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Science is basically a social activity. This implies that it depends on good

communication. It is therefore right for our journals to insist on clarity and intelligence. A
scientist becomes known by his publications, so he must posses an apt technique of
successfully communicating himself to others.
The most common labeling of the component parts in the basic sciences is
Introduction, Methods, Results, And Discussions (Hence the acronym IMRAD).The logic
of IMRAD can be defined in question form:

What question (problem) was studied?

The answer is the introduction.

How was the problem studied?

The answer is the methods.

What were the findings?

The answer is the Results.

What do these findings mean?

The answer is the Discussion.


What is good title?

It may be defined as the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of
the paper

Title should neither be too long nor too short. Waste words should be avoided for
example studies on , observation on , investigations on, etc. Also the opening A, AN and
THE fall in the category of waste word.
The title of the paper is a label, not a sentence. Since it is not a sentence with the
usual subject- verb- object arrangement, it is really simpler than a sentence.
Title should almost never contain abbreviations and jargons.
An abstract should be viewed as a version of the paper. The abstract should
provide a brief summary of the main sections of the paper: introduction, methods, results
and discussions.


The abstract must include the following:

1. Objectives and Scope:

Abstract should state the principal objectives and

scope of the investigations. It should state what the investigation is about, why
was it necessitated and what it aims at.
2. Methods:

An abstract should describe the methodology employed in the

work on the project. The description of the methods renders the findings
trustworthy and hence more valuable.
3. Results:

Results are the natural outcome of an investigation and the reader

is most interested in this outcome. It is this part that enables the reader to form his
opinion about the importance of the whole paper.
4. Conclusion: It is the last touch to the abstract and it highlights the significance
of the results discovered.
The importance of the conclusion is indicated by the fact that it is often given three
times: once in the abstract, then in the introduction and finally in the discussion (probably
in more detail)
The abstract must be written in past tense, because it refers to the work done. The
abstract should never give any information or conclusion that is not stated in the paper.
When writing the abstract, remember that it will be published by itself, so it should be
self contained. It is preferable to write the paper before the abstract. An abstract should
generally consist of about two hundred words.


1. Experienced writers prepare their title and abstract after the paper is written. While
writing the paper, you must have in mind a provisional title and an outline of the paper
that you propose to write.
2. It is wise policy to begin writing the paper while the work is still in progress so that
no important details are left out.
3. It is very important to consider the audience you are writing for because your style of
writing and the inclusion of details etc will change with the change in the level and type
of the audience.
The purpose of introduction should be to supply sufficient background
information to allow the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present
study, without needing to refer to the previous publications on the topic. It should also
provide the rationale for the present study. Above all you should briefly and clearly state
your purpose in writing the paper.
Much of the introduction should be written in the present tense.

What point should be presented first in the introduction ?

The introduction should present first, with all possible clarity, the nature and scope of
the problem investigated. This is necessary to avoid the wastage of the readers time.
It should be clear and self-explanatory so as to enable the reader to decide whether to
continue reading it or skip it if it is not of his interest.
Note: This explanation of the problem should be much more detailed as
compared to the one given in the abstract.

What should literature review include ?

The purpose of literature review is to orient the reader. Often it should include or
some may consist entirely of a review of the previous scientific papers, journal
articles, books, and reports on the same subject (Literature Survey).
How should literature review be presented?
Rather than simply listing the pertinent documents you are expected to
summarize the main findings of each and their relevance to your investigations. These
documents should be cross- referenced to your list of references at the end of the
How should the method of investigation be stated?
The method of investigation should be stated clearly. This is important to
establish the credibility of the whole process. Besides, it enables the reader to verify
the results independently. If deemed necessary, the reason for the choice of a
particular method should also be stated. This rule explains how and why you
attempted to resolve the problem the way you did.
Are the results included in the introduction ?
Results are the most important part of the introduction. The whole process, the
objectives, the scope and methodology are described to indicate certain results found
through investigation. However, the introduction should state the principal results of
the investigation only.

How should the conclusion be included ?

The results of the investigation lead to one or more important conclusions. This
part should state only the principal conclusion suggested by the results as it evaluates
the whole process and sums up the introduction.
Note: The last two rules act as a capstone of the introduction. This road map from
problem to solution is so important that a bit of redundancy with the abstract is
often desirable.

Keep in mind that your paper may well be read by people outside your narrow
specialty. Therefore, the introduction is the proper place to define any specialized terms
or abbreviations that you intend to use.


Solar energy systems for residential use are at present economical only in certain
geographical use areas that have consistent solar radiation. Current efforts at cost
reduction of solar heating systems are generally devoted to the development of low-cost
components and to the improvement of thermal efficiency.
Advances in component design have been mostly in the area of collector panel
arrays. The pioneering efforts of Heath [1] in the invention of the parabolic trough
collector array, and of Sonnenschein [2] in its further development, have shown that a
combination of incident and reflected light will increase the efficiency of solar panels by
42 %. The initial cost of such collector, however, has limited their use and practical
This paper gives the theory of dual concentrate collector array and reports on its
application in the design of prototype model of a high efficiency solar heating system.
Unlike the parabolic concentrator, the new collector array uses a combination of mirrors
and Fresnel lenses to provide successive concentration of solar energy on the surfaces of
the absorber combination of solar energy on the surfaces of the absorber combination.
The lens configuration occupies one-half the spatial volume required by the
hyperbolic mirror design reported by Perrrier (3), (4) for successive light concentration.
The energy gain of the new collector reported here was determined from the Holmes
modification (5) of the Hottel- Whillier-Bliss equation(6).
A second contribution to the understanding of system efficiency is analytic study
of transport fluids which yielded an optimum ratio obtained in heat transfer from the
collector to the storage tank.

As shown recently by Arras (7) static performance data for solar systems is not
directly related to dynamic performance. Therefore a comparative study was made in
Phoenix, Arizona of your prototype model and the operational Soltherm system, which
was described in this Journal by Holtzman. The data give comparisons of cost efficiency,
as well as thermal performance.

Material and Methods

Purpose of the Section

This section requires full details. The main purpose of this section is to describe
(and, if necessary, defend) the experimental design and then provide enough details so
that a competent worker can repeat the experiments.
Since the section deals with the description of material and methods employed
during work on the project, most of it should be written in the past tense.

For materials, the inclusion of exact technical specifications, quantities and source
or method of preparation is of utmost importance. The use of generic or chemical names
instead of trade names is usually preferable.
Measurement and Analysis
This section calls for being precise. Methods are like cookbook recipes. If a
reaction mixture is heated, the temperature must be given. Questions like how and
how much should be precisely answered and not left for the reviewer or the reader to
puzzle over.
Statistical analyses are often necessary but you should feature and discuss the
data, not the statistics.
Need for References

The description of the methods of an investigation should be supported by details

sufficient for a competent worker to repeat the experiments. However, if the method has
previously been published in a standard journal, only the literature references would

Components of the Results

The Results should be presented in the past tense. Most importantly, the
manuscript should present representative data and not the endlessly repetitive data. One
must remember that the compulsion to include every thing, leaving nothing out, does not
prove that one has unlimited information; it proves that one lacks discrimination.
How to Handle Numbers?
If only a few determinations are to be presented, they should be treated
descriptively in the text. Repetitive determinations should be given in tables or graphs.
Strive for Clarity
Although the results section is the most important part of a paper, it is often the
shortest part, particularly if it is preceded by a well-written materials and Methods section
and followed by a well-written discussion.
Because of their significance, the results need to be stated simply and clearly. It
must be remembered that it is the result that constitutes the new knowledge that you are
contributing to the world. The earlier parts of the paper (introduction, Materials and
Methods) are designed to tell why and how you got these results. The later part i.e.
Discussion is designed to tell what they mean.
Therefore, the results must be presented with utmost clarity as the whole paper
stands or falls on the basis of results.
How to Write Discussion
a. How should the principles and generalizations be discussed at this stage ?
The discussion contains the principles and generalizations shown by the results. We
must remember that in this part we discuss and not recapitulate the results.

b. Should the unsettled points be discussed ?

Here we need to point out any exceptions or any lack of correlation and define the
unsettled points. We should never resort to taking the high-risk alternative of trying to
cover up or fudge data that dont quite fit.
c. What else should be mentioned in the discussion ?
One should not feel shy of discussing the theoretical implications or any possible
practical applications of the work under-discussion. The discussion needs a frank and
honest analysis of the investigations.
d. What should be the manner of presenting conclusions in the discussion ?
Conclusions must be stated as clearly as possible as they are the final outcome of
the discussion and provide a summing up to the paper. Each conclusion must be
supported by your summarized evidence, or, as the wise old scientist will tell you,
Never assume anything except a 4% mortgage.
Good writing, like good music, has a fitting climax. Many a paper loses much of its
effect because a clear stream of discussion ends in a swampy delta. So, care must be
taken in this regard while heading towards the end.

What does the conclusion identify ?
The conclusion in fact, conveys how you have responded to the problem stated at
the start of the introduction and identifies what your investigation, test and analyses
show. The most effective conclusion serves as candid critique of your own work in which
you point out what is important and why the results are valid. In a way, it projects and
solidifies the impact of the investigation process and its results.
Should the negative aspects also be included in the conclusion ?
The inclusion of some negative aspects, showing the gaps in your work and the
limitations of your findings or your design etc adds credibility to the manuscript and
makes it more convincing.
Should it also refer to future applications ?
Many development papers also point out directions for future work and
applications because, after all, research is considered valuable if it has relevance to the
practical life.

How to prepare effective illustrations

Illustrations serve various purposes and have a universal appeal as they help to
learn and understand the argument. According to Mary Helen Briscoe, A good
illustration can help the scientist to be heard when speaking, to be read when writing. It
can help in the sharing of information with other scientists. It can help to convince
granting agencies to fund the research. It can help in the teaching of students. It can help
to inform the public of the value of the work.
When to use Graphs
The results of many experiments can be presented either as tables or as graphs.
How to decide which is preferable? A good rule might be this:
If the data show pronounced trends, use a graph. If the numbers just sit there, with
no exciting trend in evidence, a table should be satisfactory. Tables are also preferred for
presenting exact numbers.
Examine table 9 figure 2, both of which record exactly the same data. Either of
the two formats would be acceptable for publication, but figure 2 is clearly superior to
table 9. In the figure, the synergistic action of the two-drug combinations is immediately
apparent. Thus, the reader can grasp the significance of the data. It is also obvious in the
graph that streptomycin is more effective than isoniazid, although its action is somewhat
slower; this aspect of the result is not readily apparent from the table.
How to prepare Graphs ?
The techniques of producing graphs may vary from program to program.
However, the principles of producing good graphs, whether hand drawn or computer
drawn, do not vary. The size of the letters or symbols, for example, must be chosen so
that the final printed graph in the journal is clear and readable. Also, avoid including
excessive information in one figure. This only increases the risk of confusing and
discouraging the reviewer.

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