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In this experiment, the objectives are to determine pH and casein in whole

milk and soymilk. The pH of whole milk has a lower value than pH soymilk
which is 5.25 until 1 day. The pH for both of milk will decrease against the
days. The longer the time, the lower the pH will obtain. The pH falls when
an acid is added to milk. As the pH drops due to the lactic acid production
by the bacteria in milk, casein will precipitate. Hence milk curdles as it
sours, or the casein precipitates more completely at low pH. When the pH
of milk is changed, the acidic or basic groups of the proteins will be
neutralised. At the pH at which the positive charge on a protein equals
exactly the negative charge, the net total charge of the protein is zero.
This pH is called the isoelectric point of the protein (pH 4.6 for casein).
Based on this experiment, the determination of casein in whole milk and soymilk is learned.
In this experiment, the samples that used are whole milk and soymilk. For the determination
of casein from milk with an acid, the pH of whole milk before added acid is 6.72 and after
added is 4.70. For soymilk the pH before added acid is 6.98 and after added is 4.63. There are
difference in weight of casein for whole milk and soy milk. Whole milk has lower quantity of
casein which is 23.8320 g compare to soymilk which is 27.0520 g. The result that obtained is
error because the weight of soymilk that used as sample is 122.1548 g compare the whole
milk is 120.1720 g and the shorter time to drying the casein. The colour of casein also
different which is whole milk give a creamy white colour and soymilk give a creamy yellow
colour. The texture of casein for whole milk is soft compares to soymilk is rough.


As a conclusion, the pH of milk changes over time. When increasing the period of the day,
the milk goes sour, it becomes more acidic and the pH gets lower. For Casein, it is easily
separated from milk, either by acid precipitation or by adding rennin. Then, able to observe
the texture of the casein after added acid and heated. The objective was accepted.


Brown. A. (2011). Understanding Food Principles and Preparation, 4th edition.

International Edition. Milk (pp 211-219).


Murano. P. S. (2003). Understanding Food Science and Technology, International

Edition. Milk and dairy products (pp 41-45).



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