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Signs to heed

OMENS are an indication that something, auspicious or inauspicious, is going to happen

in an individuals life. People in ancient times viewed omens as signs from God. Changes
in the weather and in animal behaviour were keenly observed and their possible meaning
Although not all omens foreshadow events accurately all the time, the signals should not
be ignored. Favourable or otherwise, omens alert an individual to prepare for that
likelihood. It is incorrect to interpret all omens as bad signs because many bring more
benefit than harm.
Often, omens involve animals because they can feel low frequency vibrations from the
earths crust. This is why they behave strangely before a disaster, as evident last Dec 26:
there were stories of animals moving to safer ground before the tsunami struck.
Omens involving cats
A cat is regarded as giving off negative energy; omens involving felines are mostly
It is auspicious:
If a black or grey cat visits a house;
If a cat litters in a house, as this will bestow peace, prosperity and good health on the
For a cat to follow a property owner when he or she leaves, as this indicates some
financial gain;
To come across a cat with food in its mouth; the property owner will find success in his
or her tasks.
It is inauspicious:
If a cat crosses your path if youre on the way to an important event as this indicates
obstacles and mishaps;
For a cat to sniff or lick feet;
If a cat cries on your property; expect news of bereavement;
If a cat crosses the road from any side in front of you;
If a cat dies in a house as it indicates the arrival of bad news;

For a person on a ladder if a cat walks under it;

If a cat sneezes on the day of an important event or celebration;
If a male and female cat fight as it indicates the property owner will face arguments and
legal problems.
Omens involving lizards
Lizards are regarded as a nuisance in many homes now, but in the old days, lizards falling
onto the occupants of a property were more likely to be regarded as signs of good news
rather than bad.
If a lizard falls off a wall, ceiling, beam, etc, and lands on the property owners body on
a Monday or Tuesday, there will be good news within nine months; if it happens on
Wednesday or Thursday, it will take a month; on Friday, two weeks; and on Saturday or
Sunday, a year;
A lizard falling onto the head, right arm, thighs or waist means gaining wealth
A lizard falling onto the forehead indicates the likelihood of meeting an important
A lizard falling anywhere onto the left side of a woman and the right side of a man is
A lizard falling onto the left ear, wrist and neck are all favourable signs because they
signify financial gain and mental stability;
A lizard falling onto either shoulder signifies that the individual will overcome
A lizard falling onto the chest indicates that the property owner will gain wealth and
more property;
A lizard falling onto food while it is being eaten indicates prosperity;
A lizard making a sound when the occupant of the house is about to switch on the lights
indicates new developments and wealth;
It is inauspicious if a lizard cries or sneezes inside a house;
A lizard falling onto an individuals back indicates ill luck.
Vasthu talks

The columnist will give a talk on how to apply Vasthu Sastra's principles and live in
harmony with the environment in order to gain health, wealth, happiness and peace of
mind on June 11 at 7.30pm at Hotel Swiss Inn in Sungai Petani, Kedah.
Admission is by contribution of RM10 to the Malaysian Hindu Sangam Sungai Petani
branch. To register, contact Parames at 013-435 9015.
A similar talk will be held on July 3 at 3pm at the Excelsior Hotel in Ipoh. For details,
contact Guna at 012-508 4678.
T. Selva, The Stars Maritime Editor, has spent years researching this ancient Indian
science of construction, better known as Indian feng shui. He is a student of 7th
generation Vasthu Sastra Master Yuvaraj Sowma from Chennai, India. He can be
contacted at

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