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Kaylee Darke

Why Its Important to Vote

Its important to vote because the people we elect will be in
power and implement their beliefs and ideas in their respective
offices to their fullest extent. If you vote for someone who doesnt
share your same values, or you dont vote at all, its almost as if
youre giving the vote to their opponent because thats one less
vote for your candidate. Every vote counts. As the next four years
of children become 18 and eligible to vote, its critical that the
public makes an educated decision about their vote, and not just
vote for someone based on their party or gender.

How Do I Vote?
1. You must register to vote in your state. Go to to register online
for the state of Utah.
2. Find where you need to vote, or your polling place. You can
usually find them online or through election officials.
3. Find out what ID is necessary to vote in your state.
4. Dont miss it! Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first
Monday of November. If you vote through the mail, then your
ballot must be in the mail the day BEFORE Election Day .

Kaylee Darke

Third Parties
The Green
Party has
four pillars of belief.
1. Peace
2. Ecology
3. Social Justice
4. Democracy

We, the Party
members of
the Libertarian Party,
challenge the cult of
the omnipotent state
and defend the rights of
the individual.
They believe that the
government should be
kept out of personal

They have seven principles of
1 Life

5 Constitution

2 Liberty

6 States

3 Family

7 American

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