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Media studies- Thriller clip Analysis

By Jordan Spurge
The scene opens with the implementation of a music sting, the
sharp alert sound allows us an audience to detect a form of threat.
This contributes to the focus on water in terms of Mise En Scene,
the dark colour of the water has negative connotations and
implies that there is a mystery of even a reference to death. In
addition the emphasis of the water suggests a sense of the
unknown as it has a hidden depth. This links to the idea of a
thriller film as it successfully builds suspense.

During the opening clip the director enforces the use of a non-diegetic soundtrack in order to heighten the tension for
the audience. The high pitch instrumental promotes the mood of high anticipation this is because it is of a faster pace,
the building of tension causes the volume to increase.
The negative imagery of the Eagle is identified as
a bird of prey this presents the idea of danger. This
references to the genre of a thriller and is builds
excitement for the audience. In addition the use of
low key lighting creates an atmosphere of eeriness
which is then highlighted by the frantic nature of
the eyes darting from left to right. This suggests
that the clip has a sub-genre of a horror thriller as
the extreme close up portrays an element of terror
and panic.
The open mouthed figure who screams also
reinforces this idea as it acts as a signal for the
colour to change. The drop of blood that turns the
entirety of the water a red colour suggests the
thriller will have be constructed by danger and
The panning upwards identifies the prisoner as
having the Russian dictator, Joseph Stalin,
attached to his wall. This reference to the man of
steel shows that the male prisoner and been
preparing for his release, we can see from the
scenes props and the character working out that he
has preparing himself both mentally and
The narrative of the thriller centres around a
crime, the protagonist, as shown in this clip is an
ordinary citizen that will become ensnared by the
antagonists complex web.

The iconography used by the director reinforces the

idea of preparation as the books relate to law and
phycology. This illustrates that he may have been
wrongly convicted. This conforms to the thriller
conventions as the plot is navigated around a crime,
perhaps that the character played by Robert De Niro
is seeking revenge.
This idea is furthered as the zooming out of the
camera highlights the male characters crucifix tattoo,
they show scales that state truth and justice. To
contribute to this, the male role is perceived through
closed framing which suggests that he is trapped. In
addition, when being released from his cell

The absence of sound or changing of sound

is particularly important here. It suggests
that he has power and status within the
prison environment. It is clear from the
characters NVC that he is feared and
respected. In addition he is well known as
the prison guards know him personally and
address him by the name
sky and
Theprogression of a thunderstorm
sound bridge carrying over
dark and ominous atmosphere for the
sound of the lock opening
is to illustrate
This highlights
the thriller conventions as
new freedom that he has.
the mood has set a looming darkness, it is showing
the society that he is entering in a dark and dangerous
way. The direct way that he walks towards the
camera expresses that he is seeking retribution and as
a result creates an unsettling atmosphere for the
audience, a prime component of the thriller genre.
The sort clip also uses the thriller device of a cliff
hanger as the audience are left asking a range of
A thriller is a narrative that presents ordinary
situations in which extraordinary things happen. If as
an audience we were to watch the entirety of the film
we would expect this to unfold further.

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