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04-11-2016 Unit.

11 Animation for Digital Media

Production stage- Week 1

Creating an Armature.

Evaluation (page 1 of 3).

Describe the session eg what did you do today?
I Created a Basic Armature, Used Metal Wire. I Originally Made My Model Wire Thicker.
But Due To Movability Issues, I changed it to a more agile Frame.

What did you learn today that you didnt know how to do before?
As well as techniques, please discuss what tools you used? eg. wire, vice, pliers
A New way of structuring within Animation.
A Way Of Making My Armature Stable

Please scroll down

How did it go?!

Assess the strengths and areas for improvement of the Armature you have made. What did you
find hard? What anything easy? Is there anything you had to do a couple of times?

Today went fine, I was annoyed that my frame was to heavy and stiff, but I made a
way around it and made a thinner frame.

What would you do differently, if you started the session from scratch and did it
all over again?
I Would of made my frame better the first time instead of wasting time, redoing it

Please scroll down.

And Finally.
What are your next steps? i.e What do you plan to achieve/improve/explore in the next

Im now going to start placing the Plasticine on to my armature

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