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The priorities of Government of China is to squash internet content provider control in
the interest of political stability.Its also proritize to requires Google to comply with the
Chinas level of censorship.In nation of

1.35 billion people,56 ethnic with unbalanced

development and distribution income,encouraging free election,civil society and political

organizing would be a recipe for chaos and an obstacles to growth.

While the priorities of Google to focus on profit,future growth and brand management
and also doesnt want to comply with the level of censorship required by China.Besides
that,Google also priorities to freedom of linking,surfing and expression and also acquiring on
domain and server hosting as soon as possible ahead of other companies.

BATNA ( Best Alternatives to a Negotiated Agreements ) fo the China Government is

the agreement on selective products from Googles product portfolio such as
Googlemap,Google Analytics,Google Plus,Google Chrome,Google TV,Youtube,Google








collaboration.Besides that,BATNA for China Government to save China governments face

value by allowing google to re-enter China with special project collaboration between China
intellectual elites and Google top engineers.Futhermore,mutual colloboration research in
better technologies to enhance search quality,speed performance base on Chinese culture and
Chinese language prior to commercial launch in China.

BATNA ( Best Alternatives to a Negotiated Agreements ) fo the Google company will

upping its investment though Baidu homegrownsearch engine.Its also building strong
relationship with China and also will adapting to the specific conditions in China such as
culture,values , history,state laws ang the government policy. Google company also had a
BATNA provide search results to Chinese to up to the extend of country plitical and military
concerning contents at the agreed boundaries of transparency.

Hire an internationally-experienced and renowned public relations firm to present the
situation in a more positive light.
Counter bad publicity by using the media to your advantage.Issue a series of press
releases arguing that it would be more damaging to pull out of China altogether
address critisms directly and clearly explain the rationale of your decision.
Highlight the fact that China authorities have restricted citizens to popular search
engines such as Yahoo! In the past,and that while removing search results is
inconsistent with Googles mission,providing no information at all would be even
more inconsistent with their mission,
After public perception through increased promotion of Googles philanthropic work
Emphasize thar censorship issues are not restricted to China and that Google also had
to do similar things in Germany as well as in their own home country to meet legal
Close its China officers and abandon market.

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