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Press Release - Ballot Access Fraud In Nevada Orchestrated By Phony Company,
Results May Have Changed Election
Today former Nevada Congressional Candidate Dan Rolle announced that his team has
completed an investigation into ballot access fraud in the State of Nevada. Rolles team has
concluded that a company formed in May 2016 (White Paper Solutions) fraudulently collected
signatures in an effort to defraud Jill Stein and the Green Party and even deliberately prevent
the candidate from access in the general election. In doing so, White Paper Solutions
essentially secured Nevada for Clinton.
Clinton won the state by only 27,000 votes, Rolle said today. This margin of less than 3%
could easily have gone to Jill Stein and Trump may have won Nevada. Rolles group believes
that it is possible that White Paper Solutions received support from much larger groups, noting
that the procedural methods used by the company, and its officer (Adrienne White) would have
required comprehensive knowledge of political systems.
We arent talking about someone who just formed a company to scam money, this is someone
who took $45,000 from the Green Party and delivered thousands of fraudulent signatures.
Rolle also noted that Whites company has completely disappeared, and that Green Party
representatives have not been able to contact her.
Rolle also noted that he is disappointed that Nevadas Secretary of State didnt immediately act
on the matter. The Green Party turned in thousands of signatures that were invalidated (details
in attached documents). Rolles team believes that an investigation should have been triggered
as soon as counting was complete.
Instead, Rolle has challenged the Nevada Attorney General, Secretary of State and Governor to
re-examine the prosecution of many homeless locals who White Paper Solutions specifically
targeted. Rolles group has confirmed from Green Party members that White Paper Solutions
specifically targeted the homeless, even paying them less than minimum wage to collect (and
possible forge) signatures for the ballot access initiative.
We will not stop until justice is served, and Adrienne White is held accountable, Rolle said to a
group of his supporters today. We arent going anywhere.
Full details are available in the attached documents.
Queries can be sent to:

Document Two:
Letter to Nevada Secretary of State Cegavske
This letter was also sent to Governor Sandoval and the office of Attorney General

Notice: Election Fraud - Nevada

Delivered to Nevada Secretary of State
Barbara Cegavske
101 North Carson Street, Suite 3
Carson City, NV 89701-3714
Phone: 775-684-5705
Fax: 775-684-5718

December 19, 2016

Letter Delivered via Fax, Email, and United States Postal Service
Dear Secretary Cegavske,
As a citizen of Nevada, I am embarrassed by how your office has handled elections in this state.
I have brought to light many troubling practices and wish to formally notify your office that I
believe you, and those acting on your behalf, have repeatedly failed to secure the integrity of the
Local, State, and Federal Election processes in our state.
While my team will be addressing many issues with you in the coming weeks, today I wish to
formally declare that your actions in the handling of the Green Party ballot-access situation
needs immediate review. I believe that you must step down as Secretary after handing over this
matter to a more competent official capable of implementing an increased scrutiny over the
blatant fraud that appears to have been perpetrated in Nevada.
The Green Party, my team, and countless others notified your office as early as October that
there were significant issues regarding fraud in the effort to collect signatures for NVGP ballotaccess. I uncovered serious discrepancies in the collection of signatures, orchestrated by what I
believe was a fraudulent company, and one that was registered as a non-Title 7 entity through
your department, called White Paper Solutions. At the head of this company, Adrienne White.
A woman with an equally suspicious past. White collected over $45,000 from the Green Party
to obtain signatures for ballot-access. In doing so, it is my belief that she orchestrated a massive
scheme to collect fake signatures.
Your office seems only to have taken action in order to cast attention away from a horribly
orchestrated and potentially illegal Presidential Election recount and, further, seems to be doing
so by going after some of the people that White ordered to conduct signature gathering under
false pretenses and at her direction. You appear to be comfortable with targeting some of the
most disadvantaged citizens of your state instead of bothering to hold culpable those who have
acted to commit the greater subversion of democracy through their nefarious actions. In this
regard, I find you not dissimilar to Ms. Adrienne White.
My team believes, and evidence may also show, White had connections to the Hillary Clinton
campaign. The office of Secretary of State must fully investigate this. White (we believe)
orchestrated the fraudulent collection of thousands of signatures. The denial of Green Party
access to the ballot on this alone should have triggered immediate response from your office. In
failing to act, you disenfranchised thousands of voters in your state.

We hope to coordinate with you to share this data, but I do not personally believe you possess
the moral, ethical or technical competence to do the right thing.
The time to act, Madame Secretary, is now. Step down, order a full investigation into the fraud
conducted in Nevada. Hope that none of this corruption trail leads to you, and those who report
to you.


Daniel Rolle
Ready Progressive
Former Candidate for Congress, Nevada CD4

Document Three:
Details of Ballot Access Fraud and Contact Info

Good afternoon,
Recently in the news Renaldo Johnson, age 55, was indicted on 15 felony counts related to
petition signatures and ballot access in Nevada for Jill Stein. I have reason to believe that this
man was hired by the principal partner of a fraudulent company.
On May 2nd 2016, a non-Title 7 entity called White Paper Solutions (WPS) filed with the Nevada
Secretary of State. The only person listed for this business is Adrienne White and the business
address used was a post office box. Also on May 2nd, the web domain
was registered. That site appears to have been active for approximately two months but is now
gone and archives of it are unavailable.
WPS was hired to collect ballot access signatures by the Jill Stein for President committee, on
behalf of the Nevada Green Party (NVGP), after soliciting them through Nation Builder. Over
approximately a two week period she and an associate of hers, Nicholas Groce, collected the
petition signatures. A direct consequence of what I believe their actions were, submitting forged
and fraudulent signatures, is that NVGP ballot access for Jill Stein was denied.
5,431 valid petition signatures were required for NVGP to gain ballot access for Jill Stein. 8,520
were submitted. 3,736 were rejected for one reason or another. This means Stein fell short by
647 valid signatures. A substantial number of the signatures that were rejected were submitted
by WPS.
When the National Co-chair for the Green Party of the United States, Andrea Mrida Cullar,
was asked about what the Green Party was doing regarding the apparent fraud related to
Adrienne White, Nicholas Groce, White Paper Solutions, and their involvement in the collection
of signatures she responded with, None of this is Green Party. This is all Jill Stein Campaign.
A statement with which Julia Hammett, a board-member for the Nevada Green Party, agreed.
We reached out to Jill Stein campaign staffer Rick Lass, the person who apparently contracted
Adrienne to gather the ballot access signatures, but he stated he had not heard from her since
July, when she disappeared. Messages sent to publicly available points of contact for Jill Stein
received no reply.
Disbursements made to White Paper Solutions from the Jill Stein for President committee
totalled over $45,000.
I request that you investigate this matter as thoroughly as you have against an impoverished
homeless man who appears may have been taken advantage of by an apparent criminal.
I additionally request that you each reply to me with what is being done and what will be done
by each of your offices to bring this situation to justice. I also request that you inform me how
long it will take you to provide this status update from each of your offices.
Below you will find personal details about Adrienne White and Nicholas Groce that were
obtained using Maryland public records.
(This is withheld from our public disclosure document)

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