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Knights of Columbus

St. Damien of Molokai Council 2600

Monongahela, PA

Established in 1926



Grand Knights Message:

As a new year begins let us live out the four
principals of our order, Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and
Patriotism. Leading by example as we get more involved in our parish and our council. Walking in the
foot steps of our founder, Fr. Michael J. McGivney.
Dont forget to bring some non-perishable
food items to the meeting on Tuesday for the
St. Damien food bank. And 2017 dues are now payable at the meeting or see form on back of newsletter.
Vivat Jesus,
Chuck Brooks GK

Knights Line:
Happy Birthday to the following Brother Knights in the
month of January; John DeJulius, Thomas Kerr and Chris

The Feast of the Epiphany

Please Pray for our Sick and

Deceased Brothers and Sisters.
Calendar of Events:
Our Council Meetings will be held on the
second Tuesday of each month.
The next meeting is Tuesday, January 10th Business Meeting 7:30 p.m. followed by social at
St. Damien of Molokai Parish, Park Avenue
Fr. Abbate Hall. Hope to see you there!
The Bishop Phelan Fourth Degree Assembly Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 26th at Our
Lady of the Valley, Donora. Rosary at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting to follow at 7:30 p.m.
The 44th Annual
March for Life will be
held on Friday,
January 27, 2017 in
Washington, D.C.
Every child deserves to be born; Every child
deserves to have a voice. Will you be that voice
for the most vulnerable children?
The Mon Valley Chapter Meeting will be held on
Tuesday, January 31st at Washington; Refreshments 7:30 p.m. Meeting at 8:00 p.m.

The incarnate Son of God, born into a human family, is

manifested to all peoples, represented by the three Magi.
Just as the star guided these true seekers of God, St. John
Paul II directs our attention to the Redeemer of Man by
pointing to the Mother who bore him. Mary welcomes the
pilgrims, offering her son. The Son of Man welcomes man,
and the Magi joyfully welcome the hope of the nations, offering gifts that acquire their true meaning only in the presence of the worlds Redeemer. The Magi are enfolded in
the Popes chasuble, since the world is united to the Father
through the priesthood of Christ. For today in the city of
David a saviorhas been born for you who is Messiah and
Lord. Luke 2:11
An exciting new ministry is coming to the Mid Mon
Valley! Beginning this January, the Parishes of the Mid
Mon Valley: Mary, Mother of the Church; Our Lady of the
Valley; and St. Damien of Molokai will be offering the
Discovering Christ course.
Discovering Christ is a seven week series for people who
are searching, seeking, or desiring to deepen their faith and
relationship with Jesus. Each week, participants gather for a
meal, a dy-namic teaching, and small group reflection and
sharing. Because Discovering Christ is for everyone and
there is no religious affiliation required, please invite your
friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc.
The course begins January 31st and is offered at no charge
to participants. Registration can be completed: online at, with a registration form (back of the
church), or by contacting the parish office at724-258-7742.

As we begin the new year, let us all be reminded of the four principals of our Order: Patriotism When our
Fourth Degree Sir Knights and councils work with/visit our veterans who are confined to a hospital or home and
run programs to support them. Fraternity When we conduct our affairs whereby we are taking care of one another and supporting the widows and children of our brother Knights. Unity When we work with unity of purpose and direction in all we do to protect the unborn, the culture of life and to defend our Church. Charity The
first and likely the most important and gratifying principal of our great Order. When we reach out and help the
less fortunate we are truly being our brothers keeper as we live out the dream and the purpose of Fr. McGivney.

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