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When God (You and I) began to express Himself, Light was all that

could come forth so we was the darkness as to the unknown and we

was the light that was cast out of heaven which at this point was
darkness (unknown). So do you see how Lucifer (Light) was cast out
from the darkness? See how Eve (The beginning of the creation, "of
God") came forth from the side of Adam (darkness). Jesus Christ came
the revealer of God. He is the only one who ever "Comprehended"
God. So His Faith (Light) was the deciding factor, who will God forever
be? How will he be defined? He must be defined "As he is" and so By
His Faith which was a constituted measure from faith to faith, from
revelation to revelation, of God till it became a whole!
A Fullness, A Complete understanding and seeing of God which
brought ab out a conviction of faith within His heart of who and what
God was. If God was H is Father then the only thing he could be was
God. Are not our children us in an other form? So light came forth from
the darkness but mans immaturity seen the unknown and darkness as
something evil spooky and spiritual so God changed it by Jesus Christ
and made Jesus the darkness "remember the darkness that came over
t he earth at calvary" and made the Christ The Spirit within Jesus the
Light. But Jesus said, I am the Light of the World. So at Calvary a great
transformation to ok place, a Change took place as Light begin to veil
itself in darkness and Darkness began to transform into light. .......Now
that we are and have matured, God can bring us back to the oneness
of Himself. Darkness is no longer in this sense, Christ has put on the
Exhibit of God! He manifested God! He was and is the Declaration of
So in this sense t here is no more Darkness for All has been revealed
in Christ. God is now Light a nd "In Him" is NO darkness at all! So...
See More we see God when he is understood and comprehended He is
Light and no more darkness...To You! He was always Light (Wisdom,
Knowledge, Understanding) but we was the darkness in another
dimension because WE did not comprehend him or understand him.
Remember the people Paul spoke to and said you worship the
unknown God? we was darkness at one time Paul said.
So we see the whole of the matter is this...God is the same as he has
always been, but all and I mean ALL .....of this other from darkness to
light and from light to darkness and on and on was just simply one
thing.....It was YOU.... working out your own salvation....YOU revealing

to yourself who you are in Christ, YOU changing from faith to faith
from an image of darkness and unknown, but as you seen light, you
believed the light and you became more light and more light thus YOU
have been transformating from darkness to Light.
When you was born... darkness (unknown, not knowing anything) was
upon the (FACE) of your deep (spirit) then you heard a voice say" let
there be light" as you begin to form words and thoughts and deeds
from your heavenly parents and natural parents. Calvary was to give
your faith a focal point, it was a rock...of offense to some and a rock of
salvation to others...but you according to YOUR Faith will define by
Calvary who and what you will be for eternity. Jesus was both dark and
light so you could decide what you wanted to be. He was YOU and
became YOU...the sinful (darkness) Soul that was in unbelief and
ignorance and he gave you God (Why has thou forsaken me) which is
light (understanding) and His Faith so NOW...YOU could comprehend
God as he did.
By grace at the cross he gave you his light and he became your
darkness and unbelief. Your Soul is YOU...Your Faith...Your believing. He
became this for you so you could come to the same place he did. See
at Calvary a rent veil took place. He separated the Darkness from the
Light and He became your dark ness and he gave you his light (Holy
Ghost) so we see light coming forth from darkness again, or was this
the light God was referring to when he said "Let there be light"? Jesus
Christ - The BEGINNING of the CREATION of God. Jesus said I am Light,
God said let there be light. The Lamb slain BEFORE the WORLD ever
was... or before you ever comprehended light. God Bless! More to
Patrick Henry Nichols I
Hilton Head Island

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