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According to Richard A Gardner, S.

Richard Sauber and Demosthenes Lorandos,(2006) the main

idea about this subject is that teenage rebellion can be differentiate with PAS (Parental Alienation
List of facts that supports this idea:
1.Fact, Rebellious teenagers anti social behaviour can be easily seen in a group where a teen
considers himself to be one of them. In contrast with PAS, the madness is planted on the parents.
2.Fact, Rebellious teenagers shows unforgivable manners to their parents. In contrast, PAS children
wall up the temper to their parent.
3.Fact, Rebellious teenagers are more often to be rebellious outside their home. In contrast, PAS
children usually recognize that it is more important to be well-mannered human beings in society.
4.Fact, Rebellious teenagers uses anger as an encouragement for them to do such things. In
contrast, PAS children drives anger in a way where they use the sanctions told by the parent to
release the anger.
5.Fact, Rebellious teenagers are disrespectful to their parent. In contrast, PAS children limit the
rage to their parent.
In conclusion, International Handbook of Parental Alienation Syndrome says that the madness of a
rebellious teenager can often be the result of PAS (Parental Alienation Syndrome) about the topic.
Another idea by, Lasron, S.J (1997) is considering that one of the major issues that we are dealing
with everyday is rebellion and said that there are few principles where we learned the hard way when
we are dealing with teenagers and rebellion.

List of facts that supports this idea:

1. Fact, Teenage rebellion existed long time ago
2. Fact, A success to a young person is independence
3. Fact, Teens should decide on their own
4. Fact, Teens should be assured that his/her parents have trust in him/her
5. Fact, Teens, if not guided, can hurt the teens need for independence principle in on of the two wa
Either insecurity will grow inside them, cannot make decisions on their own or they will use a vehicle
to release the fuel against their parents
In conclusion, Larson, S.J. (1997). Teenage rebellionsays that there are ways for us to learn to deal
with teenage and rebellion but we cannot avoid teenage rebellion.

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