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Dear members,

All upaya suggested here in this forum have to be done according to

the FOUR RULES for them to be effective.
[ 1 ] All upaya are to be done during the day light hours when the
sun is up, unless specifically asked to do at other times. Some
suggest that upaya should not be done on a cloudy day. Cloudy day
belongs to the Saturn as does the night. But in the west where
winters are dark and bleak for most of the time , there should be no
such restriction.
[ 2 ] Upaya done over a longer period , say 6 day , 10 days ,43 days
etc, should be done regularly without a break. If for any reasons
there is an apprehension that there might be a break in the upaya ,
the best thing to do under these circumstances is to keep at home
little rice rinsed in milk. Suppose it is a 43 day upaya , you had to
go out on a journey for four days during which time you could not
have done the upaya, you could get back and start the upaya from
where you had left. After you have resumed the upaya , the rinsed rice
you had kept earlier should be immersed in a river or fed to the birds.
[ 3 ] Do one upaya at a time. Take up the next upaya only when the
first upaya is completed. Follow the sequence of upaya if mentioned.
The best way to sequence the upaya , if not already mentioned , is to
take up one day upaya first and do the lengthy upaya later. I have
come across a few cases where two upaya run into each other
inadvertently. Some one was doing an upaya of offering rice at a
temple for 6 days and next he was to do the upaya of keeping a silver
toy elephant at home. On the sixth day , when he had already offered
the rice at the temple , on his way back home he bought a silver toy
elephant for the upaya he had to start next. Now , this was wrong
because this meant starting the upaya on the sixth day of the
previous upaya , because the silver elephant is with you already and
the sixth day of the previous upaya is not over yet. Therefore :
[ 4 ] Give a few days break before starting the next upaya. If
possible , start it a week later.
And finally , if a blood relation is doing the upaya on behalf of the
native , he must make a mental `sankalp' that I am doing this upaya
for and on behalf of so-and-so , otherwise it would be his upaya and
that may not be desirable.

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