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Caleb Snider
UWRT 1104
Deby Jizi
26 October 2016
Annotated Bibliography

Bogdan, Greg. "Top 7 Programming Languages Used in Video Games." N.p., 09
Feb. 2016. Web. 12 Oct. 2016.
In the article titled "Top 7 Programming Languages Used in Video Games", author Greg
Bogdon explains what programming languages are used for different platforms. He tells which
platform he is talking about, and then proceeds to explain what language can be used for that
specific platform. Along with the name of each language, a small portion of code is attached to
give the reader an idea of how each language looks if they've never seen it before.
With the many languages listed pertaining to different platforms, I have either already
worked with it or have at least heard of it. I already also have a strong base in java, which many
of these languages look very similar to. It is a nice attachment as well that he added an example
of code along with the listing of each language, to give someone an example set of code in case
the reader hadn't seen that language before. With the attachment of example segments of code for
each platform, that will be helpful as I will know what kind of work I will have to do depending
on which platform I focus on.
With regards to the article, I would argue that the source is credible. The author, Greg
Bogdon, is a professional programmer with 7 years of experience in the programming field. His
purpose of this article is to inform the readers of what type of programming languages they will

have to know if they plan on programming video games professionally. The article was also
posted earlier this year, on February 9, 2016, keeping it up to par with the languages still used,
even though new technologies have emerged such as VR (virtual reality) and UHD (ultra high
definition) capabilities have just opened up to the gaming world, the languages have stayed
constant since the release of the current generation consoles.

Loretto, Penny. "Careers I Video Gaming Are Growing in Popularity." The Balance. N.p., 08
Nov. 2016. Web. 08 Nov. 2016.

In the article titled Are you interested in a career in Video Gaming?, author Penny
Loretto explains the different types of jobs in video gaming industry. She gives details about
various video gaming job descriptions at a high level. Penny also gives high level information
about video gaming programmers, designers and testing with the knowledge and skills it takes to
perform this job.
I knew that there were different positions within the gaming development industry but
Penny Loretto did a great job breaking down the four main job types. Software developers are
not only are software developers but are game designers and testers. The author explains that the
gaming industry is highly completive. Developers that are in the highest paid roles are those with
artificial intelligence and 3D modelling skills. Math and computer skills is a must for this
industry. I am glad I am focusing my freshman year in theses areas. Although C and C++
languages are the most widely used in the gaming industry my Java skills should create a
streamlined transition into these languages. As the author states, there are many pros in the
industry, such as the casualty of dress and work, yet some of the cons, such as unusually long
work hours, can outweigh the good of they get too out of hand.

With regards to the article I find Penny to be a credible author. She is not in the gaming
industry but has more than 20 years experience in career counseling and human resources. Some
of what she states is a generalized conception of the gaming industry which I have validated
through people who are currently employed in this industry. I would deem this article to be a
very creditable article.

"The Process of Game Development - Pearson Higher Ed." N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Nov. 2016.
This article outlines what it takes to make a video game from start to end. It outlines every major
step from the beginning idea to the final release of the game. Along the way, it goes into pretty
decent detail about what each step contains and how most major companies go about creating
their games.
This book pertains to video game programming and in particular, my role in the field
nicely. It outlines where my work will be put to use and which parts Ill be involved in. Due to
this, I have a better understanding as to how my expertise will be used and what roles in the
video game making process I will take part in. This could lead to a better transition into what I
would be doing thus making my job easier out of the gates.
This source is credible in the sense that the book was written by a well known company
for making e-textbooks, Pearson. I currently use Pearson,s books in two of my classes, Sociology
and Pre-Calculus. The books that the company puts out are used by colleges and are well
acclaimed for the information they have in them. Although an author wasnt listed, I still believe
the book to be credible as it was made by a company who produces college level textbooks.

Rouse, Richard. Game Design: Theory and Practice. Plano, TX: Wordware Publ., 2005. Print.

The book, Game Design: Theory and Practice is another book that outlines the game
development process as a whole. It is packed with information that can be useful to inquiring
about my career in video game programming. Richard Rouse explains how the entire process is
put together in immense detail from start to finish hitting every major detail, including video
game programming and how it is carried out. Since Rouse coded for a few games in the past, he
was able to share some of his personal insight on the topic as well.
This book also pertains to my topic of video game programming as it outlines in detail
the process of when the coding begins and when it ends. Since updates are constantly being
pushed out, coding technically never stops on some games until the game is finally discontinued.
This gives me a good idea into how long I will work on certain projects and when I will start new
ones. The book also shows about how much time and money is allotted to the programming
process on average, so it gives a pretty good idea how time constraints will be in the field.
The author, Richard Rouse is a credible author on the topic of video game development,
as he has worked in the industry for going on 15 years. He was on teams for the production of at
least nine games, with some of them being AAA titles. Richard worked as a coder, and also
worked as a writer in his time in the industry. He was a former employee of Ubisoft Montreal,
which put out franchises such as the critically acclaimed Assassin's Creed series, Far Cry games,
and the upcoming title, For Honor.

Schell, Jesse. The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2015.

In the book The Art of Game Design, a book of lenses, second edition, the author Jesse
Schell basically gives us what I consider to be the bible of game design. The book is great for

someone that wants to get into game design because the author covers an entire course on how to
become a game designer. The book is broken down into conceptual tool format and design to
guide a new programmer, such as myself, through the world of gaming development.
With the book explaining pretty much the entire process of how a game is made from
start to finish, it helps pertain to the topic of video game programming as it lays how
programming development is carried out. The elements of game mechanics and interfaces in
which a gaming developer needs to be successful is focused on in several chapters with the
emphasis to the gaming developer that the game is written for player of the game not the
developer. The design and programming fundamentals laid out in this book, I found extremely
informative and a great toolbox book for any gaming programmer.
I have reviewed the second edition of this book because of they way I looked at game
development. This book has inspired me to one day create and develop my own game. I do look
at this book as the bible for gaming developers because Jesse not only the author of this book
but is also the founder/ CEO of Schell games. Schell is one of the most successful game
development company in the northern region of the United States. Not only do I find him
credible for the reasons listed above he also won computer gaming world- 2003 game of the year
2003 people's voice award and many award winning work for the Walt Disney company.

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