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Subject: CINEMAAA!!!
Hi Susy!!!
How are you? I'm really happy because I won two tickets to the cinema in a
painting competition organized by my school. I had to paint two shirts: one
for a boy and one for a girl. They called me today to tell me I've won the
first prize! I'd love to go to the cinema with you. They're showing the film
"Zombies". I know you love zombie films, so I'm sure you will enjoy it. Love,

It's been a success!
I can rest now, but we had a hard weekend. Last Saturday was the concert
of our music band: "Mix". It meant a lot of work for us. First, we had to
organize everything related to the show: speakers, lights, sound checks;
then we had to talk to the guys who are in charge of campus security: hiring
security guards, ambulance, etc. And lastly, we had to prepare our
When we arrived at the stadium everything was ready to start the show. Our
group did a great performance and the crowd was delighted! We had a lot of
fun. The concert was a big success.

Monday, 13th March, 2015
My friend Mary has decided to become a vegetarian! Her decision really
took me by surprise because she loves eating meat, especially pork. She
wants to be a vegetarian because her doctor told her that eating too much
animal fat is unhealthy. I'm glad that she has made this decision because it's
about becoming healthier. I hope she can resist the temptation of eating
meat. I find that's a really difficult thing to do considering she's been eating
meat all her life. I don't know if I would be able to do it if I was her. I think
that perhaps we'll all become vegetarians in the future because its a really
healthy lifestyle and it's also good for the planet and for the animals.

My name is Beln Snchez Caldern, I'm 36 and I live in Navalvillar de Pela.
I'm married and I have two children. I am a teacher. When I was 5 years old I
started to play piano and after many years of hard work, I finished my
conservatory degree in music. I love baroque music. My favorite author is
Bach. I love playing the piano when I'm alone, but I also enjoy performing in
shows. Although I've performed in front of people numerous times, I still
haven't been able to overcome my stage fright. During my teens, I joined
the municipal band and I realized that I loved teaching the little ones, so
when I had to choose a career path in university I didn't hesitate and went
for the two things I liked the most: teaching and music. I studied Primary
Education specializes in music at the UNEX in Cceres. After finishing my
degree, I worked in a private academy. While I was in Cceres I married the
man who is now my husband and lived there for a few more years. After a
terrible car accident we left Cceres and came to live in the village where I
was born: Navalvillar de Pela. Here I began to give private lessons to
children of all ages. After several years of unsuccessful job search, I decided
to start my own business and I became an entrepreneur. I opened an
academy. In the mornings I have a playroom for children 0-3 years old and in
the afternoons I give private lessons to primary and secondary school
students. Also, I teach piano lessons, of course! Despite having my degree
in Education I have never stopped studying because I think that we must
keep on learning new things and updating our knowledge. I've just finished
two courses and a Masters Degree in Social Education. Currently I'm
studying English because I plan to apply for a job in private schools and
having at least a B1 level is mandatory. Despite being a vocational student, I
must admit that English is not my forte and I have to really study

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