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Mentor Interview


Do you only deal with breast cancer in your line of work?

No I deal with all womens cancer and diseases, like AIDs ovarian cancer etc.
How often do you deal with breast cancer out of all your patients?
At least 45 percent of my patients that i see have breast cancer along, some even
have multiple cancers at a time.
3. Ive seen some research that states that stress is not a factor for breast cancer,
Do you support that?

A. No I do not believe that at all, I believe it is a very big factor in all cases. Maybe
not as much as others but in most cases there has some stress to do with it.
5. Why do you think some research states that stress is not a factor?
A. This is because stress is not a measurable factor. Stress is different for everyone
and not everyone handles stress the same way.
6. Is it hard to deal with the sadness that comes with this type of work?
A. Its always hard on me and the other people around and especially on the patients
but you give them reassurance and the support they need as much as you can.

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