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September 12, 2016

Today we started a group project as to why Montresor killed fortunato. In the project i am
the leader and we have been looking for a diagnosis for him. So far we have schizophrenia as
the diagnosis.
September 19, 2016
Today we took our test on the verbal advantage. We also started a new section and are
reading about how we as a country/nation are on common ground.
September 20, 2016
Today we were analyzing a story as to why america is an Improbable idea. The story
was very negative and talked about why america is bad and not a good country.
September 22, 2016
Today we discussed A Quilt of a Country and how we thought it was. We then took a
quiz on how we were able to understand the text and what it was about. Currently we are
reading another speech story thing where it compares two events in history and how they are
September 23, 2016
Today we had a discussion on how america today and america back them have
changed. We saw how back then people were very divided but now we may still be divided but
we have come a long way since then.
September 26, 2016
Today we read Once Upon a Time and the story is about mainly no matter how safe you
may think you are you will still get hurt. The story is about this couple trying to keep their child
safe but in the end the child get really hurt.
September 30, 2016
Today we took the V.A quiz then we shared our stories and took notes for our speeches.
The speeches are in groups so it's a group project. I don't know who will be in my group yet
because i don't know a lot of people in this class.
October 4, 2016
Today we worked on our speeches for friday. I'm doing the closing in the speech. So far
the thesis is a yes and no to the question.
October 7,2016
Today i listened to the other groups doing speeches and waiting for my group's turn but
we didn't go. The speeches were good and they had some really good points that they had
October 10, 2016

Today my group went for the speeches and i feel like we did well but i'm not sure. When
we went i had gone without my reference card and for me thats a big thing for me to do.
October 13, 2016
Today we read in the beginning of class and for me i really need to read my book right
now. We even started a new section where its talks about rhetoric.
October 14, 2016
So today we looked over what ethos. Logos, and pathos mean and how they are used in
everyday life. Then we worked on our quick writes.
October 18, 2016
Today in class we had continued to read the letters from birmingham jail. While reading
we have to annotate with the They say/I say way. I haven't read much because as i'm reading
i summarize what i've just read. As i'm reading it also gives some insight as to what others
thought of Martin Luther King JR. and how he is responding to them.
October 21, 2016
Today we did the questions on the rhetoric
October 24, 2016
Today we did a quick write on the letter to birmingham. The quick write was about the
arguments that King discussed. We then peer-edited at the end and for me i did okay on it there
was a few things that i needed to add but other than that i did alright on the quick write.
October 31, 2016
Today we looked at the prompt for the essay we are going to have to write. We also
worked other the thesis which was the response to the prompt and then revised it to fit with the
opening thesis criteria.
November 1, 2016
Today we had discussed weaknesses in our writing skills and took notes on them. For
me i think my weak point is formating evidence and analysis. After that we took notes and read
different types of evidence used in writing. With the evidence of writing we are gonna use them
in out essay. After that we then worked on the outline for the essay.
November 14, 2016
Today we took the V.A. quiz then after we started to talk about the graffiti journals that
we are going to make while reading To Kill a Mockingbird and we then discussed some
questions about the book.
November 15, 2016
Today we finished discussing the Lit circle. We discussed that will go on later in the
book and what had happened with boo radley. Then we read To Kill a Mockingbird.

November 17, 2016

Today we did another Lit Circle and discussed TKAM in class. During the discussion we
went over that different things mean and what they represent. We also took a quiz on the book
to see how well we know the book.
November 18, 2016
We did the quick write on part one of TKAM about the lessons that Jem and Scout have
learned in the beginning. We then started reading part two of TKAM and in part two it starts to
show how Scout is starting to mature in the book and the trial her father is apart of.
November 28, 2016
Today we took a quiz on TKAM and then we had a long discussion about the last few
chapters we read.
December 1, 2016
Today we read for half an hour then we had our fourth Lit Circle discussing what has
gone on during the trial and how mayella is saying that Tom Robinson took advantage of her
and beat her up even tho he has a limp arm. He pointed out without even knowing that her
father abuses her. After we discussed that we went to reading chapter 20 of the book.
December 2, 2016
Today we had another lit circle and discussed what happened then we did a quick write.
December 5, 2016
Today we had a work day and we were able to work on whatever we needed to work on
in english and during that time i choose to work on my character chart.
December 6, 2016
Today we discussed what happens i TKAM and we went in depth as to what had

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