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Nama: Rifdatul khoirot


: 130012116

Prodi : S1-Keperawatan/C
Nurse Daily Activities in the Hospital
Every morning nurses change the shift by nurses before.
Nurses told patients treat by nurse earlier that she might
succeed. Nurses then perform nursing care to patients. nurses
perform therapeutic greetings. The nurse asked how the
patients's sleep a night, well what does not. Nurses to control the
patient's condition. Nurses perform vital signs (blood pressure,
temperature, and pulse). Then the nurse helps the patient to
perform personal hygiene. Usually nurses also help patients
breakfast and help patients to take medication after breakfast.
For the day, the nurse return to control the patient's
condition. Help patients lunch. then the nurse helps the patient
to take the medicine again. If the nurse will change the shift, the
nurse should tell the patient.

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