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Introduction To Dream Hacking

Introduction To Dream Hacking

Hi Im Arnov and welcome to Dream Hacking a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to
discovering the art of lucid dreaming.
Throughout this course, it is my goal to guide you on your unique journey to unlock the
hidden potential of your dreams.
But before we go any further, I want to make sure you understand that you ARE
capable of lucid dreaming doesnt matter how old you are, doesnt matter where
youre from, doesnt matter if youve had a lucid dream before.
I want to make sure that you understand that EVERYONE can develop this scientifically
proven ability to lucid dream.
The worlds leading lucidity expert, Dr. Stephen LaBerge, once said
Everyone has, in theory, the capacity to learn to dream lucidly because everyone
dreams every night.
Throughout this course, youll see that we pay a significant amount of attention to
honing our mental beliefs, expectations, and self-confidence.
Because at the end of the day, lucid dreaming is a mental ability.
In fact, there is research that shows 1 in 3 people have had a lucid dream before, at
least once in their life.
So if youre not part of that 30% of the population whos experienced the wonderful
world of lucid dreaming, youre probably still trying to get a good sense of what lucid
dreaming really is.

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So What Is Lucid Dreaming?

Well the word lucid is an adjective which means clear perception or understanding.
So lucid dreaming is the clear perception or understanding that you are dreaming.
This awareness that youre dreaming, opens you up to a whole new world of
If youve never had a lucid dream before, the best way to describe it would be to
compare it to a really vivid waking state experience.
Have you had a moment in your life where you felt a very strong sense of peace and
mental clarity?
Like an amazing peak or flow state where your senses are heightened, where your
mind is still, you are in the present moment, when youre in the NOW and time
seems to move slower
Well thats exactly what a lucid dream is like.
This course is going to enable you to have the ability to experience the true potential of
your inner dream world almost every night while youre sleeping.
Keep in mind that there are also countless other benefits to lucid dreaming as well
Like what? you say

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What Are The Benefits Of Lucid Dreaming?

What am I going to learn in this course?
Youll see throughout this course that lucid dreams are a largely untapped avenue for
fun, excitement, and personal growth!
When you become conscious while dreaming and youre in a heightened mental state
You can truly discover your dream universe with complete clarity, not like
the way most people dream where they just let dreams happen and they forget
90% of it anyway, but in a way where everything you see, taste, hear, touch, and
smell is just as real as the regular waking world
You can live out any scenario you want; you can fly, teleport, have sex, meet
a celebrity and visit other planets.
You can connect with you inner creative genius; where you can explore your
subconscious mind, work on your craft, whether you make music, write lyrics,
solve business problems you can do so with the assistance of your hidden
You can rid yourself of negative problems; where you can overcome your
fears, stresses, worries, nightmares, phobias, and where you can stop having the
same unpleasant dreams

Most people go to sleep with no desire to do any of the things just mentioned.
Most people let the 6 8 hours of their daily sleep experience, disappear into the night,
never to be leveraged and looked back upon.

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If you follow the step by step instructions in this course, you will open yourself up to all
these benefits of lucid dreaming
So how am I so confident that youre about to embark upon a life-changing journey
when you go through this course?
Because not only have I revolutionized my inner dream world myself
But Ive enabled others to do so as well.
Heres a quick background about how I got into lucid dreaming, and why I know Im
qualified to teach it to you

Why & How I Became A Master Lucid Dreamer + Scientific Validity

Ever since I was 14, I kept having sporadic lucid dreams.

I had no idea what they were I just knew they were fun every once in a while, that I did
have them.
It wasnt until I went to university to study Behavioral Psychology that I stumbled upon a
research experiment conducted in 1975 that was the one of the first indicators of the
scientific validity of lucid dreams.
It was in that laboratory experiment, that British parapsychologist Dr Keith Hearne
recorded a set of pre-determined eye movements from his volunteer, Alan Worsley, who
was in a lucid dream, via an electro-oculogram (EOG).
By controlling his dreaming Rapid Eye Movements (REM), Worsley demonstrated that
he was lucidly choosing to look in specific directions while dreaming.
It was simple and obvious communication between the dreamer and the real world.

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I was absolutely fascinated by this study, and thats when I was inspired to search out
as much information as I could regarding this phenomenon.
I discovered many books written on lucid dreaming and I mentally devoured pretty much
all of them (thankfully I had worked on developing my speed reading abilities - but that
might potentially be another course).
At that point, I re-read only the best of the best books on lucid dreaming (these are the
books I will regularly refer back to throughout this course and recommend to you for
further learning).
Of course, as you will learn in this course, obtaining knowledge is just the first part
practicing is what really matters. I practiced diligently for several years after and today, I
have recorded over 1000 lucid dreams which I have used for personal growth and
accomplishment. At this point, on average I have 4 5 lucid dreams a week and its
absolutely fantastic.
I have more energy, more awareness, more overall satisfaction and these internal
improvements have led to external accomplishments like doubling my productivity for
When I began teaching lucid dreaming, my particular interest was in the application of
lucid dreams to help my students overcome their fears and anxieties.

The vividness of the dream environment has proved to be a powerful way for lucid
dreamers to rehearse positive behaviours and safely face their fears.

I enjoy challenging my mind and am a trained mnemonist (memory expert). In 2014 I

won the Canadian Memory Championship. I used lucid dreaming to help me train for the
tournament. I used my dream environment to practice my skills in order to overcome my
fears before the championships.

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I am not the only one to use lucid dreaming for self-growth. As a matter of fact Tibetan
monks have used lucid dreaming for thousands of years as a vehicle to explore
consciousness and understand the fundamental nature of reality.
When it comes to human consciousness, Im always intrigued by the applications of
lucid dreaming in this regard most people are skeptical in this area but as a matter of
fact, a 2009 study by the Neurological Laboratory in Frankfurt actually showed
heightened activity in the frontal and frontolateral areas of the dreaming brain which is
the area of the brain responsible for linguistic thought and other higher mental functions
connected to self-awareness.
In this study, an electroencephalogram (EEG) recorded highly active brainwave
frequencies up to the 40 Hz (or Gamma) range when lucid. This is far more active than
the normal dream state (Theta range, 4-7 Hz), which supported the classification of
lucidity being a separate state of consciousness altogether.
Sleep scientists agree that lucid dreaming can offer significant perception into human
The internet has made lucid dreaming more accessible than ever.

People have the ability to share tips, and strategies and have taken the field of lucid
dreaming farther than ever imagined possible.

However, the internet can also be a double edged sword.

There is also a lot of misinformation, and confusion out there as well.

I aim to demystify the world of lucid dreaming and give you a practical, scientific, step by
step course to help you learn how to have consistent lucid dreams.

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Ive seen what usually works, and Ive seen what doesnt

In this course I want to bring you the best of the best techniques and strategies to help
you develop this skill as fast and as easily as possible.

If you have any questions along the way you can ask me in the discussions section on
the course Dashboard page.

The 10,000 Foot Complete Course Overview

I've talked to many beginner lucid dreamers and a common request was to be able to
see the entire process from the beginning to end to understand how everything fits

That is why I want to give you an overview of the entire course. I will explain why each
section is important and how it relates to other sections.

Section 1: Introduction

This is an introduction to lucid dreaming. We will go over the underlying principles of

lucid dream and how the entire process works. we will also have a goal setting
session and a motivational primer to help get you guys motivated and serious

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Section 2: The Nature of Sleep

You can't lucid dream if you aren't asleep. In this section we will discuss the sleep cycle
and how it relates to lucid dreaming. I will give you tips to increase your quality of sleep
so you can have greater mental clarity when attempting to become lucid. we will also
cover strange sleep phenomena you might encounter including sleep paralysis,
hypnagogia, and false awakenings.

The reason we discuss these strange phenomena is so you don't freak out if you every
encounter them. On your path to lucid dreaming these events should not be feared but
welcomed. You will learn more when we get to Module 2.

Section 3: Phase One - Core foundations

The bulk of our lucid dreaming training consists of 3 phases. In Phase 1 you will be
shown the foundational exercises, in Phase 2, you will be shown specific techniques to
have lucid dreams more regularly, and finally in Phase 3 you will be taught how to
control and shape your dreams.

Phase 1 is important section of the entire course. In this module we will go over the core
foundational exercises that are crucial for lucid dreaming.

Dream Journaling

The purpose of this chapter is help you become more familiar with your dreams. Most
people don't remember their dreams, or have a vague memory about what they were
dreaming. In this section I will give you tips and tricks to better recall your dreams.

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We will go over how to effectively journal your dreams, and analyze dreamsigns.
Dreamsigns are essentially cues within a dream that let you know you are dreaming.

We will also discuss common problems that people have encountered with dream recall
and dream journaling. I will provide you with information on how to deal with these
common issues.

Reality Checks

Earlier in the introduction I asked you, "are you dreaming?" In this module I will teach
you how to answer that question by using reality checks.

Dream Preparation

Many beginners, once they become lucid, have no idea what to do. I will discuss how to
prepare for your lucid dreams so you can go out there and accomplish your dream

Relaxation/ Meditation

Many people carry the stresses and concerns with them to sleep. This state of anxiety is
not conducive for lucid dreaming. I will show you different relaxation and meditation
exercises to help calm your body and mind before embarking on your lucid dreaming

Many individuals have difficulty with relaxation and meditation, so I will also cover
common issues and concerns that people experience.

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Section 4: Phase Two - Lucid dreaming techniques

Once you understand the basics I will then introduce more complicated lucid dream
techniques. Do not attempt these techniques until you have been doing the core
foundational exercises for at least 2-3 weeks. The exercises in Module 3 are the
foundation of the techniques discussed in Module 4.

You can experience sporadic lucid dreams just by doing the exercises in Module 3.
However, lucid dreaming techniques make it possible to have lucid dreams on demand.

Here is an overview of the topics we will cover in Section 4:


We will discuss the 2 different ways to induce a lucid dream,

1) Dream Initiated Lucid Dreams (DILDs)

2) Wake Initiated Lucid Dreams (WILDs)


I will show you to a popular technique called the Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams
(MILD) by Dr. Stephen LaBerge.

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When we get to the WILDs I will first show you to the Wake Back to Bed Method, Count
Yourself to Sleep technique, Impossible Movement Practice, and Familiar Scene

We will then discuss common mistakes made when performing WILDs, to help you
troubleshoot your problems.
Section 5: Phase Three Applying The Art Of Dream Control

Once you have a good grasp on the core foundations and know how to initiate a lucid
dream through one of the various lucid dreaming techniques, it's then time to learn how
to control your dreams.

Here is an overview of the topics we will discuss in Section 5.

Beliefs and Expectations

The key to all dream control is beliefs and expectations. The only thing limiting you from
doing amazing things in your dreams are your own self limiting beliefs.

3 Levels of Lucidity/ Dream Stabilization

We will discuss that fact that Lucidity is not a light switch, it's a spectrum. You can range
from complete unawareness to semi- lucidity to full lucidity.

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Once lucid, many beginners get so excited that they wake up. Or they become lucid for
a bit and then quickly become absorbed in the dream again. That is why you must learn
how to stabilize yourself once you realize you are lucid. I will teach you various
techniques to stabilize yourself in a lucid dream.

Dream Manipulation Techniques

Once you have learned how to stabilize yourself in a dream, I will demonstrate different
techniques you can use to manipulate your dream environment.

Things to Try Out In Your Dreams

Once you understand how manipulate your environment I will give you some tips on
how to accomplish specific things in a dream.

We will cover: erotic dreams, flying dreams, creative problem solving, practicing
physical skills, overcoming anxieties, and overcoming nightmares. I will also give you
some other ideas that you can try out for yourself.

Section 6: Leveraging Supplements For Dream Hacking Mastery

Once you understand the core foundations, specific lucid dreaming techniques, and
how to control your dreams, we will cover supplements.

Keep in mind that supplements are only a tool and not a replacement for hard work. Do
not use any supplements until you have had a few successful lucid dreams under your

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Also keep in mind that you should always talk to your doctor first before experimenting
with any supplements.


We will briefly introduce you to the your brain's neurotransmitters and how they are
relevant for lucid dreaming

Overview of Supplements

I will then show you to 5 different supplements that should be a part of any lucid
dreamer's arsenal: galantamine, choline, huperzine A, 5-HTP, and Melatonin.

I will give you a brief explanation about each drug's mechanism of action, their effects
on your dreams, how much and when to take them, and any adverse side effects that
may occur.

Section 7: Ultimate Summary + Recommendations

At the very end of the course I will do a final review of the entire course to make sure
you understand everything. I will then give you a nice workout plan you can follow on
your path to lucid dreaming mastery.

I will recommend some cools books, and websites, and movies that were very helpful to
me while learning lucid dreaming.

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The 4 Underlying Principles For Dream Hacking


Self-awareness is your ability to be in tune with your thoughts, feelings, and


If you are lost in your thoughts, anxieties, and constantly live in reaction to the world
around you, you will have a much harder time becoming lucid in your dreams.

Lucid dreaming requires you to be aware of the world around you and think critically.

If you lack self awareness in your waking world you will also lack it in the dream world.
In this course I will teach you how to develop this self-awareness

Beliefs and Expectations

Your beliefs and expectation already play a large role in how we perceive our waking
world, but they play an even bigger role in our dreams. For example, the rules of gravity,
and societal rules no longer apply in the dream world.

If you want to learn how to fly, teleport, explore your creativity, meet certain dream
characters, etc you need to change your expectations about what is and isn't

Therefore, you must learn to cultivate a flexible mind and be willing to question your
beliefs about the nature of reality.

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You must also learn to keep in mind that your intentions play a large role in your ability
to have lucid dreams.

Every night before going to bed you need to make a firm intention to lucid dream. You
can't just leave it up to chance if you want to have lucid dreams on a regular basis.


You will not master lucid dreaming overnight.

You need to develop the motivation to preserver when times get tough.

Every day you need to do your dream journal, reality checks, and perform activities to
cultivate mindfulness (relaxation/ meditation, etc.). I will explain these terms mean later
in the course.

If you lack this motivation you will have a difficult time mastering lucid dreaming.


You need to cultivate your memory in order to consistently have lucid dreams. You need
to be able to recall your dreams, remember to perform reality checks, and remember
dream signs.

Even if you think you have a bad memory, that's fine. Memory is skill that anyone can
improve through consistent hard work.

Keep these 4 principles in mind while going through this course.

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All the techniques I will cover work towards cultivating self-awareness, building flexible
beliefs about reality, increasing our motivation, and enhancing our memory.

Find Your Inner Motivation

I know I've mentioned motivation before but I think it's worth mentioning it again. We've
all wanted to accomplish certain things in life, start a business, get in shape, learn a
new language, even how to lucid dream. For some reason or another we quit. We tell
ourselves things like "I'm too busy", "it's too hard", "I don't know if I have it in me".

I'm going to make this very clear to you. Lucid dreaming takes work! I can show you
techniques and tactics to make the process simpler and quicker. However, it still takes

Students who have pushed through the mental barrier and pursued lucid dreaming have
succeeded greatly and made incredible progress. If you bought this course this probably
means that you are serious. Make a 60 day personal commitment to yourself to
mastering this skill.

If you actually are serious I want you to do the following exercise to fire you up and
really get you motivated.

Step 1: Write down top 3 things you want to do in your lucid dreams

On a Word file, notebook, or piece of paper write down the top 3 things you want to do
in your lucid dreams.

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Do you want to fly, have erotic dreams, talk to your heroes, overcome stage fright,
practice physical skills like martial arts, do you want to explore your creativity, explore
your unconscious mind? etc.

If you don't have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish you will find it a lot more
challenging to stay motivated in the long run.

Step 2: Write down WHY you want to achieve these things

After writing down the top 3 things you want to do. Write down why you to want to do
these things. What are your underlying emotional motivations? Do you want a sense of
freedom, excitement, passion, escapism, do you want to learn more about your mind?
Don't do this superficially, really dig down and try to understand your motivations.

WHY you want to lucid dream is ultimately more important than WHAT you want to do.

Step 3: Imagine achieving your dream goals

When you get some free time, close your eyes and really imagine yourself doing your
dream goal. Don't just passively do this, actually close your eyes and do this with me.
Image what it's like to accomplish your goal, see yourself in the dream scene.
Experience every sensation, visual, auditory, tactile.

How good do feel knowing that a world of infinite possibility and wonder can be
accessed as you sleep?

Once you have written down the top 3 things you want to do and a firm understand why
you want to accomplish them, post them up in a place where you will regularly see

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them. If you don't want some people to see your goals (too personal, too sexual, etc.)
use code words. Anytime you feel your motivation slipping just read your goals again
and remind yourself why you started on this journey in the first place. Put it on your
phone, on your desk, or your bathroom mirror.
If youre feeling excited for this journey, if you already feel like youre on the course of
learning a lot, then be sure to let others know about Dream Hacking!

When you have 30 seconds, please leave us a review so we can continue growing a
community of Dream Hackers who share their lucid dreaming experiences and insights
with each other so we can all learn from each other and truly master this skill!
Lastly, if you havent already, make sure you join the Dream Hacking Community at When you join, you will instantly have free access to:
Free ongoing giveaways of tools and supplements Dream Hackers can use to
trigger more lucid dreams.
Access to ongoing interviews which we conduct with famous lucid dreamers
across the world.
Regular insights and updates on the latest research, techniques, and strategies
to make lucid dreaming faster and easier to accomplish.
A private community of Dream Hackers, where lucid dreaming stories,
experiences, and insights are shared in a psychologically safe environment.
And A LOT more...

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