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The film shows several characters performing tricks that have to do with

illusions, such as card tricks where people are subconsciously manipulated by

their visual field, hypnosis where people reveal more than they would like,
folding spoon where it was more shocking theft and break free from chains in a
short time where different skills are reflected illusionists.
It's a little funny that all of them were implanted with a letter in which is
recorded the time and address for an appointment but illusionists did not
realize when they are placed so they are surprised to find her.
the four characters where some known and others later rencuentran
investigate the mystery resulting planes and the formation of a team meet.

Illusionists in a year they set up a spectacular magic show where a planned

way manage to make the public believe that robbed a bank, taking into
account from the choice of the individual, bank and stealing money before.
In the transition from the show they have manipulated the viewer into believing
that robbed a bank put together a vault which walking and make everything
seem very credible that certainly is difficult to see the tricks they use to
manipulate until they are expressed by a character of the history.
Illusionists drop money to all viewers for a total of 3 million, the public is
fascinated with the show and take most famous illusionists being arrested by
the police to be acquitted due to lack of evidence.

The four Horsemen name that the illusionists are identified, have planned a
second show amid controversy and the police following them steps in this show
start discovering different magic tricks that have been used by magicians over
the years using materials such as bubble, letters, rabbits, boxes, etc.
The last act of the show is to guess the amount of money they have some
audience members at the bank, also participating benefactor later through a
lamp change quantities on the ticket, while the public's money grew, his
benefactor disappeared until it zeroes.
Then escape the police who since that time have sufficient requirements to
stop theft. In the midst of persecution, where a member is left behind which
fight melee after being chased by car to lead to his supposed death, then steal
a vault with a lot of money, presents his show outwit the police again and
incriminate the character who unravels the tricks at the end of the day is the
recipient of revenge over twenty years ago.
Riders escape and reunite with his partner and together advance to meet the
person who brought the police to look surprised that followed during the three
acts who avenged the death of his father.

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