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Cleighton Boehme

Revised Practicum Goals

Dec. 3, 2016

Revised Practicum Goals

1. Develop my classroom management skills, specifically working on setting
expectations, following through, having smooth transitions, and trying
different attention-getters
I have tried out several different attention getters and will continue to
try new things (at least 2/week)
I have come to see the important of setting routines, expectations, and
then following through
o It is more difficult to measure progress in this aspect of the goal,
but I have been actively taking notes on how I am doing and
how I can improve myself
o I will continue to do this
2. Make positive contact with the parents of each students
I was able to make it to most of the parent teacher conferences that
we had and meet at least one parent of most of the students in the
To make this goal more meaningful, I decided to set a goals to contact
each parent at the end of the semester rather than throughout, after I
have gotten to know the students in my class better
o Doing this at the end rather than throughout will make this
contact more meaningful
3. Get to know other teachers in the school and observe teaching in other
I found that it was very difficult to try to learn all of the teachers
names, as my focus was on lesson planning and getting to know the
students in my class
I have gotten to know the teachers on the grade 3 team already
By the end of the semester, I want to observe at least 10 other
teachers in the school
4. Integrate technology into my lessons
I didnt foresee the limited technology that we have in our grade three
o We have access to a laptop cart that is shared among the grade
3 classes
o We have an iPad in our room
o We have a SMART board
I have incorporated technology in my lessons in ways that are practical
Before the end of the semester, I would like to design or adapt a
SMART board activity to use in one of my lessons

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