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=216216 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=217 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=217217 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=218 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=218218 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=219 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=219219 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=220 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=220220 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=221 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=221221 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=222 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=222222 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A89B0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=223 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=223223 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=224 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=224224 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=225 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=225225 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=226 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080

render in_data->current_time=226226 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=227 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=227227 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=228 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=228228 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=229 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=229229 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=230 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=230230 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=

3 frame=231 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=231231 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=232 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=232232 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A3E90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=233 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=233233 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=234 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BDFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=234234 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59FDF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=235 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=236236 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000

render extent = 0 0 1920 1080

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5B3850080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=237 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59E380080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=235235 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A4680080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=236 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=237237 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A0DD0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=238 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=238238 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5BDFC0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=239 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=239239 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A2D90080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=240 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=240240 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF59EB70080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=241 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF595300080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=241241 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A25A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=242 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5BBAA0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=242242 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A36A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=243 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5A1DB0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=243243 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5A7C80080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=244 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5AD8A0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=0 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.312042 downY=0.312042
render extent = 0 0 599 337
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0

output w=599 h=337 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FA2B0080 w=599 h=337 r=608 if=3 of=3 f
rame=1 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9BA0080 w=599 h=337 r=608
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=599 height=337
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E63D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E2DF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE150080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDEF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=74 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD3A0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=75 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBDC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=76 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=77 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD0C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5FAC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FE920080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FE920080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0DC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5710080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0120080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0120080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0120080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F5710080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0120080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EED60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0120080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EEC10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0120080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE8B0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE2E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE260080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDDA0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE830080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0120080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ED370080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ECCF0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDFE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EDF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5ECF70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EE2E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC030080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EBFB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EC030080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5ED2F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EC030080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FACC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EAD40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0

render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EAC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E96E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=1.000000 downY=1.000000
render extent = 0 0 1920 1080
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
output w=1920 h=1080 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5E2DF0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920 if=3 of=
3 frame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5E63D0080 w=1920 h=1080 r=1920
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=1920 height=1080
render in_data->current_time=70070 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=71 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEA40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=71071 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=72 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FE8F0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=72072 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=73 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FDE20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

render in_data->current_time=73073 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FDC40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=74074 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD110080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=75075 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FC850080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=76076 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5FD220080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=77077 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
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output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=78 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBCB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=78078 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FED70080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=79 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FBC30080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=79079 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=80 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FB960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=80080 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=81 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FEED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=81081 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=82 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAA40080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=82082 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000

render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=83 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FA7E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=83083 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=84 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FED70080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=84084 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=85 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F8DD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=85085 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=86 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6900080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=86086 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=87 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5ED0080 w=480 h=270 r=480

ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.

ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=87087 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F6E20080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=88088 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=89 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F9E60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=89089 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5FAAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=90 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FD190080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=90090 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
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ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5F0960080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=91091 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080

input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0

output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=92 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F6CB0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=92092 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F0540080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=93 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F04C0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=93093 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
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output buf=00007FF5EFE60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=94094 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=95 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FAAC0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=95095 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=96 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F0540080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=96096 in_data->time_scale=30000

render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001

render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5F5D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=97 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EF050080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=97097 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=98 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EEF00080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=98098 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=99 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5FC7D0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=99099 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=100 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5F5D80080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=100100 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEC60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3

rame=101 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0

output buf=00007FF5EEA90080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=101101 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EEC60080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=102 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFF60080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=102102 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE2E0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=103 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EECE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=103103 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=104 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDF10080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=104104 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270
render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EE190080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3
rame=105 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EFEE0080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270
render in_data->current_time=105105 in_data->time_scale=30000
render in_data->local_time_step=1001 in_data->time_step=1001
render downX=0.250000 downY=0.250000
render extent = 0 0 480 270

render pre_effect_source_origin = 0 0
render in_data->width=1920 height=1080
input w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
output w=480 h=270 origin x=0 y=0
ColoristaRender::RenderFrame buf=00007FF5EDCD0080 w=480 h=270 r=480 if=3 of=3 f
rame=106 as=1.000000 is=1.000000 os=1.000000 it=0 ot=0
output buf=00007FF5EDC50080 w=480 h=270 r=480
ColoristaRender Rendering in local thread.
ColoristaToolChain::GpuProgrammaticRender mGpu_Render_API width=480 height=270

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