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Edelman is a servicing company which means that

Software as a service.
Software distribution model..cluster of these services.
No data centres need to be installed.
Take an example of HR or Sales..describe tonnes of back end processes and
applications that go into each department which are unique which involves
server rooms and physical infrastructure.
But the advent of digital has really provoked these orgs to ask themselves a
question as to whether all this physical setup
SME startup is not easy. Like entrepreneurs who have to face so much red tapism
to setup these enterprises. Cash crunch is also there.
Government is a stakeholder. Mark Zuckerberg talks to Modi as how digital is
common to both their agendas.
SMDB is after protecting the rights of small industries. They provide a database
(31.28min)Thought leadership platform (slide 1). Leading/Empowering
through Transformation we are going. Events will be in collaboration, promotion,
skill building, have someone from google to address them, someone from the
ministry to address them. (soft messaging and in direct messaging which is
linked to my vision in the larger perspective)`
Branded property
Intro(37min)Theme: How technology is transforming small and media business.
Event is going to be based upon providing a platform where it helps various
businesses to network with each other. Push your product subtly and make them
aware through how it will enable and transform the way we do the business.
Training to these businesses through in house event.
Emotional connect giving people the power to connect. Traditional businesses
like weavers in Gujarat where a medium enterprise acts as mediator and helps
sell their products. Example of plan India : where the teachers are so well trained
that the students . Savings which are allocated towards expansion and
innovation. Processes are streamlined , people are getting paid on time.
Vision and mission
LAUNCH IDEA : startup india by modi govt. Can be one of the tech partners.
Launch start up india make in India events where media is already coming. Not
only launch but have your CEO speak, have panellist talk about digital.
How they can brand themselves (52min) issues, attributes, fill the gap , in the
larger picture, (53.07)

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