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Laplaces law: vessel wall tension is dependent on the difference between

outside and inside pressure
o (PressureOut PressureIn) = (Wall Tension) / (Radius)
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone Axis
o Controls longterm BP
o Angiotensinogen is made by the liver in response to corticosteroids,
estrogen, thyroxin and angiotensin2 levels
o Kidneys JGA releases renin when there is low BP
Renin = angiotensinogenase = cleaves angiotensinogen
o ACE is secreted by pulmonary and renal endothelial cells
Cleaves angiotensin1 angiotensin2 (2 C-terminal residues
o Angiotensin2 = most potent vasoconstrictor; causes increase in total
peripheral resistance and thus BP
Also signals adrenal cortexs zonaglomerulosa to release
aldosterone (acts on DCT and CDs to conserve more Na and
secrete K = increase in blood volume)
Coronary Artery Disease (aka Ischemic Heart Disease)
o 3 types:
Myocardial infarction = localized area of cardiac muscle (ST
segment elevated)
Cardiac arrest = death within 1 hour of symptoms
Angina pectoris

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