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Target Audience

After Completing my research on BBFC I concluded that I believe my film will be

focused on males at the age range of 15-18. Importantly BBFC clearly state the
differences between different age ratings and how a film goes from a 12 to a 15 and
my opening will be more suitable to fit the 15 categories.

Since my main character is of this gender and age range as well as the contents of
the film by having a fake bomb being the main focus may connote that their will be
violence during the film. Since these types of films are also very popular with male
teens at the age of 15-18 such as Kingsman and the opening with the grenade. This
lead to an idea of similarity to target audiences and popularity to that film. Therefore
my opening may be suitable for 15-18 to include the accusations the film may

Name- Jack Costello

Age- 17
Study/work- Student
Likes- Football and Films
Dislikes- Lots of work to be completed
Future Planes- Indecisive
Technology uses- Constant on phone checking social
media and group chats with friends in that he will talk to

Name- Shaun Chapman

Age- 16
Study/work- Student
Likes- Football and Xbox
Dislikes- Working and Study (Getting Up Early)
Future Plans- Be a successful family man.
Technology uses- Use IPhone on daily basis to talk to
others as well as using social media and finally to play

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