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2016-11-11, Science Lesson (Writing about sound and light)

Answer the question, what can we see with a mirror?
Draw a picture and write 3-4 sentences about sound.
Measureable Objective:
I know I have learned it when I can tell what I can see with a
I know I have learned it when I can show in a picture and in
writing, sound is ____.
Action Plan:

o Piece of construction paper.
o Lined paper.
o Table caddies
o Notebook sheet 12, Reflections
o Pencil pails
o Glue Stick
o Science Notebooks
o Reflections, from Sound and Light.
Activities (include time for each):
o Finish, What is Sound, activity (25)
Post sound words
Model Filling page with picture about sound.
Children laughing.
Model writing 3-4 sentences about sound.
Childrens throats are sound sources. They
make vibrations that travel through the air. My
ears are sound receivers. They receive the
vibrations. Sometimes the sound is loud, belly
laugh. Sometimes the sound is a high giggle.
Sound is children laughing.
I want you to describe the sound source, how the
sound travels, the sound receiver, and what is sound.
(Take dictation from Jack.)
o Finish writing Science Notebook entries & glue into
notebooks. (15 min)
Go to science tables.
Turn and talk with your science partner: What can
you see with a mirror?

Model: You are going to focus on finishing your

writing. With a mirror I can see _________, ________,
and ________.
Person in the red chair, get science notebook sheet
for your table. Quietly write your answer. Thumbs
up when you are finished.
Person in red chair get glue sticks. You may glue
your entries into your Science Notebook. Put them
into the center of your table.
o Read Reflections (15)
When I say the word that rhymes with bright (light),
bring your science notebook and sit in listening rows.
As you read, ask questions:
P.46, What happens when light hits a mirror?
P.48, What do you notice about the
photographs on these pages?
P.50, Compare the photographs on these pages
with the photographs on the previous two
pages. What is the same and what is different?
After reading, ask the following questions to check
for understanding.
On what types of objects can you see
What do the surfaces of these objects have in
Why do reflections from a spoon look different?
How is a shadow different from a reflection?
(they are both an image of an object, reflection
light bounces off a shiny object and we see
clear image, shadow light is blocked by an
object and we see a darker image of shape)
Share notebook entries.
Put your science notebooks in the center of your
science table.
o Glue open responses into math journals. (5 min)
Pass out open responses to tables.
Table helper get out Math Journals.
Glue your open response into your Math Journal so
that the top shows.
Put glue sticks away. Get ready for snack.

Students draw a picture about sound

Students write 3-4 sentences that tell how their picture shows
Students indicate by writing or drawing that mirror reflect light
Students indicate that they can see things that are behind them
when they use a mirror.

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