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What is domestic violence?

Is a type of violence practiced by family members, That happens between

four walls
Victims can be rich or poor, of any age, sex, religion, culture, ethnic group,
We can all be victims of domestic violence.
And Brazil is the seventh country with domestic violence
Domestic violence can be divided in physical, emotional, social, sexual,
financial and persecution
the violence physical is Punches, kicks, burns Teacher I never hit a woman
with a flower.
Always been with broom handle, blocks....
the violence emotional Is to make others feel fear or useless
the violence social is Control social life of other
the violence sexual is Forces the partner to have sex
the violence financial is control the money
the violence persecution is Any behavior that intimidates or frighten the other

To resolve domestic violence is beat up in aggressor or to call the 190 or Call

the spider man . If you(woman) suffer domestic violence

I'm going to read a text called.

I received flowers today

it was a joke
See the following video

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