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What are the qualities of a good neighbor?

Wherever you live, you have a neighbor nearby. Neighbors are the people
that live very close to your house and usually they become a part of your
life. In my opinion a good neighbor should possess three important qualities:
understanding, helpfulness and reliability.
First of all the neighbors should be understanding. A good example is our
family. We live in a duplex house and we have young neighbors. At 10 pm,
when outside it is dark, they begin the repair in the house and because of its
noise I can`t sleep at night. Let alone their birthdays that end with loud
music when the sun is rising. We discussed about these problems with them,
but our words and feelings seemed nonsense for them. This is why
understanding is of great importance, I don`t think that if they were in our
situation, they would like us to treat them in the way they treat us.
The second factor that is also an important one, is helpfulness and reliability.
Imagine that you should go on a vacation with your family and you can`t let
your house without supervision, the dog without food\water and the grass
without watering. In this situation the best person that can do this is your
neighbor, because he doesn`t have to lose much time and money to reach
your house.
In conclusion, understanding, helpfulness and reliability are the most
important qualities that a neighbor should have. A proverb says: Choose not
the house but the neighbors. I like this proverb because it gives you the
possibility to understand the importance of the people that live near you.
The significance of the qualities they possess, constitutes the base of a good

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