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Pride Product Approval Form

Submitted to Product Approval Committee


Hunter Bond

Date (s) submitted

10/12/16, 11/30/16

Research Topic / Area of Study

Industrial Design

Connection to research paper

Paper focused on the designing process and purpose of industrial

design and what how it can apply to multiple fields of work. I
decided to go down the route of toy production and prototyping.

Goal of product / what problem or

need solved or addressed

To create a 3D model of a gear toy kit created in CAD and then

3D printed to address the education of kids and adults alike. This
gear toy kit will teach the importance of gear ratios and different
gears and its systems, such as a spur and planetary gearbox.

Estimated time to complete

The process for making the model will take about 72 hours to
120 hours to make, depending on how much work I can
complete each day.

People who will assist (if applicable) Mentor - Mike LaRochelle

Estimated cost / investment

Cost for filament (~$30)

What will judges see at

presentation? (evidence of work
and development)

-3D printed model of my product, about 10x10 square in.

platform with different attachable gears along with a crank
-concept design of the papers used to draw the original device
and drawings of a the pieces of the product

Personal stretch (area of growth)

Mesh design with 3D modelling, teaching adults

Product Description: My product will be a toy, used for ages around 5 years or older, that has the
capacity to teach kids or even adults about the concepts of gear ratios and how to increase or decrease
speed depending on how many teeth the gear has and the gear ratio. I will model around 6 to 7 gears that
would be able to attach to a grid and will also be precise enough for all of the gears to connect to each
other onto this grid. This educational toy will include simple mechanisms such as a spur gearbox and
even a planetary gearbox for the student to examine and experiment with. This educational kit will allow
students of all ages to configure and understand the importance of gears which can be applied to almost
all mechanical machines that involves gears and motor rotation.

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