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Maya Porche

English 9H/ Period 7

We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all
belong to one human race - Kofi Annan
I fully Agree with the quote. Differences between people are what make unique
individuals. Religion, language, and ethnicity develop new ideas and technologies that affect the
human race as a whole. Without a wide range of people, society wouldn't have been as advanced
as it would be today. People shouldn't give differences among people a consequence, differences
should be viewed as special and useful for the growth for equality. Although there are differences
and humans are scientifically all part of the same human race, every aspect of the human race
values the importance of knowledge. My mother is Italian and my father is from Louisiana.
Despite the difference in ethnicity and religion from both halves of my family, they all encourage
the gaining of knowledge and have different views on the same topics. The need to understand
the world has developed the technology and religion that we see today in our society. For
example, every religion has an unique opinion of how life was created and what happens to
people after death. Languages were created to communicate and to also spread beliefs. Varying
medical procedures were developed in different parts of the world for the same conditions
throughout history. The need for knowledge is why we all belong to the same human race.

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