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Todays world is interactive and all life in it is also interactive. In this interactive world
communication spins the web of life .We can transform ourselves and our world by changing the
way we communicate with ourselves and others. In teaching learning process also
communication plays a vital role. The essence of teaching in a way is communication since the
process involves a two way interaction between the teacher and taught.
The word communication is derived from the Latin word communis which means common. In
this sense, communication is sharing or exchanging thoughts, ideas, opinions, sentiments and
information. One way communicate with others through spoken word and silence; body postures,
gestures and facial expressions; written word and graphics, music, painting and other creative
forms of expression.
Edgar Dale defines it as sharing of ideas, feeling in a mood of mutuality.
Keith and Davis define it as a process of passing information and understanding from a person to
another. It is essentially a bridge of meaning between the people. They opined that by using the
bridge one can safely cross the river of misunderstanding.
Dewey defines communication as a process of sharing experience till it becomes a common
possession. He says it modifies the disposition of both the parties who partake it.

Kumar K.L has listed the following elements of Communication.
1. Communication context. Overall environment existing
Physical (the room and surroundings)
Social (the relationship between teacher and student)
Psychological (formal &informal)
Temporal (time &period)
2. Communicator/Source :A person or an event which provides verbal or non verbal cues (a
signal to an action to enter or begin their speech or performance) to which someone can
respond when the source is a person ,he is called a sender (Teacher)
3. Receiver :A person who receives and interprets the message (Student)
4. Message :A set of verbal or non verbal symbols ,Gestures , Cues , movements ,figures ,or
words send by the source
5. Symbol: A symbol is something that denotes one idea or thing or fact etc. They can be
verbal or non-verbal. E.g.:-words are symbols of speech.
6. Channel or Media: It is the means through which message is conveyed. The channel can
be either verbal or non verbal.
7. Encoding: It is a process of using verbal or non -verbal symbols to send the message.
8. Decoding: The process involved in understanding and interpretation of the message sent.
9. Feedback: It is the response that the receiver gives to the sender as a result of senders
10. Noise or barriers of communication: It refers to anything that disturbs the message. It can
be external or internal to the source or receiver

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