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Girl 1 : I'm sure to fail ! I just can't understand Maths. I might as well give up.

Girl 2 : Don't give up. You will understand it. Just keep trying and you will succeed.

(A) to explain
(B) to confirm
(C) to agree
(D) to encourage

2. Boy : Oh, I'm so sorry I'm late. I missed the bus !

Girl : I'm sick and tired of your being late. We're through !

(A) to apologize
(B) to explain
(C) to persuade
(D) to claim
3. Teacher : All the girls who didn't finish this exercise will have to stay back after school to do
Student : But there was not enough time for us to do it. How could we have finished that
exercise in ten minutes ?

(A) to deny
(B) to protest
(C) to disagree
(D) to scold
4. Student 1 : You stole my pen, didn't you ? You thief !
Student 2 : What ? Me ?

(A) to accuse
(B) to ask

(C) to announce
(D) to blame
5. Teacher : Didn't you apply for the scholarship for needy children ?
Mariah : Not actually. It was the scholarship for servicemen's children.

(A) to deny
(B) to reject
(C) to disagree
(D) to decline
6. Husband : It's all your fault that we're late. Can't you learn to dress faster ?
Wife : My fault ? Rubbish. You were still shaving at eight o'clock.

(A) to threaten
(B) to condemn
(C) to disapprove
(D) to blame

Chairman : Are there any nominations for the post of treasurer ?

Alan : I propose Karen for the post.

(A) To agree
(B) To request
(C) To offer
(D) To propose

8. Kelvin : I've won the first prize, Mother.

Mother : That's wonderful !

(A) To express interest

(B) To express relief

(C) To express gratitude

(D) To express pleasure

9. Monitor : Why isn't the wastepaper basket emptied ?

Harry : It's Roy's turn today. He never does his duty.

(A) To accuse
(B) To refuse
(C) To propose
(D) to warn
10. Rosemary : I'm sorry I'm late for the meeting.
Connor : It's all right.

(A) To wish
(B) To inform
(C) To welcome
(D) To forgive

11. Peter : I'm afraid I've failed my driving test.

Jane : Don't worry, you can try again.

(A) To announce
(B) To console
(C) To remind
(D) To regret
12. Father : I'm giving you five dollars for the week.
Eng Hock : It's not enough !

(A) To advise

(B) To explain
(C) To refuse
(D) To protest

Daisy : She is going to America tonight.

Tom : Who cares !

(A) To express indifference

(B) To express hope
(C) To express envy
(D) To express unwillingness
14. Abdul : Can you finish your assignment by Monday ?
Tammy : I'm sure I can finish my assignment on time.

(A) To compromise
(B) To assure
(C) To hope
(D) To admire
15. Darren : Are you coming for the concert ?
Andrew : Which concert ? I don't know anything about it.

(A) To express indifference

(B) To express disgust
(C) To express ignorance
(D) To express fear
16. Sarah : I hope we will make it to the finals this year.
Jasmine : We'll all try our best.

(A) To promise
(B) To hope
(C) To console
(D) To compromise
17. Alan : Why do you look so gloomy ?
Gary : I am so sad. I feel like crying.

(A) To express shock

(B) To express anger
(C) To express preference
(D) To express unhappiness

18. Andrew : He is the most popular boy in school.

Heather : He is ? I can't stand him at all !

(A) To express disgust

(B) To express envy
(C) To express preference
(D) To express anger
Kristin : Hello, Vijaya, Happy Deepavali to you and your family !
Vijaya : Thank you. Do come in. I'm glad you have come.

(A) To wish
(B) To request
(C) To welcome
(D) to inform
20. Keane : The race will start at 8 a.m., won't it ?

Clerk : That's right. After registration, you have to assemble at the starting line in the field.

(A) To inform
(B) To greet
(C) To request
(D) To describe

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