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October 18-20, 2016

2-3 PLC minutes:

Common planning time:
* in the works at all grade levels (no date yet)
*can we clarify the stipulations for special ed?

Grandparent's Day:
*Can we bring back the RSVP for grandparent's day so we can arrange a special
person for those that don't have a grandparent? (teachers are willing to be in
charge of RSVP for their class)

2nd grade: student-led
3rd grade: student-led/teacher talk

Kaitlin- 2 parents hated it based on survey sent home
Tara-10 surveys returned all positive
Becky-asked parents with extra time/feedback was better for students that weren't
Cortney- heard from a kindergarten parent that they didn't like it (in upper grades)
More time? We need at least 20 minutes, but will that fit in 2 nights? (can we get a
half day again?)

Organization of conferences: How can we make it so that it's confidential but within
our time constraints?
**Can we go back to rotating days with the Middle/High School? And having Friday
off again? :) (but still get the Wednesday before Thanksgiving?)

Adjustment period?

Can Ben send out a survey to all parents to get feedback? Perhaps parents will give
us more authentic feedback through Ben than the teacher?

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