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Class X

History and Political Science

Pre- weekly Test Assignment -4
Q1. Explain the idea of Satyagraha.
Q2.Anasyse the reasons for the rebellion of the tribal in Andhra Pradesh?
Q3. Discuss the main features of the Civil Disobedience Movement.
Q4. Mention the aims of the Non cooperation movement and explain how did it
Q5. Why was Salt taken as a weapon by Gandhiji to fight against the colonial rule?
Explain the course of salt march.
Q6. Explain how the Images of Bharat Mata and other symbols did create a sense
of collective belonging in the mind of the Indians?
1. History: chapter-3: Nationalism in India

Weekly Test- 4 is scheduled on 14thDecember, 2016

Assignment to be submitted by students on 7th ,December, 2016

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