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Art Man and Society

(Modern Art)
Claudio, Lester T.

August 30, 2016

TTH 10:00-11:30


It divided into 2 parts which they are unbalanced in formal

arrangement of shapes , size ,color and patterns. On the left side which it
composes some mixtures of color, primary, secondary and tertiary while on
the other side it only consist of blue, white, black and other mixtures. We can
also relate even me in this picture because of not having equality in each
other like which those who are have good looking appearances are have
more privileges in despite of that we should treat every one of us equal
thats why I pick this kind of art Irregular.

Art Man and Society

Claudio, Lester T.
TTH 10:00 11:30

August 30,


In this portrait, I can visualize a lot of faces inside of a tree and a
strange black like a water droplets. For my opinion, that the water droplets is
like the ideas of the person inside of the tree that the outside world are
sipping it to gain benefits and knowledge.
S2. Analysis.

The artist of this portrait only used a small portion of things like in
colors because he/she only used dark colors then he only used some basic
shapes like circles, rectangles and etc. Based on the portrait, the artist
organizes it by expressing full of sorrow and depression maybe because he is
having hard time on his life thats why he extracted his portrait in this way.
S3. Interpretations
The artist trying to tell in this portrait that some of the persons are
suffocated because maybe they are controlled or having hindrances to
pursue their goals in life. Nowadays, we can observe that there are a lot
beggars in our country we can relate in this picture because some of the
beggars are manipulated by the rich person to earn benefits for themselves
only like to earn money. As we know that this picture is like full of alone,
unloved, unwanted, outcast or any thoughts thats makes our life isolated.
S4. Judgment
Realism. We can feel the thoughts of this artwork in real world
especially the teenagers if they are heartbroken.
Formalism. The art elements are well organized.
Emotionalism. Accurately, the artwork will surely touches the feelings
of the viewers.

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