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Crissy J.

FRIT 7235
Article Summaries and Critiques
Article #1
Kaser, L. (2005, August/September). A new spin on library media centers: the hub of the school
with the help of technology. Library Media Connection, 24, 64 66.
The type of this article is a Professional Practice article.
Even though this article was written more than eight years ago, it still rings true today. The
article, written by Linda Kaser, gives reasons on how the library media specialist can promote
the positive aspects of technology. To begin with, Ms. Kaser suggests that in order for teachers
use technology, they must embrace technology with hands-on practice and guided application.
Collaborative teaching can gradually ease intimidated teachers into using technology. After
compiling the lessons using the Internet and using professional resources, teachers need to use
and modify the lessons that fit their needs. The library media specialist should guide the children
through the technical portion of the lesson. Together, the media specialist and the classroom
teacher assist children with the hands-on activity. Another way to ease technology intimidation
is by scheduling computer sessions. Scheduling media center times as well as computer sessions
for students is a great way to get teachers in practice of using technology. Using flexibility, make
sure teachers choose times that are conducive to them. Being consistent with classroom
management also aides students and teachers when going into the computer and media centers.
Having volunteers to set up computers and help with coordinating the program is also essential.
Communication is a very big tool between the classroom teacher and library media specialist.

Keeping teachers up-to-date about changes in scheduling is very helpful for classroom teachers.
The role of the library media specialist is to keep the program flowing. He/she is the one who
works out the kinks in situations that may be overwhelming teachers, substitutes, and other
school personnel. The library media center is the hub of the school where reluctant technology
users will feel more relaxed at using their own lessons after exploring what the entire media
center has to offer.
Again, this article was written over eight years ago, but wow, didnt it still have valid points that
we as media specialists and classroom teachers still face today. I, for one, found value to this
article because I know which teachers are going to check out iPads or iPods or cameras and
which ones are not! Just the other day, I told a teacher, who is terrified of using the iPad, that
unless she just throws down the iPad, there is no way she can tear it up. Well, I am sure there are
ways, but I was trying to alleviate her stress. I agree with this article that states that library
media specialists should collaborate with classroom teachers when writing lesson plans using
technology. I also agree that media specialists could even assist the teachers who are intimidated
with any use of technology. In my media center, we have a flexible schedule which allows
teachers to sign up for times when it is most convenient for them. Times are not assigned. The
computer lab is a fixed schedule that teachers have no say so when they use. However, it is used
as a specials time, so teachers do not usually go with students when it is their turn in the
computer lab. Teachers, no matter what or who they teach, must be consistent when it comes to
classroom management skills. In my media center, we have special procedures when coming
into the media center, when checking in books, when checking out books, etc. Most students
follow the procedures, but there are still a few who are still learning. Communication is vital to

all stakeholders when participating in a program such as using the media center and/or computer
lab. There have been many times where the computer lab teacher was absent and teachers didnt
find out until they took their students to specials. Had they known that she was absent, then
maybe they would have been more prepared instead of just letting students go in and play games
on the computers. As for volunteers, there is not that many anymore. Most people must work
these days, and those who can help some days, cant help other days. That can be very
problematic, especially when you want a consistent program.

Crissy J. Turner
FRIT 7235
Article Summaries and Critiques
Article #2
Hartle, L. & Berson, I. (2012, November). NAEYCs technology and young children interest
forums resources for teachers and families. Young Children, 67(5), 62-64.
The type of this article is a Professional Practice article.
The National Association for the Education of Young Children and the Fred Rogers Center for
Early Learning and Childrens Media at Saint Vincent College have teamed up to make a
statement concerning children from birth through age 8 concerning the use of interactive media.
Together they agree that When the integration of technology and interactive media in early
childhood programs is built upon solid developmental foundations, and early childhood
professionals are aware of both challenges and the opportunities, educators are positioned to
improve program quality by intentionally leveraging the potential of technology and media for
the benefit of every child. They continue on to make statements concerning young children and
interactive media. Technology and interactive media are here to stay. They are not going
anywhere. The next statement is that there are concerns about whether young children should
have access to technology and screen media in early childhood programs. Many groups say that
childhood obesity and other types of concerns are because of the sedentary lifestyles that
children have with interactive media. Therefore, educators should be fully aware of such
problems that can occur with the use of screen time for young children. All screens are not
created equal. Educators need to make informed decisions about how much time is spent in front

of digital technology. There is conflicting evidence on the value of technology in childrens

development. The technology must be important and effective. The appeal of technology can
lead to inappropriate uses in early childhood settings. Technology and its tool are only effective
if they are used appropriately not programs that are not educationally sound or
developmentally appropriate. Issues of equity and access remain unresolved. It is up to
educators to provide leadership so that all children have access to use the technology which in
turn also has an effect on adults in that same role. The position of the NAEYC and the Fred
Rogers Center is that technology and interactive media can be productive, but only if they are
used correctly. The groups also go into sixteen principles to guide the appropriate use of
technology. Technology should not harm children. Decisions about integrating technology
should be developmentally appropriate. Professional judgment should be used when deciding on
age appropriate technology. Developmentally appropriate teaching practices must guide the
selection of any classroom material. Appropriate use of technology depends on the all aspects of
the child. Effective uses of technology are active and hands-on and support a childs learning.
Technology and media can enhance a childs cognitive and social abilities. Interactions with
technology and media should be playful and support creativity. Technology tools can help
educators make and strengthen home-school connections. Technology and media can enhance
early childhood practice when integrated into the environment curriculum and daily routines.
Technology tools can be effective for dual language learners by providing access to a familys
home language and culture while supporting English language learning. Digital literacy is
essential in guiding early childhood educators and parents in the selection, use, integration, and
evaluation of technology and interactive media.

I feel that the paper had some valid points. It is very important for educators to make sure that
the technology that they you is beneficial to the child. The media must be age appropriate and
socially appropriate. Students also must have access to the technology in order for opportunities
to be provided for students. Never, in any circumstances, should technology tools and interactive
media harm children. The article was very useful. I think it could serve as a reminder or
refresher for anyone who works with children ages birth to eight years old. I do not feel that
there were problems with the paper. I am a media specialist at a school which serves third
through fifth grades. With the purchase of 140 iPads, teachers are constantly bombarding me to
buy apps for the iPads. I must first look at the app and make sure it is developmentally
appropriate. I must also make sure that it covers the Georgia Performance Common Core
Standards. Lastly, I must take into account the cost. Usually, the apps are free, but I must
maintain my budget, so if it does cost, will it be useful for all of my students. This paper made
me think back to my job as a teacher, but really now that I am the manager of my schools
technology, I must think about the whole child, not just will be fun for them to play.

Crissy J. Turner
FRIT 7235
Article Summaries and Critiques
Article #3
International Reading Association. (2009, October). IRA updates position on new literacies.
Reading Today, 27(2), 14.
The type of this article is a Professional Practice article.
The International Reading Association has taken a stand on what needs to be done in order to
become literate in todays 21st century world. Technology is vastly upon us, and educators must
make adequate tries at effectively integrating new technologies into what they teach. First,
educators must expand what they know as new literacies. Four elements apply to what new
literacies are: The Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICTs)
require new social practices, skills, and strategies, new literacies are central to a global world,
they are rapidly changing, and they are looked at by multiple stakeholders in order to understand
them. The Internet is in almost every classroom in the world. Therefore, steps need to be taken
to ensure curriculum is appropriate. Access to ICTs is very important. Everyone should have an
opportunity to access the internet despite financial stability. Because of new changes in
technology, professional development is very important. Teachers in classrooms must be able to
use the technology before they teach it. New teachers should also be prepared in their teacher
education programs. More emphasis should be placed on technology because of the changes in
the world.

I enjoyed reading this article about ICTs. I, for one, am glad that the International Reading
Association is backing teachers on the need for more staff development and increasing
technology in teacher education programs. I also feel that there should be equity of access so
that all children may have the same opportunities as everyone else around the world. The
internet is here to stay. I personally feel as a media specialist that all children should have access
to technology. I have five iPad carts which have 20 to 25 iPads in each cart. There have only
been a handful of teachers who will even think about checking them out. The teachers who are a
little older and not so technologically savvy are not comfortable using them. My conversation
with one of them the other day ended this way, You will not tear it up unless you drop it or
throw it down on the floor. I foresee several staff developments for me to teach in my future.

Crissy J. Turner
FRIT 7235
Article Summaries and Critiques
Article #4
Rosin, H. (2013, April). The touch-screen generation. The Atlantic, 311(3), 56 65.
The type of this article is a Theory-In-Practice article.
How young is too young for children to use technology such as tablets, smart phones, or just
watching television? In 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics updated its policy on very
young children and their use of media. Because of this, many parents and teachers are
monitoring technology use more closely because of the lack of cognitive development.
However, parents sometimes find themselves swaying back and forth. On one hand, parents and
teachers want their children to be exposed to technology, but on the other hand teachers and
parents fear too much digital media will hurt their child. Technology developers are gearing
more to younger children. Educational and non-educational apps and media are built now more
the younger children and the media are smaller and easier to use. Parents are also using this
technology to pacify children. Many observers see this as harming the child because of the
problem of childrens brain waves slowing down such as daydreaming. How do small children
actually experience electronic media and what does this experience do to their development?
Certain rules have been discovered that promote engagement such as the Nick Jr.s Blues Clues
where children actually are engaged and invested with what they are watching. Teachers also
have the burden to ensure that the technology that their students are using in their classrooms, is

beneficial to the student and not just pacifying them. However, younger children are just simply
not cognitively prepared for some of the electronic media that they come across.
This article was very interesting to read. I, for one, understand exactly what it is saying about
some children being too young cognitively to use electronic media. I often worry that my child
is exposed to too much electronic media. She models me, and she always wants to use my
computer, my iPad, or my smartphone. The crazy thing is that she can use it better than some
adults I know. I think that teachers and I, as a media specialist, have to be very careful when
selecting apps or other types of technology for classroom lessons. Children must be cognitively
prepared to use such technology and be able to use it correctly so that the lessons are understood.
I also believe that parents, teachers, and media specialist, should limit technology to children
simply because of the over stimulation that electronic technology may create.

Crissy J. Turner
FRIT 7235
Article Summaries and Critiques
Article #5
Maloney, M. & Wells, V. (2012, November/December). iPads to enhance user engagement
during reference interactions. Library Technology Reports, 48(8), 11-16.
The type of this article is a Research article.
The University of the Pacific Librarys iPad project is a pilot project that looked at how students
respond to the use of tablets instead of computers. One aim of this project is for students to be
more advanced in information literacy and critical thinking abilities so they leave any given
reference interaction feeling more empowered than before. The study was completed at the
University of the Pacific, which is located in Stockton, California. It is a private, comprehensive
university that has presently 3,800 undergraduates, 750 graduate students, and 640 first-time
professional degree seekers enrolled. The central location of the reference center is located in its
library. Its staff maintains that even with the advances of technology, it still has about 70 percent
of its researchers that meet person to person. With the introduction of Apples iPad 2 in the
spring of 2011, librarians at this reference center began to brainstorm ideas to use iPads with
referencing. With a grant, librarians began experimenting with the iPads. With the purchase of
six iPads, four librarians, the Systems and Technology department, and the Health Sciences
branch all received one. The other librarians would be trained one-on-one by the other librarians
who received the iPads on how to help students with research using the iPads. To begin
assessing students about the use of the iPads, a survey was created. The first question, Did the

librarian assist you with finding useful information related to your question?, all students
responded with a 5 or strongly agree. The second question, Did using the iPad help you find
information for your paper or project?, 45 percent rated it strongly agree, 40 percent a 4, and 5
percent prated it strongly disagree. From looking at comments, the use of the iPad was the
culprit in not receiving higher scores. The third question, Does the option to use an iPad at the
reference desk make you more likely to return to the librarian for research assistance?, it had
answers similar to number 2. Librarians were also given a questionnaire. There were a few
positives to the survey. Librarians could at least name one success story with using the iPad and
librarians believed they received sufficient training. There were also a few mixed responses to
questions. Some stated they would use the iPad again, but some also stated unless new reasons
could be given to use it instead of the desktop computer, they would not. One even stated that
the desktop was a better use. In conclusion, tablets will complement the desktop computer, but it
will not take the place of it.
I believe that the iPad is a great tool to use because it is new and trendy. I also agree with the
study that showed that in some instances, it is not the most useful tool. It is small and compact
and easy to navigate which is one positive versus the desktop computer. However, the desktop
computer can do everything an iPad can do. This research really hit home for me. The other day
my principal and I were talking about how many iPads our school had versus how many laptops.
The iPads (with a bundle of 10 rate) were $309. All-in-one desktop computers (refurbished of
course) were $158 each. This is a win-win for desktop computers. I also stated that with the
purchase of 55 of these all-in-one desktop computers, each classroom had up-to-date computers
with five to six desktop computers each another win. Another win for the desktop was that

they didnt have to be checked out daily. They were already in the classrooms. However, we
both came to the conclusion that because of the new trend of tablets and smartphones, the iPad
would want to be used more than the desktop.

Crissy J. Turner
FRIT 7235
Article Summaries and Critiques
Article #6
Salem, L., Cronin, B., & Bliss, L. (2012, November/December). Smarter together. Library
Technology Reports, 48(8), 17-21.
The type of this article is a Research article.
This study was conducted at San Diego State University in 2011. A proposal was written by the
universitys reference librarians for the use if iPads to develop their services. After orientation of
the iPads, a group of librarians and other staff members met once a month to discuss the tablet
and how to better use it. In each weekly meeting, also known as the Library Tablet user
Community, librarians found themselves focusing on ways to connect benefits of the tablets back
to the users of the tablets. When trying to form a library tablet community, it was quickly
realized that through a study by EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research in 2011, most
everyone had an iPad, iPod, smartphone, laptops, jump drives, etc. This caused the group to
think more in terms of how they could use the iPads to benefit its users. What the group found
was that librarians could teach the students more about the information that they find on the
mobile devices and learning more about software to organize their information. These findings
allowed the group to become more efficient in using the technology. However, it also found the
group working at different levels of expertise therefore; no group work could be done because
everyone was at a different level. The Library Tablet User Community at San Diego State
succeeded on many levels. They worked on collaboration that encouraged participation, it

increased their skills and comfort levels working with the technology, and brought a new
dialogue between group members. Their next steps were to provide this new technology to its
users. They soon realized that not every student uses smartphones and iPads. So their
suggestion was to implement an environment at school where students could learn certain skills.
The group chose to implement innovative technology-based information services that would
better serve the patrons of this university.
This study is prevalent to my school now. We are a Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT)
school. Students are allowed to use any type of technology to school as long as they have a
permission form filled out from their parents. We can talk about iPads all day long, but if
students do not know how to use them, then they are not doing any good. That is why the BYOT
is a great initiative. It allows students to use the technology they know, and then transfer that
knowledge to the iPad. The school improvement specialist at my school and I had a discussion
about teachers using technology. A teachers complaint was that if they are expected to use
technology, then they should be shown how. Because of this complaint, we will start having
Technology Tuesdays once a month in the computer lab for teachers to share what technology
they know how to use and use, and for me to show them how to use other examples of
technology. WOW! Why didnt we begin this at the beginning of school? This would have
been very beneficial to the teachers when we first began. This article would be great for all
media specialists to read essentially because we sometimes forget that not everyone knows how
to operate new technology. Adding technology classes for their staff members is an excellent
way for media specialists like myself to help those who are not so knowledgeable with todays
technology learn how to use and then integrate it in their lessons.

Crissy J. Turner
FRIT 7235
Article Summaries and Critiques
Article #7
Anderson, M. (2011, November/December). Everyday best practices. Library Media
Connection, 30(3), 48 50.
The type of this article is a Professional Practice article.
Just like in the classroom, the term Best Practices, is also very important in the media center. In
the article, Everyday Best Practices, the author points out a lot of key strategies that will help
the media specialist be successful. The first one is welcome everyone into the media center.
Make is warm and inviting, making students and staff member want to come back again. Next,
loosen up the rules and make yourself and resources more accessible. Add what you want to the
center and remove things that you want to remove. Third, make sure people see you doing
professional tasks. Give up jobs that dont matter and mean much and interact with your visitors
more often. Next, keep in touch with the latest standards and collaborate with teachers as much
as you can. Work with teachers in areas they need help in. Embrace technology is the next best
practice. Keep up-to-date with the newest technology and web 2.0 tools. Lead the way with real
staff development. Have teachers complete an informal survey. Use the data collected from
there and lead the way with hosting meetings that meet the needs of your teachers. Keep
relationships with your teachers so they see advocacy on your part. Knowing you are there to
help them makes them more comfortable and more apt to ask you questions. Use stories to
support your message instead of just stating the facts. Reach out to families and the community

is the next piece of advice. Parents will support you and respect you. Extend program visibility
into the community. It is positive PR for your media center. Last but not least, be the change.
Change is ongoing and evident. Begin each day with a positive attitude and this will all help in
the long run.
This is a great article for beginning media specialists, but a great refresher for veterans. This
article is a great article because it narrows in on things that you must do in order to be effective.
I especially like the part that stated that teachers should weed out from a previous librarian. Not
only is it important, but it is very important for you to create your own media center. I also liked
the part that spoke about technology. I think it is most important for media specialists to stay
abreast of the newest technology. It should be a requirement. The school library media
specialist is the go to person when it comes to technology. He or she should be very
knowledgeable when it comes to new tools and new gadgets. All-in-all, this article was very
refreshing and enjoyable to read. I think that this is something I will keep and refer to in years to

Crissy J. Turner
FRIT 7235
Article Summaries and Critiques
Article #8
Shin, N., Sutherland, L., Norris, C., & Soloway, E. (2012, July). Effects of game technology on
elementary student learning in mathematics. British Journal of Educational Technology,
(43)4, 540-560. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2011.01197.x
The type of this article is a Research article.
This is a report on two studies. The first study was conducted on 41 second graders from two
classes which either used a technology-based game or a paper-based game for five weeks. The
second study examined student learning in relations to characteristics such as their game
performance, attitudes toward the game and mathematics, and gender and ethnicity. The students
were in two different classes. For the next 13 weeks, students either played a technology-based
game either two times a week or more than three times per week. The results were that
technology made a huge impact on elementary students learning math regardless of ability level.
The students who played technology-based games for practice out-performed those who played a
paper-based game. The second study, which looked more at their attitudes, had a huge impact on
the first study. Because of the positive impact of the technology-based games had on the
children, arithmetic showed an increase in score. It was evident that the attitude from the
technology-games was the basis of how well they did on learning mathematics. Based on these
findings, the authors of the study suggested three important areas in which to continue studying
the impact of game technology on student learning. For one, research needs to be conducted to

see how gaming could individualize a students learning. This in turn could possible improve
cognitive learning. Secondly, identifying classroom variables is an important step when
implementing games in classrooms. There are many different variables when it comes to
classrooms. Teachers teach in different ways and students learn in different ways. Thirdly,
researchers need to explore the effectiveness of technology-based games when it comes to higher
order thinking skills. The game used in the study was mainly drill and practice. Designers of
games need to incorporate more in depth lessons that engage students.
All-in-all, I thought this article was dead on. I am a proponent of using technology-based games
in the classroom. It is new, exciting, and interesting. Students are excited about learning, they
are engaged, and they are willing participants in these games. They have no idea that they are
actually learning in the process. Paper games are used still today, but they are less effective
when compared to technology-based games. As a teacher, I always loved using BrainPop when
teaching different skills in social studies. We would watch a video, discuss parts of it
(specifically the questions themselves), and then students would take the easy quiz, and fail it
miserably. I was speechless. I had gone over the actual questions from the test, and they still
failed it! The other day a fourth grade teacher was having problems with connection issues with
her class while using the iPads. After working around the iPad and finding a different path to
use, students began to listen to a BrainPop video about the government. Now keep in mind, out
of the 24 students in her class, I had probably taught 6 of them. They all watch the videos and
afterwards, took the test and emailed the score to their teacher. Amazingly, all but, a few made a
100. That was incredible to me. We had actually watched the video, discussed it, and discussed
the questions, and I may have had 5 or 6 pass. Just by watching the video on iPads individually,

she had a much better success rate. Technology is a great asset for all who use it. If you are
lucky enough to have the technology, I think this article is proof that it will benefit students as
well as teachers.

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