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Synchronizing education to adolescent biology: let teens sleep,

start school later

I'm sure that many students, including me, have asked theirselves at least once in their lives why do
we have to go to school so early. Last night I was surfing the net when I found an article about
education which surprised me a lot. Recent researches conducted by Harvard and Oxford
Universities have found that starting classes before 8:00 am damages health and learning capacity
of students and young adolescents.

Sources say that puberty causes a slowing of the biological clock. Apparently, tiredness appears
later than in adults, around 11 or 12 p.m. For this reason, if students want to sleep well, they would
have to wake up around 9 a.m. This is why scientists say that school should open their doors at 10
a.m, because this way students could be enough rested.

Furthermore, apart from harming the academic performance, lack of sleep can lead to serious
problems such as increases behavioral problems and possibilities of obesity, diabetes and even
depression and social phobia.
So if we want to be more productives and less stressed we should follow this scientists declarations,
may in a few years we'll enter school at 10!

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