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Mohammad Siddiqi

Mr. Choi
AP World History: Pd. 1

Chapter 11 ID Terms
Way of life in which people depend on the herding of domesticated animals for their food
and resources
Great ruler of the Xiongnu Empire who created a centralized and hierarchical political
People of the Mongolian steppe lands north of China who formed a large-scale nomadic
Turkic speakers from Central Asia, originally nomads, who spread westward into the east
and into India; they created a series of nomadic empires
Almoravid Empire:
Empire rose among the Berber pastoralists of Western Sahara who were Muslims; capital
is Marrakesh
Temujin/Chinggis Khan:
Ruler of the Mongol empire, Chinggis Khan meaning universal ruler; united the
Mongols and led the empire to an age of conquering
The Mongol world war:
Term used to describe the military campaigns, massive killing, and empire building led
by the leader of the Mongol empire, Chinggis Khan
Yuan dynasty China:
Mongol dynasty that ruled China; its name means "great beginnings"
Khubilai Khan:
Grandson of Chinggis Khan who ruled Yuan dynasty China
Grandson of Chinggis Khan who led a second assault upon Persia; became the first ilkhan of Persia
Daughter with many brothers of Mongol ruler of Central Asia, Qaidu Khan. Refused to
marry and could fight better than any man.
Kipchak Khanate/Golden Horde:
Name given to Russia by the Mongols after they conquered; known to Russians as the
"Khanate of the Golden Horde"
Black Death/plague:
Name later given to the massive plague pandemic that swept through Eurasia; one of the
causes for the falling of the Mongol empire

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